Rainfall Prediction Using Random Forest Regressor
Rainfall Prediction Using Random Forest Regressor
Rainfall Prediction Using Random Forest Regressor
• Rainfall prediction is the one of the important technique to predict the climatic conditions in any
country. This paper proposes a rainfall prediction model using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) for
Indian dataset. The input data is having multiple meteorological parameters and to predict the rainfall in
more precise. The Mean Square Error (MSE), accuracy, correlation are the parameters used to validate
the proposed model. From the results, the proposed machine learning model provides better results
than the other algorithms in the literature
There are many works in the literature for the prediction of rain
fall. This section discusses some of the work related to our
proposed meth odology. Kumar Abhishek et al. have proposed a
rainfall prediction technique using neural network. Figure 1. Categorization of Algorithms in Machine Learning
Improved results in Rain fall prediction plays the major role in agriculture production. The growth of the
agricultural products is based on the rainfall amount. So it is necessary to predict the rainfall of a season to
assist farmers in agriculture. The proposed method predicts the rainfall for the Indian dataset using multiple
linear regression and provides terms of accuracy, MSE and correlation
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