DRA Unit 1
DRA Unit 1
DRA Unit 1
Dr. Shaheen Sultana
Galgotias College of Pharmacy
Drug discovery is defined as the process of designing and
developing new chemical moieties for the treatment of diseases.
The discovery of new molecules started back from the olden times
that include extraction of medicinal components from natural
• Drug discovery and development is complex, time-
consuming, costly process which carries commercial risk.
• Drug discovery and development is broadly divide into three
main components-
drug discovery,
Pre-clinical evaluation and
clinical trials
Once phase III studies are completed, the sponsor files New
Drug application (NDA) with respective regulatory authorities
to market this drug. The NDA consist of complete monograph
of the product, proposed brand name, package insert, detailed
drug development data etc. This application is then thoroughly
reviewed by the regulatory department. Once NDA is
acceptable then drug enter in the market with new Drug status
ie available for controlled marketing.
4. Phase IV: Phase IV trials are carried out once the drug is
marketed. It is called post marketing post surveillance. It don’t
have any specific time. It is mainly focused on identification of
rare side effects, previously unknown side effects and even
therapeutic applications. During new drug status, it is expected
that manufacturers should gather and report such new information
to respective regulatory authorities until it is released to
unrestricted marketing.
Innovator and Generics
Any substance or pharmaceutical product for human use that is
intended to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological
states for the benefit of the recipient
Innovator product
The innovator product is generally that which was first authorized
for marketing (normally as a patented product)
When a substance has been available for many years, it may not be
possible to identify an innovator pharmaceutical product.
Generic drug
• A generic drug product is essentially identical to the brand
name(reference) drug product in terms of active ingredient,
dosage form ,route of administration, quality, safety, efficacy,
performance characteristics and therapeutic indication.
• EX- PHENYTOIN is the generic drug and DILANTIN is the
brand name for the same drug.
• Brand drugs are the drugs which are protected by the patent.
In 2002 about 47%of prescription drug product are generic
versions while 53% innovator product.
• Generic products growth is 19% in 1984 and 50% in 2004.
Every year about 4 billions dollars business potential exists
for next 4 years due to patent expiry
Concept of Generics and Generic Drug Product Development
• A pharmaceutical product usually intended to be
interchangeable with the originator brand product,
manufactured without a license from the originator
manufacturer and marketed after the expiry of patent or other
exclusivity rights.
• Generic medicines are marketed either under a non-proprietary
name, for example diazepam or occasionally another approved
name, rather than under a proprietary or brand name.
• However, they are also quite frequently marketed under brand
names, often called ‘branded generics. Many different branded
generic products of the same medicine can be on the market in
a country along with the originator brand product.
• Generic drug product manufacturers must formulate a drug
product that will have the same therapeutic efficacy and clinical
performance as their brand-name counterpart.
• The FDA’s office of Generic Drugs is responsible for reviewing
• the ANDA and approving the drug products marketing.
• FDA is responsible for the quality, safety, and efficacy of
generic drug products prior to the approval for marketing.
• Generic drug application reviewers focus on bioequivalence
data, chemistry and manufacture quality, microbiology data
where relevant, requests for plant inspection, and drug labeling
• The ANDA for generic drug product approval is based on
bioequivalence to the brand name product, appropriate
chemistry and manufacturing information, and appropriate
• Generic drug sponsors do not have to perform the nonclinical
animal toxicity studies or expensive clinical efficacy and safety
studies that are included in the new drug application.
• NDA which is submitted to the FDA for market approval of the
brand name drug product.
• The ANDA contains data which is then submitted to FDA’s
Center for drug evaluation and research for the generic drugs.
• FDA approved generic drugs must meet the same rigid
standards as the innovator drug.
• To obtain FDA approval, a generic drug product must contain
same active ingredient as an approved drug product the
inactive ingredients may vary.
Originator pharmaceutical product/originator brand
• Generally the product that was first authorized worldwide for
marketing, normally as a patented product, on the basis of the
documentation of its efficacy, safety and quality, according to
requirements at the time of authorization, e.g. Valium.
• Some substances (e.g. prednisolone and isoniazid) are so old
that no originator can be identified and the patent was probably
never claimed.
• The main driving force for the selection of generic drug
products for manufacture is the estimated sales volume for the
branded product.
• And the potential market share that the firm expects to have
once the generic drug product is manufactured and approved for
• In addition to the expiration date of the patent for the active
ingredient, the generic firm must consider any other patent
claims and exclusivities that the innovator firm has filed.
The generic drug manufacturer needs to consider:
• The lead time that is needed to make the product and
submission of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
to the U.S.FDA for approval.
• Moreover, there is a financial incentive to being the first
generic drug product filed and approved by FDA.
• 180-days exclusivity, is given under certain conditions, for the
generic manufacturer who is to file first.
Para IV filing and 180 Days exclusivity procedure:
• When patent is not expired and ANDA applicant wants to make
its generic version, prior t expiration of the patent, ANDA
applicant files the application with P-IV certification.
• While making P-IV certification, ANDA applicant claims one
of the following:
4. Formulation Development
Once pre-formulation work and a development strategy are
completed, a series of small-scale trials are prepared. These trials
involve processing the drug substance with excipients using the
selected process to produce a dosage form with the desired
strength and appearance dictated in the product selection
document. The dosage form is then physically and chemically
evaluated to determine its acceptability relative to the reference
Physical Testing: Appearance, average weight and weight
variation, disintegration time
Chemical Testing: Dissolution profiles vs. reference product,
assay, content uniformity, chemical identification, impurities and
related substance, ICH Stability
Development trials continue until a formulation with a matching
dissolution profile, relative to the reference product, is obtained in
one or more dissolution media.
5. Formulation scale up: This formulation should then be scaled-
up to a slightly larger size and the resulting dosage form packaged,
and placed on accelerated stability stations for monitoring. In the
meantime, additional trials should be prepared to optimize various
formulation and process parameters.
6.Bioequivalence studies: If the product retains acceptable physical
and chemical characteristics, it is further scaled-up under GMP
conditions to serve as the “test batch” for “in-vivo bioequivalency
testing” vs. the reference product. If the product proves to be “non-
bioequivalent” to the reference product, reformulation is required,
assuming that the continued development of this product remains
economically viable due to this delay.
If the product proves to be “bioequivalent” to the reference product,
a submission package is assembled and submitted to the respective
Government Regulatory Agency for review and eventual approval.
A truly successful generic product is a product that can be made
repeatedly, by any trained operator, on any qualified piece of
equipment, at any time of the year, without any problems.