Ifas 2
Ifas 2
Ifas 2
Standard (IFAS)
IFAS 2-Ijarah
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Scope : The standard is applicable for
Ijarah Accounting but shall not apply to
• Lease agreements to explore for or use
• Licensing agreements
• Lessors of investment property leased out
under operating lease
• Lessors of biological assets leased out
under operating lease.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Definition : Ijarah is a contract
whereby the owner of an asset,
other than consumable, transfers its
usufruct to another person for an
agreed period for an agreed
IFAS 2- Ijarah
The term Ijarah for the purpose of this
standard also includes a contract of sub-
lease executed by the lessee with the
express permission of the lessor.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Commencement of Ijarah:
Ijarah shall be effective from the date the
asset is put into musta;jir’s possession
pursuant to an Ijarah contract.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Cancellation of Ijarah:
• Upon the occurence of remote
• With the mutual consent
• If the musta’jir (lessee) enters into a new
Ijarah for the same or an equivalent asset
with the same muj’ir (lessor)
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Term of Ijarah:
The term of Ijarah is the period for which the
mustajir has contracted to lease the asset
together with any further terms for which the
mustajir has the option to continue to lease
the asset, with or without payment, which
option at the inception of the Ijarah it is
reasonably certain the musta’jir will exercise.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
• Initial direct costs incurred specifically to
earn revenues from an ljarah are either
deferred and allocated to income over
the ljarah term in proportion to the
recognition of Ujrah, or are recognized as
an expense in the income statement in
the period in which they are incurred.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Ijarah Accounting in the books of Muj’ir
(Lessor) :
• Muj’ir should present asset subject to
Ijarah in their balance sheet according to
the nature of the asset.
• Ijarah Income from Ijarah should be
recognized in incomeon accrual basis as
and when the rental becomes due.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Ijarah Accounting in the books of Muj’ir
(Lessor) : (cont)
• Costs, including depreciation, incurred in
earning the Ijarah income are recognized
as an expense.
• Asset leased out should be depreciated
over the period of lease term using
depreciation method set out in IAS 16
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Ijarah Accounting in the books of Muj’ir (Lessor) :
The future Ijarah Payment in the aggregate and for
each of the following period.
• Not later than one year
• Later than one year and not later than five years
• Later than five year.
• a general description of the muj’ir significant ijarah
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Ijarah Accounting in the books of Lessee) :
Ujrah payments under an Ijarah should be
recognized as an expense in the income
statement on a straight-line basis over the
ljarah term unless another systematic basis is
representative of the time pattern of the
user’s benefit.
IFAS 2- Ijarah
Ijarah Accounting in the books of Mustaj’ir (Lessee) :