Ul Ortho
Ul Ortho
Ul Ortho
Dynamic orthoses:
They permit movement, they are
splints that provide a dynamic force,
They are generally using energy storing
materials like rubber bands, spring
steel, wound coiled wire, or plastic with
Thumb spica
Thumb spica
Opponens orthosis
Hand and wrist orthoses
• Because the complexity of the hand in terms of anatomy,
function and associated complications with each injury, hand
splinting or orthotic fabrication is clearly a specialty that
requires careful examination of each client and in many cases,
frequent modifications to the orthosis is required to meet his
or her individual needs.
Hand orthosis
(Basic or short opponens)
• Indications:
• Median and ulner nerve lesions
• C5-6 spinal cord lesions
• Wrist or thumb instability
• Degenerative or inflamed wrist thumb joint.
• Scaphoid or Bennett‘s fracture dislocation.
Wrist driven prehension orthosis
(tenodesis orthosis)
• Several designs with a verity of materials from low-
temperature thermoplastics to light weight metals are used to
fabricate these orthoses.
• Designed for clients with spinal cord injury at C6-7 level and
who have 3-/5 to3+/5 extensor carpi radialis muscle strength,
to facilitate the passive flexion of the thumb, index and
middle fingers, to create passive three- jaw chuck hand
position, or protect the hand for functional tenodesis.
Utensil holders
• A custom or prefabricated splint, fabricated from leather and
flexible metal. A small sleeve or pouch is located within the palmar
aspect, permitting the placement of eating utensils, grooming aids
and writing implaments.
• Active shoulder motions and elbow flexion are required to maintain
the objects placed in the splint.
• Indications:
• C5-6 spinal cord lesions.
• Hemiplegia.
Externally powered prehension unit (EPPU)
• Arm Sling:
• Figure of eight sling.
• Cuff sling.
• Orthopedic sling.
• Flail arm sling.
• They are used to immobilize and promote healing of tissue
after burn & trauma.
• Hemi arm sling is use to prevent sublaxation of the shoulder
while the arm is flaccid.
Shoulder-elbow- wrist orthoses
• The are called airplane splints.
• They are used to protect soft tissue of the shoulder and
prevent contractures.
• Prefabricated kits are available,
• The shoulder is abducted 70 to 90 degrees, and can be
adjusted as healing progress.
Care of orthosis
• To clean orthosis, wipe with a damp cloth and
completely dry with a towel, or allow to dry at
room temperature.
• Clean cotton stockings should be worn. Keep the
stocking wrinkle-free.
• Don the orthosis first and then the shoe. A shoe
horn may be helpful, or
• Slip the orthosis in the shoe first and then slide
the foot into the orthosis using it like a shoe horn.
• The orthotist will schedule a follow-up visit to make
sure the device is working and to make sure patient
is wearing it correct
• Pt may experience some discomfort in other parts
of the body, such as in knees, hip, back, and neck.
These are normal reactions to the corrected
alignment that the orthosis is providing.
• If a squeaking sound is detected from the orthosis
rubbing in shoe, a light dusting of talcum powder
should remedy this noise.