Week 8 Topic 2 Tropical Cyclones
Week 8 Topic 2 Tropical Cyclones
Week 8 Topic 2 Tropical Cyclones
Minor wind damage (to roofs, shingles, siding, gutters, large tree branches, etc.). Damage to power
lines and poles may result in power outages that could last several days.
Extensive wind damage (major roof and siding damage, shallow-rooted trees snapped or uprooted).
Power outages may last several days to weeks.
Devastating wind damage (major damage to, or complete loss of roofs, many trees snapped or
uprooted). Electricity and water likely unavailable for several days to weeks.
Catastrophic wind damage (complete loss of roofs and major damage to exterior walls of some homes,
most trees snapped or uprooted and power poles downed). Power outages may last weeks or months,
making hardest-hit areas uninhabitable.
Catastrophic wind damage (a high percentage of framed homes destroyed, residential areas isolated by
fallen trees and power poles). Power outages will last for weeks or months, making hardest-hit areas
Although major hurricanes make up only 21 percent of the hurricanes that hit the United
States, these fierce storms account for over 83 percent of all the damage from landfalling
hurricanes. Other ocean basins also have different descriptors for extremely intense tropical
cyclones. In the Northwest Pacific Basin, for example, the particularly descriptive classification
of "super typhoon" is used once a typhoon's maximum sustained wind speed reaches at least
130 knots (more than twice the minimum wind-speed criteria for a typhoon). Super typhoons
are the equivalent of a at least a high-end Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
High-resolution enhanced
infrared satellite image of
Super Typhoon Haiyan before
its landfall in the Philippines.
At landfall, Haiyan had
maximum sustained winds of
195 mph.
You also may have heard of another storm classification, called a subtropical cyclone, which is a "hybrid
storm" of sorts. A subtropical cyclone has characteristics of both tropical cyclones and mid-latitude cyclones,
meaning that it may have a warm core through a small part of the troposphere only while being embedded in a
region of large temperature gradients. So, you may hear meteorologists use the terms "subtropical depression" or
"subtropical storm" to describe these hybrids. Such classifications help meteorologists diagnose a storm's structure
and keep historical records, but most people might not notice a difference in impacts between, say, a subtropical
depression and a tropical depression (their weather impacts would be similar). In case you're wondering, subtropical
cyclones can transition into tropical cyclones if they can fully develop a warm core and organized thunderstorms
around their center, and exit regions of large temperature gradients.
Now that we've covered some basic terms and classifications, we're going to talk
about the climatology of tropical cyclones. In particular, we'll focus on where,
when, and why they tend to form around the world. Read on.
Cyclones form in low-pressure zones over warm intertropical seas. Tropical cyclone,
also called typhoon or hurricane, an intense circular storm that originates over warm
tropical oceans and is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, high winds, and
heavy rain.
Tropical Cyclone Tracks
Tropical Cyclone Tracks. May 27, 2010. “Tropical cyclone” is the
term for low-pressure storm systems that form in tropical latitudes on
either side of the Equator.
The energy which drives a tropical cyclone is transferred as warm water is evaporated from the
tropical ocean. As the air descends, almost all, around 90%, of the stored energy is released by
condensation. This release of heat energy warms the air and the pressure decreases further
resulting in air rising faster to fill the area of low pressure. As the air rises; warmer, moist air from
the ocean is driven into the system creating further energy and resulting in the tropical cyclone
becoming a self- sufficient system. If the tropical cyclone travels over land, the energy source
(tropical ocean) is lost which results in the eventual breakdown of the storm.
As little as 3% of the heat energy may be converted into mechanical energy of the circulating
winds. This relatively small amount of mechanical energy equates to a power supply of
1.5x1012Watts - equivalent to about half the world-wide electrical generating capacity!