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• Differentiate the secondary characteristics of

males and females
• Explore the reproductive system of male and
• Understand the role of the self in responsible
human reproduction
 Cartoonmix.com
Group Activity

 Discuss on the following guide questions:

• What are the physical differences between
females and males?
• What is gender, and how can biology and
learning influence gender-role development?
• How do men and women differ in thinking, social
behavior and personality?
Individual activity

 IDEA : The family is the institution that regulates

sexual behavior (Palispis and Sampa, 2015)

• Based on the idea, construct a comic strip with a

dialogue between a wife and the husband
portraying their moral and responsible sexual

 Classify the human reproductive concepts as to

male or females:
• Scrotum
• Menstrual cycle
• Spermarche
• Mammary glands
• Clitoris
• Erectile tissue
Primary Sex Characteristics

 Female Primary Characteristics

 The physical characteristics present in infant at
birth. (with vagina, uterus and ovaries)

 Male Primary Characteristics

 The physical characteristics that include the
penis, testes, scrotum and prostate gland.
Primary Sex Characteristics

 Female Primary Characteristics

 The physical characteristics present in infant at
birth. (with vagina, uterus and ovaries)

 Male Primary Characteristics

 The physical characteristics that include the
penis, testes, scrotum and prostate gland.
Secondary Sex Characteristics

• Develop during puberty

• Indirectly involved in human reproduction
• The physical necessity for reproduction
A. Female Secondary Sex Characteristics

• Growth spurt begins at ages 10-12 and is finished

about one year following the menstrual cycle
• Other characteristics include:
 Enlarged breasts (2 years after growth spurt)
 Wider hips
 Pubic hair
 Fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs
B. Male Secondary Sex Characteristics

• Changes include:
 Deepening of voice; emergence of facial, chest
and pubic hair
 Development of coarser skin texture
 Large increase in height about 2 years later than
 Adam’s apple becomes visible
 Onset of the production of sperm (sperm cycle)
The Reproductive System of the Female

 www2.estrellamountain.edu
The Reproductive System of the
 www2.estrellamountain.edu
Key Concepts

• After a sexual intercourse between a male (excreting

the sperms) and a female (bearing an egg cell), a
fertilized cell is formed into a zygote.
• Human life begins from the moment of
• From the form of a zygote (8wks.), the embryo
(18wks.) and then the fetus (28wks) are undeniable
human life.
Natural birth control methods include specific
actions that people can naturally do to help prevent
an unintended pregnancy. Natural methods are
some of the oldest forms of contraception available.
Natural birth control often does not cost anything
and usually has no side effects. If you choose a
natural birth control method, in order to be effective,
you must be committed to this decision. These
methods require discipline and self-control. It is also
helpful that you are in a stable relationship where
you and your partner can openly talk and cooperate
with one another.
Withdrawal is a behavioral action where a man pulls his
penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates. This may
not be as reliable a natural birth control method for two
reasons. A male ejects pre-ejaculate fluid when he is
aroused. This fluid can contain at least 300,000 sperm.
These sperm are released into the vagina since his penis
is still inside -- and it only takes ONE sperm to fertilize
an egg. The withdrawal method also relies on complete
self-control. You must have an exact sense of timing to
withdraw your penis in time.
Fertility awareness methods require a woman to monitor her
body to determine when she is most fertile. You then avoid
having unprotected sex around the time of ovulation. This
natural birth control method involves paying attention to
different body changes (such as basal body temperature or
cervical mucus) and recording them to predict when you will
ovulate. To be successful, you need to be willing to record and
chart your fertility signs. Then, you (and your partner) must
agree to not have sex (or to use backup birth control) for 7
days before and 2 days after you ovulate.
Fertility awareness methods include the Billings Method, the
Symptothermal Method, and the Standard Days Method. You
can also take advantage of Fertility iPhone Apps to help you
track your body's changes. Books like Taking Charge of Your
Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control can be
helpful in explaining how to practice natural family planning.
Outercourse is any type of sexual play without sexual
intercourse. This includes kissing, erotic massage,
manual stimulation (with one’s hands), masturbation,
rubbing against each other, oral sex, fantasy, anal sex,
and/or using sex toys. This natural method may not
fully protect against STD’s because there may be skin-
to-skin contact or the exchange of bodily fluids. The
use of dental dams or condoms may help decrease
your risk of getting an STD during these activities.
Basal body temperature
The basal body temperature method involves
observing a woman’s temperature every morning.
Because a woman’s temperature drops about 1°F 12 to
24 hours before her ovary releases an egg, this
indicates a period of high fertility. You should abstain
from intercourse during this time if you’re avoiding
pregnancy. This period lasts from temperature drop
until 48 to 72 hours after it returns to normal.
Rhythm method. This natural birth control
method is based on ovulation cycle. This
involves abstaining from sex on the days
when you’re most fertile and most likely to
become pregnant.
Read the article: The Unborn
 The development of human life in the womb
was once a mystery, but science and medicine
have changed that.
 Abortion advocates still try to dehumanize
the developing baby in the womb by speaking of
a child as “a blob tissue” or “uterine contents.”
 But ultra sound images, prenatal surgery and
other advances in obstetrics are shattering the
blob-of-tissue myth.

 Dr. Paul Rockwell, a New York physician,
made these profound observations after the
amazing encounter with a tiny unborn baby:
 “Eleven years ago while I was giving an
anesthetic for a raptured ectopic pregnancy
(at two months gestation), I was handed
what I believe was the smallest living human
ever seen.

 The embryo sac was a tiny human
being swimming extremely vigorously in
the amniotic fluid, while attached to the
wall by the umbilical cord.
 This tiny human was perfectly
developed, with long tapering fingers, feet
and toes. It was transparent as regards the
skin, and the delicate arteries and veins
were prominent to the ends of the fingers.
 “ The baby was extremely alive and
swam about the sac approximately one
time per second, with a natural
swimmer’s stroke. This tiny human did
not look like the photos and drawings
and models of ‘embryos’ which I have
seen, nor did it look like a few embryos I
have been able to observe since then,
obviously because this one was alive.”
 “When the sac was opened, the tiny
human immediately lost its life and took
the appearance of what is accepted as the
appearance of an embryo at this stage
(blunt extremities, etc.)”

 The point at which Dr. Rockwell
witnessed this unborn baby, eight
weeks after conception – is during the
period that a majority of abortionists
describe as most desirable for
performing abortion.

 Source: http//www.mccl.org/Document.Doc?
id=159 (taken from Corpuz et al, 2010)
The Development of the unborn Child

 Guide Questions:
• What are your feelings and reactions about what
you had read?
• Do you agree what is developing in the womb is a
mere “blob of tissue” or “uterine contents” as
abortionist claim?
The Development of the unborn Child

 Guide Questions:
• Is it more reasonable to believe that which is
developing in the mother’s womb is a human
• What are proofs that which is developing in the
mother’s womb is a living human being?
• Has any realization from the discussion changed
your stand on abortion? Explain your answer.
A Fact or a Myth?

• Human reproduction is possible only through

sexual intercourse.
• Legitimacy of human reproduction is granted
only to the family as an institution.
• Love should be felt first before a baby is formed.
• Morality and values system are embodied in the
human reproduction
• Abortion is a crime.
 Corpuz, Lucas, Borabo and Lucido Child and
 Adolescent Development, 2010
 Feldman, R. (2008) 8th ed. Understanding
 McGrawHill Module 10 Sexuality and
 pp. 376-380
 Palispis and Sampa (2015). Introduction to
Sociology and
 Antropology. Manila: Rex Bookstore, p
 www2.estrellamountin.edu
Thank you..


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