Drug Dilated
Drug Dilated
Drug Dilated
Va = ( x – b ) Tv.
(a – x ) + ( x – b )
• Where
x = conc. of DW wanted Vb = volume of b
a = highest conc. of DW Va = volume of a
b = lowest conc. of a of DW
Tv = total volume needed = ( Vb + Va )
05/05/2024 Bacha Merga (BSCN) 9
Fluid preparation …
How to prepare Total volume (Tv) of 10%DW
from 40%DW & 5% DW.
• Given
x = 10% Vb = Volume of 5%
a= 40 Va = volume of 40%
b = 5%
Tv = total volume needed = ( Vb + Va )
Vb = (30)Tv/35 Va = (5)Tv/35
Total daily fluid volume required by baby girl weighing 3000gm (3kg) is -
3 x 100 = 300 ml/day and type of fluid to be given is 10% DW:
Tv = 300ml, Vb = 30 x 300/35 Va = 5 x 300
= 257.1ml = 42.85ml
Thus total volume = V of b (257.1) + V of a (42.85) ml
= 299. 95ml ( ~ 300 ml) 10% DW
N.B This fluid is calculated by using dextrose 5% And Dextrose (glucose)
40%,so Dextrose (glucose) 40%,
05/05/2024 Bachahas
(BSCN)concentration of sugar when 11
Fluid preparation …
Simple ways
To calculate 10%DW from Dextrose 5% & Dextrose (glucose) 40%
10%DW= 0.85 X 10%DW from Dextrose 5% + 0.15 X10%DW
from Dextrose (glucose) 40%
Example if 10%DW=300ml is given
10%DW= 0.85 X 300ml from Dextrose 5% + 0.15x300ml from
Dextrose (glucose) 40%
10%DW= 255ml from Dextrose 5% + 45ml from Dextrose
(glucose) 40%
10%DW= 255ml + 45ml=300ml
a/ pediatrics vs adults
• 1st 10kg………………………………….100ml/kg
• Next 10kg……………………………….50ml/kg
• The rest next kg……………………...20ml/25/kg
Example if pt`s wt=22kg the maintainance fluid required for
this pt`s;-
1st 10kg….100ml/kg 100mlx10=1000ml
Next 10kg…50ml/kg 50ml X10=500ml
The rest next kg…..20ml 20X2=40ml
The amount maintenance fluid required for this pt`s is
05/05/2024 Bacha Merga (BSCN) 14
Maintenance fluid calculation…
• maintenance fluid For pediatrics
MF peda = 1/3 MF from NS/RL + 2/3 MF from 10%DW MF
Example if child wt =6kg,
MF=600ml by using fluid calculation formula
MF peda = 1/3 600 from NS/RL + 2/3 600 from 10%DW MF
= 200ml from NS/RL + 400 from 10%DW MF
=200ml +400ml=600ml/24hrs
10%DW= 0.85 X 10%DW from Dextrose 5% + 0.15 X10%DW from Dextrose
(glucose) 40%
=0.85x400 from Dextrose 5% +0.15x400ml from glucose 40%
=340ml from Dextrose 5% + 60 from glucose 40%
=400ml 10%DW
05/05/2024 Bacha Merga (BSCN) 15
Maintenance fluid calculation…
Maintenance fluid Burn
• MF = 4ml/kg/%TBSA burn in first 24 hours
• N.B for burn half of maintenance fluid run
over 8hrs ,the rest half run over 16hours