Age of Chaucer
Age of Chaucer
Age of Chaucer
I. Major Historical Events
A. 1348 the bubonic plague spreads in England
1. between one third and one half of the island population
died within 18 months
2. fostered a positive English nationalism, abetted by
mounting hatred of France during the Hundred Years’ War
2. medieval travel limited the number of palmers (wore a sprig of palm to show they
had journeyed to Palestine)
3. holy places were sought within western Europe and in England, most famous shrine
was that of Canterbury, contained the relics of St. Thomas a Becket
a. Becket was 12th century French cleric who rose to a high secular position
under Henry II, becoming chancellor of England, then Archbishop of
b. became a vigorous supporter of the church against the monarch
c. 10-year struggle reached apex with a Christmas Day sermon in 1170, in
which Becket condemned and excommunicated many of king’s supporters
d. Henry II bitterly reproached his followers saying “Not one will deliver me
from this lowborn priest!”
e. four knights took statement as a royal command, embarked for
England, invaded the cathedral, and slaughtered the archbishop in the midst of a
f. the blood of the martyr was reported to produce miraculous cures
4. by Chaucer’s time pilgrimages had become scandalous
to some, medieval man likes the variety and
excitement of travel, but expense and difficulties of
travel prevented tourism, except when a pilgrimage
was the reason