BreastcancerPPT PHU (Autosaved) (Autosaved) New
BreastcancerPPT PHU (Autosaved) (Autosaved) New
BreastcancerPPT PHU (Autosaved) (Autosaved) New
Presentation outline
• Introduction
• Statistics
• Anatomy and physiology
• Risk factors
• Prevention
• Stages
• Signs and symptoms
• Treatment and management
• Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the
breast begin to grow out of control.
• These cells usually form a tumour that can often
be seen radiographically or felt as a lump.
• The tumour is malignant (cancer) if the cells can
grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread
(metastasize) to distant areas of the body.
• Breast cancer is most common in women, but
may seldom occur in men.
• A woman has a 13% chance of developing breast cancer
meanwhile a man has a 1% chance of developing the disease.
• In Ghana, over 4000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer
annually, almost half dying.
• Studies show that most women(70%) in Ghana are diagnosed
at more advanced stages of the disease.
• Globally, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-
related deaths.
Anatomy & Physiology
1- The breasts are made of fat,
glands, and connective (fibrous)
2- Each breast has 15 -20 lobes, with
each dividing into 20-40 lobules and
ending in the milk glands
3- Tiny ducts run from the many tiny
glands, connect together and end in
the nipple
78% of breast cancers occur in
these tiny ducts. This is known as
infiltrating ductal cancer.
4- Cancer developing in the lobules
is termed infiltrating lobular cancer.
About 10-15% of breast cancers are
of this type.