BreastcancerPPT PHU (Autosaved) (Autosaved) New

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Presentation outline
• Introduction
• Statistics
• Anatomy and physiology
• Risk factors
• Prevention
• Stages
• Signs and symptoms
• Treatment and management
• Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the
breast begin to grow out of control.
• These cells usually form a tumour that can often
be seen radiographically or felt as a lump.
• The tumour is malignant (cancer) if the cells can
grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread
(metastasize) to distant areas of the body.
• Breast cancer is most common in women, but
may seldom occur in men.
• A woman has a 13% chance of developing breast cancer
meanwhile a man has a 1% chance of developing the disease.
• In Ghana, over 4000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer
annually, almost half dying.
• Studies show that most women(70%) in Ghana are diagnosed
at more advanced stages of the disease.
• Globally, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-
related deaths.
Anatomy & Physiology
1- The breasts are made of fat,
glands, and connective (fibrous)
2- Each breast has 15 -20 lobes, with
each dividing into 20-40 lobules and
ending in the milk glands
3- Tiny ducts run from the many tiny
glands, connect together and end in
the nipple
78% of breast cancers occur in
these tiny ducts. This is known as
infiltrating ductal cancer.
4- Cancer developing in the lobules
is termed infiltrating lobular cancer.
About 10-15% of breast cancers are
of this type.

5- Another type of breast cancer is

inflammatory breast cancer (Often
Misdiagnosed and dangerous)
Risk Factors

• Early menarche (before 12years)

• Late menopause (after 55years)
• Family History- mother, sister or
daughter with Brca or ovarian ca
• Genetic factors (BrCa 1 & 2)
• Age
• Gender-female
Risk Factors
• Nulliparity • Exposure to radiation
• Giving birth at an older age after • Using hormone replacement therapy
35years • Using hormonal birth control methods
• Not breastfeeding after giving birth • Excessive alcohol intake
• Eating a lot of processed and fatty • Exposure to tobacco smoking (primary
foods and sec.)
• Obesity particularly after menopause
• Lack of exercise
Prevention - Primary
• Reduce alcohol intake
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Physical activity or exercises
• Breastfeed unless contraindicated
• Avoid long-term use of hormone replacement therapy
• Avoid smoking
• Have kids early if possible
Prevention - Secondary
Early detection through screening
• Regular breast self-exams
• Mammography( starting at age 40)
Stages of breast Cancer
The stages 0-IV
Stage 0 is noninvasive breast cancer, that is, carcinoma
in situ with no affected lymph nodes or metastasis. This
is the most favorable stage to find breast cancer.
Stage I is breast cancer that is less than three quarters
of an inch in diameter & has not spread from the
Stage II is breast cancer that is fairly small in size but
has spread to lymph nodes in the armpit OR cancer
that is somewhat larger but has not spread to the
lymph nodes
Stage III is breast cancer of a larger size (greater
than 2 inches in diameter), with greater lymph
node involvement, or of the inflammatory type.
Spreading to other areas around the breast. ◦
Stage IV is metastatic breast cancer: a tumor of
any size or type that has metastasized to
another part of the body (ex. bones, lungs, liver,
brain). This is the least favorable stage to find
breast cancer.
Signs and Symptoms
1- Early breast cancer has little or no
symptoms. It is not painful.
2-Breast discharge, especially if only from
one breast
3-Sunken nipple
4-Redness, changes in texture, and puckering.
Usually caused by skin disease but
sometimes can be associated with breast
5-Lumps on or around breast. Most lumps
are not cancerous
6-Other lumps around the under arm or
collarbone which don’t go away
Signs and Symptoms-Metastatic disease
• Chronic cough/ difficulty
breathing/ chest pain –Lungs
• Back, bone/ joint pain –
• Jaundice, loss of appetite, weight
loss, N/V – Gastrointestinal
• Severe headaches, seizures, speech
problems etc- Neurological
• Easy fatiguability - Hematological
Laboratory investigation of BR. CA
• Breast ultrasound
• Diagnostic mammogram
• Breast MRI
• Biopsy
❖Hormonal therapy
• Tamoxifen is the most commonly prescribed hormone
Take away point
• Breast cancer is common among women globally and the
second highest cause of cancer-related deaths.
• However innocent the breast lump may be, it can be
• Self-screening is a low-cost, yet effective tool for early
detection of breast cancer and should be encouraged.
• All are entreated to participate and contribute in raising
awareness on the disease.
Thank You

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