Introduction To Software Testing: by Milan Kumar Jena

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Introduction to

Software Testing
Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product
meets the required specifications and performs as expected. It is a crucial step in the
software development lifecycle, ensuring the quality and reliability of the final

by Milan kumar Jena

Types of Software Testing
Unit Testing Integration Testing
Verifies individual components or units of an Examines how different components of a system
application to ensure they work as expected. work together and interact.

System Testing Regression Testing

Evaluates the complete, integrated system to ensure Ensures that new changes haven't broken existing
it meets all requirements. functionality in the software.
Manual vs. Automated Testing
Manual Testing Automated Complementary Choosing the
Testing Approaches Right Fit
Hands-on testing
performed by human Software-driven testing Effective testing Organizations must
testers. Ideal for that executes pre- strategies leverage both balance time, cost, and
exploring and defined test scripts. manual and automated coverage needs to
validating complex user Efficient for repetitive methods. Manual for determine the optimal
interactions. Requires tasks and regression exploratory analysis, mix of manual and
significant time and checks. Reduces human automated for automated testing in
resources but provides error but requires regression and their QA workflows.
deeper insights. upfront investment in performance validation.
framework setup.
Unit Testing
Unit testing is a crucial step in the software development process. It involves testing individual components or units of a
software system to ensure they function as expected. This helps identify and fix issues early, improving overall software
quality and reducing development time and costs.

1. Validates the logic and functionality of individual modules or units

2. Helps catch bugs and regressions before integrating with other components

3. Allows for faster debugging and easier troubleshooting during development

Integration Testing
Integration testing is a crucial phase in the software development lifecycle, where
individual software modules are combined and tested as a whole. This step ensures
that the various components of the system work seamlessly together, identifying any
integration issues or gaps between the components.

Effective integration testing helps catch errors early, improve overall software
quality, and reduce the cost of fixing issues down the line. It's a critical step in
ensuring the final product meets the specified requirements and delivers a cohesive
user experience.
System Testing

Verify Entire System End-to-End Validation Evaluate Performance

System testing examines the It tests the system from start to System testing also assesses the
complete, integrated system to finish, simulating real-world user system's performance, stability,
ensure it meets all requirements. scenarios to uncover any and scalability under varying
This validates the system works integration issues or bugs. loads and conditions.
as expected.
Regression Testing

1 Detecting Regressions 2 Comprehensive Test Suites

Regression testing checks if new changes have Effective regression testing relies on a
broken previously working functionality. It helps comprehensive test suite that covers core
catch unintended side effects introduced by application workflows and edge cases.

3 Optimizing Test Execution 4 Continuous Integration

Techniques like test prioritization and Integrating regression testing into a CI/CD
parallelization can help ensure regression suites pipeline ensures regressions are caught early,
run efficiently, minimizing the time and resources before they reach production.
Performance Testing

Load Testing Stress Testing Scalability Concurrency

Evaluates the system's Identifies the breaking Ensures the application
performance under point of a system by can handle increased user Checks how the system
expected and peak user pushing it beyond normal traffic and data volume handles multiple users
loads. operational capacity. without degrading accessing it
performance. simultaneously.
Conclusion and Takeaways
Embrace Testing
Make software testing an integral part of your development process.

Leverage Automation
Automate repetitive tests to save time and improve consistency.

Ensure Quality
3 Comprehensive testing helps deliver high-quality,
reliable software.

In conclusion, software testing is a vital component of the software development lifecycle. By embracing testing,
leveraging automation, and ensuring quality at every stage, you can deliver robust, bug-free applications that meet your
customers' needs. Remember, testing is not a one-time activity, but an ongoing process that requires continuous
improvement and refinement.
In conclusion, software testing is a critical aspect of the software development
process. It ensures the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of the final product. This
presentation has explored the various types of software testing, the benefits of
manual and automated testing, and the key testing methodologies to ensure a
successful software deployment.

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