Lab 4

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Kingdom: Monera, Protista

Lab 4
1. Kingdom: Monera
1. Is a kingdom that comprises prokaryotes, which are single-celled
organism that have no true nucleus.
2. Monera is the most ancient group of organisms on earth, and it is the
organisms have naked DNA that forms a clump called the nucleoid.
3. They have no membrane-bound organelles. such as bacteria.
4. They are also microscopic and usually live in moist environments.
For example, we can find monerans within bodies of animals and
5. This kingdom make up , archaea and bacteria.

Prokaryote cell
6. Some monerans are autotrophic, making their own food through photosynthesis, like purple sulfur
bacteria. Others are heterotrophic, either existing as saprophytic decomposers that feed on dead organic
matter, or as parasitic bacteria that acquire food from a living host.
7. Organisms in the Monera kingdom can have different means of mobility, such as movement by using
the flagella, axial filaments to rotate, or by secreting slime to glide.
8. Most organisms in the Monera kingdom reproduce asexually through binary fission
9. Certain organisms in the Monera kingdom can surround themselves by a capsule as a means of
defense from adverse conditions.
Subkingdoms of Monera

1. Eubacteria: includes the typical bacteria such as E. coli.

2. Archeabacteria: includes extremophiles that can tolerate harsh
environments, such as high temperatures, high acidity.
3. Cyanobacteria: or blue-green algae, are photosynthetic
How Monerans Benefit Other Organisms

1. Bacteria are very important in the nitrogen cycle.

2. They are important in producing some foods like cheese and vinegar, and
used in the production of some antibiotics.
3. Methanogens also play a significant role , they used in the treatment of
2. Kingdom: Protist
Are eukaryotes organisms, they are neither fungi nor plants. They are also not
animals. They have a highly organized nucleus and cellular organelles. Most of
them are unicellular, few are primitive multicellular organisms , some protists
also possess a locomotory organ (flagella or cilia).
Characteristics of Protists

1. All protists are eukaryotic organisms with a membrane-enclosed nucleus.

2.The Protists have mitochondrion.
3. Protists can be parasitic
4. Usually aquatic; however, can be present in the soil or moist environment
5. Protists are primarily unicellular however, some member of Kingdom protists are

6. Protist organisms have nucleus along with membrane-bound organelles

7. Protists can be autotrophic or heterotrophic or symbiotic in nature.
8. The majority of the protists have locomotory organs, such as cilia and flagella.
Others have a pseudopodium for locomotion.
9. Exhibit asexual means of reproduction. In the rare case or under stress, may
reproduce via a sexual method.
Classification of Protists
The protists are classified into three main types :

1. Animal-like protists or Protozoa : heterotrophs and

2. Plant-like protists or Alage : autotrophs with the
capability to carry out photosynthesis.
3. Fungi-like protists or Molds: heterotrophs and
characteristically have cell walls in the cells and spores
formation is the reproduction method.
1. Protozoa are single-cell, motile, and heterotrophic organisms. Due to their
motility and heterotrophic nature, they are called animal-like or protozoa.
Protozoa are classified based on their motility, as given below.

Type of protozoa Name of organism Organ for motility

Amoeboid Amoeba Pseudopodium
Ciliate Paramecium Cilia
Flagellate Giardia Flagella
Sporozoan Plasmodium The adult form is immobile
2. Algae
These protists are both single cells (algae, diatoms) as well as multicellular (seaweed). These protists are
called plant-like due to synthesize their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Algae are categorized
into four groups depending on the color of the pigment present in them.

Classification Chloroplast type

Red algae Red or brown color chlorophyll

Green Algae Green color chlorophyll

Euglenids Green color chlorophyll

Dinoflagellates Red or brown color

3. Molds
These protists feed on organic decaying matter and share two main
similarities with fungi i.e. these protists feed on organic decaying matter
and reproduce by the formation of spores. These protists can have motility
in a certain part of their life cycle. These protists are further divided into
two classes:
1. Slime mold
2. Water Molds
Ecological Importance of Protists

1. The protist feeds upon the bacteria and microbes and thus controls
the population of bacteria and microbes.
3. The autotrophic protists carry out almost 40% of the world’s total
4. The molds are primary decomposers in soil, especially in forests,
and feed upon bacteria, fungi, etc.

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