Lesson 2 Const. Contracts Overview - Roles of Parties

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Overview of Construction

Why do we need a contract for

1 2 3

To define the work

and the owner’s To define the
To define the nature
delegation of transfer of financial
and extent of risk
responsibilities to incentives to
to various parties
the various parties complete the work
to complete
the work
Construction Contract

Why is construction contract

different from most other
types of contracts?
Construction Contracts
Complexity of
the project

Duration of the A C Size of the

project project


Change orders E D Changes in price

Phases of a Construction Project


Initiation Pre-planning Planning & Design Tendering & Award Mobilization Construction Handover Occupancy

Parties Involved in Construction Projects

• Generally, construction projects are fragmented i.e.

many different parties are involved
 As a result, projects are difficult to coordinate; many
disputes and delays


Designer Contractor
Parties Involved in Construction Projects

• It is very important to have a smooth interaction

and coordination between parties working on site
so that the objectives of the project can be

• In order to achieve this, the roles and duties of all

parties and the relationships between them must
be clearly defined

• Within each party, there must also be some form

of structure clearly defining hierarchies,
authorities, control and communication systems in
the site organization i.e. a site organization
Parties Involved in Construction Projects

 Within each party, there must also be some form of structure

clearly defining hierarchies, authorities, control and
communication systems in the site organization i.e. a site
organization structure

authoritie financier

 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

Owner or Client
 The owner and end-user of the
 Roles:
 Define project objectives
 Provide project brief / data to
 Provide funding for project
 Provide site for project
 Apply and obtain approval from
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d
Owner/client/stakeholder cont’d
 There are 2 categories of client:
Public Sector - projects for the public,
implemented by the government e.g. schools,
hospitals, roads

Private Sector – projects carried out by the

private sector for commercial or private purposes
e.g. Shopping Malls
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

 These consist of:
 Banks
 Financial Institutions
 Credit Agencies
 Others
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

 Formulate policies to ensure development of
construction industry with respect to cost, safety,
R&D and quality
 Impose regulations to be observed by the project
to safeguard public and national interest.
 In KSA, how many categories?
 Which is most difficult to deal with?
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

Professionals from various disciplines such as:

 Architects
 Responsible for overall planning and design of a building project with respect to
aesthetics and comfort (including space comfort)

 Engineers
 Responsible for engineering design and /or supervision of works on site
 Civil and Structural (C&S), Mechanical and Electrical (M & E)
 Quantity Surveyors
 Prepare Contract Documents including BQ
 Evaluate work progress and recommend for payments
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

 Land Surveyors
 Carry out survey on land and produce survey plan

 Landscape Architects
 Responsible for design of landscape outside building

 Project Management Consultant

 Manage project on behalf of client if they cannot do so
 Coordinate with all appointed consultants on client behalf
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

 Party which will build the project on
 Roles:
 Prepare program of works
 Prepare setting out of works on site
 Provide insurances and bonds for works
 Appoint sub-contractors and suppliers
 Construct project according to plan and
 Make claims for work progress
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d
Contractors cont’d
 3 categories:-
 Main contractor
o Appointed by client
o Only one main contractor for any one project
o Bonded with client by an agreement
 Sub- Contractors (Domestic)
o Appointed by main contractor
o Bonded with main contractor through an agreement
 Nominated Sub- Contractors (NSC)
o Appointed by client
o For specialist works
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d
Suppliers of construction item (materials, plant and
equipment) consists of:

 Nominated Supplier – appointed by client for certain items,

quality assured
 Manufacturer– items purchased straight from factory
 Agents /distributors– items supplied by middlemen
 Importers – for items imported from overseas
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

 One of the most important resource for
implementing the project. Manpower consists of:

 Technologist: Provides technology in

specific field e.g. testing, surveying

 Clerk of works: Gives assistance to

engineers with regard to technical works e.g.
site supervision, site testing, etc.

 Foreman: Leads, supervises and controls

skilled and semi-skilled workers and laborers
 Parties Involved & Roles Cont’d

Manpower Cont’d

 Skilled workers: Workers who already possess

specific skills and able to work independently

 Semi-skilled workers: Assist skilled workers in

carrying out works

 Laborers: Do not possess any skill and so

cannot work independently. They require
guidance from skilled workers or foreman

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