Management and Society
Management and Society
Management and Society
Every individual living in the society has obligations towards society. Business men therefore have an obligation to run the business on those lines which make the business desirable from the point of view of society. Therefore, their decisions must be influenced by their obligations towards society. Today, businessmen have reaffirmed their belief in the concept of "Social Responsibilities of Business". David and Blomstorm have observed that business is "a social institution, performing a social mission and having a broad influence on the way people live and work together"
Specifically, we see CSR as the voluntary actions that business can take, over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements, to address both its own competitive interests and the interests of wider society.
Why CSR?
Consumers & investors: growing expectation for organisations to behave responsibly Consumer awareness: Green and Ethical consumerism Legislation: H&S, EPA, Sustainability, Codes of Practice Globalisation: Adoption of Best Practice, Consumer & Legal Acceptance.
adds value
Business managers are obliged to use its resources for the common good of society because the business uses resources which belong to the society. It is therefore necessary that every business enterprise should fulfill its obligations to society.
The long-term self-interests of the business are best served when business assumes social responsibilities. People who have good environment, education and opportunity make better employees, and customers for the business. Hence there is a growing realization on the part of the enlightened business managers that it is in their self-interest to fulfill the aspirations of the society.
The business will retain the needed credibility with the public if it performs its social obligations. Good relations with workers, consumers and suppliers will lead to success of business.
The social responsibilities of business managers must be proportionate to their social power. If the business managers do not assume social responsibility, their social power will be taken away by the society through government control and regulations and other measures.
Pyramid of CSR
Different companies are found to adopt different measures with focus on different bottom lines
CSR in practice
Focus on building trust Provide leadership and show it (internal & external) Define what CSR means for your company and sector Make it happen (commitment, not perfection) Be transparent Engage in dialogue (third parties) Keep moving the boundaries!
CSR covers:
Human rights Environment Supply chain Community Accountability Governance -
JP Morgan Chase
Coca Cola
Home Depot
Credit Suisse
United Technologies
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Reporting CSR:
CSR projects may be administered and communicate achievements via: A dedicated CSR section or department The HR department Business development section Public Relations department Directly via CEO and / or Board of Directors
Definition of Ethics
Ethics Rules & principles that defines right & wrong conduct.
Utilitarian view- Ethical decisions based on outcomes or consequences. Rights view- Individuals moral judgment. Theory of justice view- Managers impose & enforce rules fairly & impartially.
Moderators Ethical behavior
Structural variables
Code of Ethics
Formal statement of an organizations primary values & ethical rules to be followed by employees. Usually written. Must state in detail acceptable behaviors & actions.