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English Lesson


Distinguish technical terms

used in research

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

Match the descriptions in Column A with the corresponding section
names listed in Column B.
1. Presents background information, scope, and focus of the
research paper
2. Provides a review of what others have written or researched A. Methodology
on concerning the topic B. Literature Review
3. Explains how the research was conducted
C. Introduction
4. Presents the information gathered through the research
5. Provides the summary of the research
D. Reference
6. Lists all the sources used in the research E. Discussion
7.Evaluates the result of the study or research F. Conclusion
8. Contains other related information such as graphs, charts,
G. Results
tables, lists
9. Summarizes all sections and helps readers decide whether or
H. Research
not to read the entire report I. Abstract
10. A systematic investigation to contribute to an existing body J. Appendix
of knowledge

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

Write a word that you can
associate with the term below.


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Welcome to RESEACH!

• Research is a careful and detailed study into

a specific problem, concern, or issue using
the scientific method.

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Try and Learn

Research can be about anything, and we hear about all different types of
research in the news.
Cancer research has 'Breakthrough Cancer-Killing Treatment Has No Side
Effects in Mice,' and 'Baby Born with HIV Cured.' Each of these began
with an issue or a problem (such as cancer or HIV), and they had a
question, like, 'Does medication X reduce cancerous tissue or HIV

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

Try and Learn
To begin researching something, you have to have a problem, concern,
or issue that has turned into a question. These can come from observing
the world, prior research, professional literature, or from peers.
Research really begins with the right question, because your question
must be answerable. Questions like, 'How can I cure cancer?' aren't really
answerable with a study. It's too vague and not testable.

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

Try and Learn
According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene, making a good title for
a paper involves ensuring that the title of the research accomplishes four
goals as mentioned below:

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Goals in making Reseach

1. It should predict the content of the research paper.

2. It should be interesting to the reader.
3. It should reflect the tone of the writing.
4. It should contain important keywords that will make it easier
to be located during a keyword search

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

*Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the
• Avoid using abbreviations.
• Use words that create a positive impression and
stimulate reader interest.
• Use current nomenclature from the field of study. •
Identify key variables, both dependent and
• May reveal how the paper will be organized.

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• Suggest a relationship between variables which supports the major
• Is limited to 10 to 15 substantive words. • Do not include "study
of," "analysis of" or similar constructions.
• Titles are usually in the form of a phrase, but can also be in the form
of a question.

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• Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words and last
words capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle.

• All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that appear

between the first and last words of the title are also capitalized

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Basic Parts of a Research Paper
3. Review of Related
1. Title Page 2. Introduction
Oftentimes referred to as Introduce the “problem”
Providing all the relevant
the „cover page,‟ providing a brief
readings from previous
This section is where you background of your works.
indicate the title of your research. basic reasons how Provide brief summaries
research, your name, and why you came-up with or descriptions of the
institutional information the problem, and the works of other authors.
and a few other relevant probable solutions. In includes the names of the
information prescribed by general, the introduction authors, the titles of their
your instructor. summarizes the purpose of works and the year of the
the research paper. publication of works
works. English Class | Laredo York Primary School
4. Conceptual Framework
We can read a map, because others
before us have come up with common
A framework can help us to symbols to mark stree
explain why we are doing a ts, lakes, highways, cities, mountains,
rivers, etc...
project in a particular way. It
A map also shows us that there may be
can also help us to understand
many different paths that can be taken to
and use the ideas of others get to the same place.
who have done similar things. With a conceptual framework, we can
We can use a framework like a explain why we would try this or that
travel map. path, based on the experiences of others,
and on what we ourselves would like to
explore or discover.
English Class | Laredo York Primary School
5. Methodology

This section is where you will be providing the

methods that you will be using in your research.
Typical methodologies include laboratory
experiments, statistical or mathematical
calculations/computations, and comparison of
existing literature.

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6. Analysis of Data
This section is where you will be
analyzing the data that you Common data analysis methods
have obtained from the include but are not limited to
methodological operation that SWOT Analysis (Strengths,
you have chosen. Weakness, Opportunities and
Depending on the type of your Threats) which is a form of a
research paper, data analysis
qualitative data analysis.
instruments and operations
may vary.

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7. Results / Findings / Presentation of Data

This section is where you will be

presenting the actual results of the
analysis that you have made based on
your chosen methodology.

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8. Discussion / Implication of Data Analysis
This is where you will be
discussing more of the results This is also the section where you
of your research, its need to present the importance
implications on other fields as of your study and how it will be
well as the possible able to contribute to the field.
improvements that can be
made in order to further
develop the concerns of your

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9. Conclusion

Provide the conclusion to your research

paper. While it is important to restate your
general thesis in this section, it is also
important to include a brief restatement of
the other parts of the research paper such
as the methodology, data analysis and

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10. Reference Page / Bibliography

This section is where you Typical reference

list down all the academic formats/styles include but are
materials you have used as not limited to APA 5th,
sources of information in Harvard, MLA and
your research paper. Chicago/Turabian.

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Look at the Illustrations

Individual exercises extend a student’s grasp of the lesson. It allows them to synthesize on their own and think of
ways they can apply their new learnings in real life. Aside from seatworks, student-led activities that can be done by
pairs or by group widen their grasp and interpretation of the lesson. Be creative with the activity with clear
directions and a set number of minutes to finish.

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Try and Learn

Activity Time
Add instructions or guidelines here.
You can also put in the amount of time allotted for this.

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Class Objectives and Rules

Expectations and outcomes

Objectives inform students the learning outcomes Rules provide the structure necessary for an
of the class. What will they know? What will they engaging and productive class. Keep it simple and
be able to do? Why is this important to know? It's easy to follow. It can be general to cover different
an effective way to assess their learning progress. situations or very specific to your students.

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

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