OBG 1st

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‘’Physiology and Management of the Third Stage of Labour”

Government Rani Durgawati College of Nursing Jabalpur

Sanchita Shukla
M.Sc. Nursing (1st year)

1. The third stage of labour refers to the period from the birth of the baby until the complete
delivery of the placenta and membranes.

2. It begins after expulsion of the foetus and ends with expulsion of placenta and membrane
duration of primigravida and multigravida is 15 minutes.
Physiological process of placenta separation and expulsion

1. Placenta separation
2. Decent of the placenta
3. Expulsion of the placenta

The third stage is concerned with separation decent and expulsion of placenta with
its membrane
Placenta Separation

(a) Central separation (Schultze)

(b) Marginal separation (Mathew-Duncan)


(a) Per abdomen: Uterus becomes discoid in shape firm in feel & non-allottable,
fundal height & reaches slightly below the umbilicus.

(b) Per Vaginam : There may be slight trickling of blood. Length of umbilical cord
as visible from outside remains static.
After separation

(a)Per abdomen
Uterus becomes Globular, firm and ballotable. The fundal eight is slightly raised
as the separated placenta comes down in the lower segment and the contracted
uterus rests on top of it.

(b) Per Vaginam:

There may be slight gush of vaginal bleeding Permanent lengthening of the
cord is established.
Decent of the placenta

 Sudden trickle or gush of blood.

 Lengthening of the umbilical cord.
 Change in the shape of the uterus. Globulers.
 Change in the position of uterus
Expulsion of the placenta

After complete separation of placenta, it is forced down into the flabby lower
uterine segment or upper part of vagina by effective contraction and retraction of
the uterus.
Management of 3rd Stage of labour

1. To ensure strict vigilance.

2. To follow the management guidelines strictly in practice so as to prevent the
complications especially PPH (Post Partum haemorrhage).

1. Watchful Expectancy
2. Active Management of 3rd stage of labour

a) Always keep a constant watch on the mother

b) If the mother is delivered in lateral position
c) Dorsal position
d) The mother is catheterized once
e) Noting the signs of placental separation
f) Separation of the placenta
g) Expulsion of the placenta
(h) Assisted expulsion

(a) Fundal Pressure b) Controlled cord Traction (CCT)

(i) Massage of Uterus

The uterus is massaged to make i contract which facilitates expulsion of retained

clots if any.
Injection of Ergometrine 0.5 mg or Methergin 0.2 mg is given IM(Intra-
(j) Examination of the Placenta membranes and cord

k) Inspection: Vulva, Vagina and perineum are inspected carefully for injuries and to be
repaired if any. The episiotomy, wound is now sutured. The vulva and adjoining part
are cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in antiseptic solution a sterile pad is placed over the
(l) Condition of the mother: The mother's condition is observed carefully for one hour to
note the: -
(ii) Blood pressure
(iii) Behaviour of uterus.
(iv) Any abnormal vaginal bleeding
After one hour if the mother is stable then she is sent to the ward.
Active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL)
1. Palpate the mother’s abdomon to rule out the presence of an additional baby.
2. Administer inj. oxytocin, 10 IU, IM* OR tab. Misoprostol 600 micrograms orally.
3. Clamp the cord with artery clamps at 2 places when cord pulsation stops. Put one clamp on
the cord at least 3cm away from the baby's umbilicus and the other clamp, 5 Gm from the
baby's umbilicus.
4. Cut the cord between the artery clamps with sterile scissors by placing a sterile gauze over
the cord and Scissor to prevent splashing of blood.
5. Apply the disposable sterile plastic cord clamp tightly to the cord 2 cm away from the
umbilicus just before the artery clamp (instrument) and remove the artery clamp.
6. Place the baby between the mother's breasts for warmth and skin-to-skin contact.
7. Perform routine steps of ENBC.
8. Re-clamp the cord close to the perineum. Perform controlled cord traction during a
contraction by placing one hand on the lower abdomen to support the uterus and gently pulling
the clamped cord with the other hand close to the perineum until the placenta and membranes
have been delivered appropriately.
9. Perform uterine massage with a cupped palm until uterus is contracted.

10. Examine the placenta, membranes and umbilical cord:

a. Maternal surface of placenta
b. Fetal surface
C. Membranes
d. Umbilical cord
11. Examine vagina, labia and perineum for tears. If found, refer the woman for appropriate care.

12. Discard the placenta in the yellow bin for contaminated waste and place instruments in 0.5%
chlorine solution for 10 mins for decontamination.

13.Dispose of the syringe, needle and oxytocin ampoule in a puncture-proof container. The needle
should be cut by a hub cutter before disposal.

14. Immerse both gloved hands in 0.5% chlorine solution and remove the gloves inside out; leave
them for decontamination for 10 mins.

15. Wash both hands thoroughly with soap, and water and dry them with a clean, dry cloth or air-dry
them Perform post procedural task as follows:

16. Advise mother on immediate post-partum care for her and baby Record delivery notes in case file.

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