MDM System Management Training

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System Management Training

Version 2.0, 17.11.2009

Reiner Stoll ([email protected]),
Technical Implementation, HPS - Outsourcing Services

HP Restricted
© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
1. MDM Scenarios at a Glance
2. MDM Architecture
3. Landscape Example Cadbury
4. Installation MDM
5. Manage the MDM Server
6. MDM Server maintenance
7. Backup
8. Restore
9. Managing Log Files
10. Monitoring
11. Troubleshooting
12. High Availability Overview

2 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM Scenarios at a Glance

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
MDM Scenarios at a Glance

 Consolidation

 Harmonization & Central Master Data Management

 Rich Product Content Management

 SRM-MDM Catalogue

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MDM Scenarios at a Glance

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MDM Scenarios at a Glance
Harmonization & Central Master Data Management

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MDM Scenarios at a Glance
Rich Product Content Management

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MDM Scenarios at a Glance
SRM-MDM Catalogue

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MDM Architecture

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
MDM Architecture
 Master Data Server (MDS)
Provides Master Data Objects for changing, browsing and distributing to various
backend systems

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MDM Architecture
 Master Data Server (MDS)
Provides Master Data Objects for changing, browsing and distributing to various
backend systems

 Master Data Import Server (MDIS)

Is used to load data to the MDM repositories

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MDM Architecture
 Master Data Server (MDS)
Provides Master Data Objects for changing, browsing and distributing to various
backend systems

 Master Data Import Server (MDIS)

Is used to load data to the MDM repositories

 Master Data Syndication Server (MDSS)

Is used to export data from MDM

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MDM Architecture
 MDM Rich Clients

MDM Console is used for administration MDM

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MDM Architecture
 MDM Rich Clients

MDM Console is used for administration MDM

MDM Import Manager is used to create import maps for the MDIS

14 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM Architecture
 MDM Rich Clients

MDM Console is used for administration MDM

MDM Import Manager is used to create import maps for the MDIS

MDM Syndicator is used to create syndicator maps for the MDSS

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MDM Architecture
 MDM Rich Clients

MDM Console is used for administration MDM

MDM Import Manager is used to create import maps for the MDIS

MDM Syndicator is used to create syndicator maps for the MDSS

MDM Data Manager is used for

reviewing the data
creation and execution of valitation
creation and execution of matching strategies
comparison of master data records
merging of records

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MDM Architecture
 Process Integration (PI)
Communicates with back end system and the Import/Syndication Server
Inbound/Outbound processing

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MDM Architecture
 Process Integration (PI)
Communicates with back end system and the Import/Syndication Server
Inbound/Outbound processing

 AS Java
If MDM Enrichment Architecture or MDM Java API based application are used
for data quality enhancement
For SRM-MDM catalogue access

18 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM Architecture
 Process Integration (PI)
Communicates with back end system and the Import/Syndication Server
Inbound/Outbound processing

 AS Java
If MDM Enrichment Architecture or MDM Java API based application are used
for data quality enhancement
For SRM-MDM catalogue access

 Enterprise Portal (EP)

For web based functionality

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MDM Architecture

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MDM Architecture
Harmonization - Setup

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Landscape Example Cadbury

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Landscape Cadbury Schweppes
--Linux SuSE 9 Enterprise SP2
--NetWeaver 2004s SP13
--PI 7.0 SP13
--MDM XI Business Content SP05
Database Component: --Oracle 10g
PI Server SAP ID --XP7
140 GB Server Name: --BSCCLX11
4 Cores
(2.22 GHz) _____________________________________________
cpu x 4 GB EP
--Linux SuSE 9 Enterprise SP2
-NetWeaver 2004s SP13
-EP 7.0 SP13
--MDM EP Business Package
Technology SP05 (Enrichment
Controller and Web Services 5.5)
EP Server SAP ID --EP7
140 GB Server Name: --BSCCLX10
4 Cores
(2.22 GHz) x 8 GB

MDM 5.5
--Windows 2003 Server x64 SP1
--MDM Server 5.5 SP05 Build
--MDM Import Server 5.5
--MDM Syndication Server 5.5
MDM Server Database Server 100Gb Database Component: --Oracle 10g
MDM, MDIS, MDSS 4 Cores (15Gb MDM) DB ID --MP7
4 Cores (2.22 GHz) x 8 GB (85GB DB with Server Name DB: --BSCCAP67
(2.22 GHz) x 8 GB replication) Server Name MDM-Server: --BSCCAP68

23 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Installation MDM
Binaries and Guides

• Installation examples on sharepoint

InstGuide MDM 5.5 Win/Ora
InstGuide SRM-MDM Catalog 2.0 AIX/Ora High Availability
InstGuide SRM-MDM Catalog 2.0 Win/MSSQL High Availability

• MDM Installation & Implementation Documentation Center

• Patches for the components can be downloaded from SAP Market Place
 Download  Support Packages and Patches  Entry by Application Group
 SAP NetWeaver  SAP MDM

Important: All components should have the same patch level

25 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM 5.5 Architecture
File System Layout Windows

Preferred Installation Directory for the MDM Components is drive I:\


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MDM 5.5 Architecture
File System Layout Windows

The Layout for the standalone Oracle Database

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MDM 5.5 Architecture
File System Layout Unix
Two different directories for the MDM Components
Do not use the default settings during installation

• work directories for the MDM Components and home of
user mdmadm

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MDM 5.5 Architecture
File System Layout Unix
Two different directories for the MDM Components
Do not use the default settings during installation

• work directories for the MDM Components and home of
user mdmadm

• binaries of the MDM Components

29 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM 5.5 Architecture
File System Layout Unix
Two different directories for the MDM Components
Do not use the default settings during installation

• work directories for the MDM Components and home of
user mdmadm

• binaries of the MDM Components

Oracle Database Layout

Standard Layout as for SAP Installations

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MDM 7.1 Architecture
File System Layout Windows

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MDM 7.1 Architecture
File System Layout Unix

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Installation MDM 5.5
Installer for UNIX

As of SP 06 there is an installer available

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Installation MDM 5.5
Installer for UNIX

As of SP 06 there is an installer available

Use /sapmnt/MDM as installation directory

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Installation MDM 5.5
Installer for UNIX

As of SP 06 there is an installer available

Use /sapmnt/MDM as installation directory

Use user mdmadm as OS user

35 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM 5.5
Installer for UNIX

As of SP 06 there is an installer available

Use /sapmnt/MDM as installation directory

Use user mdmadm as OS user

Home directory is /usr/sap/MDM

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Installation MDM 7.1
using sapinst

Since MDM 7.1 SAP is using sapinst for the installation of

MDS Master Data Server

MDIS Master Data Import Server
MDSS Master Data Syndication Server

How to use sapinst look into the Installation Guides on

SAP Market Place

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Installation MDM
Use of DBMS

Different possibilities

Install a database only used for MDM

38 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
Use of DBMS

Different possibilities

Install a database only used for MDM

Install the database as MCOD into an existing one (not recommended)

• possibility for SRM-MDM Catalog

39 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
Use of DBMS

Different possibilities

Install a database only used for MDM

Install the database as MCOD into an existing one (not recommended)

• possibility for SRM-MDM Catalog

Create the repositories in an existing database

• also an option for SRM-MDM Catalog

40 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
Oracle Net Client

If the MDM-Server is different to the database server:

the Oracle Instantclient has to be installed on the MDM Server host:

 I:\oracle\instantclient for Windows
 /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient for UNIX

For HP PA-RISC only (MDM 5.5)

 /oracle/client/92x_64_9207

41 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
Oracle Net Client

If the MDM-Server is different to the database server:

the Oracle Instantclient has to be installed on the MDM Server host:

 I:\oracle\instantclient for Windows
 /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient for UNIX

For HP PA-RISC only (MDM 5.5)

 /oracle/client/92x_64_9207

important directories from the database server:

 I:\oracle\<SID>\102\bin
 I:\oracle\<SID>\102\network
or the corresponding path on UNIX

The files has to be placed into the same directory structure on the MDM-Server

42 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
Oracle Net Client

If the MDM-Server is different to the database server

Windows specific

Extent system variable ‘Path’ with:


Add system variables:


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Installation MDM 5.5
Environment settings <sid>adm UNIX






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Installation MDM 7.1
Environment settings <sid>adm UNIX

Not supported for MDM 7.1





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Installation MDM 5.5
Environment settings ora<sid> Standalone DB UNIX






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Installation MDM 7.1
Environment settings ora<sid> Standalone DB UNIX




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Installation MDM
Special Database User

For the administration of the MDM repositories a special database user is

necessary. Do not use SYS or SYSTEM.

User mdmadmin has to be created manually:

create user mdmadmin identified by …..;

grant alter user, alter system, create session, create any index, create view,
dba, drop any view, create any table, delete any table, drop any table,
insert any table, update any table, select any table, alter tablespace,
create tablespace, drop tablespace, unlimited tablespace, create any sequence, drop
any sequence, alter any sequence, select any sequence, lock any table, alter any table,
alter any type, alter database, create profile, drop profile, create database link, drop
any index, create user, drop user, create any directory, create any procedure, analyze
any to mdmadmin;

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Installation MDM
High Availability on Windows

• Master Data Server

• Import Server
• Syndication Server

are Windows Services

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Installation MDM
High Availability on Windows

• Master Data Server

• Import Server
• Syndication Server

are Windows Services

Install MDM on shared disks

Put above services and the shared disks into a MSCS cluster group

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Installation MDM
High Availability on Windows

• Master Data Server

• Import Server
• Syndication Server

are Windows Services

Install MDM on shared disks

Put above services and the shared disks into a MSCS cluster group

For the DBMS use the vendor specific cluster integration

More Information on High Availability with MSCS and MSFS

See Documentation on share point
Installation Examples MDM 5.5
Installation Examples SRM-MDM 2.0

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Installation MDM
High Availability on UNIX with Cluster Integration

• Master Data Server

• Import Server
• Syndication Server

Integrate following filesystems into a cluster package

 /sapmnt/<SID>
 /usr/sap/<SID>

52 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Installation MDM
High Availability on UNIX with Cluster Integration

• Master Data Server

• Import Server
• Syndication Server

Integrate following filesystems into a cluster package

 /sapmnt/<SID>
 /usr/sap/<SID>

For the DBMS use the vendor specific cluster integration

See Installation Examples MDM 5.5 for High Availability

Installation Examples SRM-MDM 2.0

53 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Manage the MDM Server
Start with MDM Console

Mount first the MDM server

• right click on „SAP MDM Servers“

55 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Start with MDM Console

Start the MDM server

• right click on MDM Server
 Start MDM server

 A running MDM server is marked with a green arrow

 The repositories are now at least mounted depending on the configuration
56 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted
Manage the MDM Server
Stop with MDM Console

Stop the MDM server

• right click on MDM Server
 Stop MDM server

 A stopped MDM server is marked with a red dot

57 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Services on Windows OS

Created Services during installation (for ex. MDM 5.5)

• MDM Import Server 5.5

• MDM Server 5.5
 Startup Type should be Automatic
• MDM Syndication Server 5.5

58 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Start / Stop with CLIX

Windows specific part:

•Extend the System variable “Path” with the path to clix.exe.

The CLIX Syntax is OS independent

Start MDM-Server
• clix mdsStart <MDM-Server>

Stop MDM-Server
• clix mdsStop <MDM-Server>

59 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Parameter file mds.ini - MDM 5.5

Located in
I:\<MDM install>\Server  Windows
/usr/sap/MDM/mds  UNIX

60 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Parameter file mds.ini - MDM 5.5

Located in
I:\<MDM install>\Server  Windows
/usr/sap/MDM/mds  UNIX

Some important parameters:

• Autostart
0 - repositories are not loaded automatically after restart
 True - repositories are loaded automatically if they were previous
 This is recommended in an HA environment

61 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Parameter file mds.ini - MDM 5.5

Located in
I:\<MDM install>\Server  Windows
/usr/sap/MDM/mds  UNIX

Some important parameters:

• Autostart
0 - repositories are not loaded automatically after restart
 True - repositories are loaded automatically if they were previous
 This is recommended in an HA environment

• Archive Dir
 <path>- default I:\<MDM install>\Server\Archives  Windows
 /usr/sap/MDM/mds/Archives  UNIX
location of archived repositories

62 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Parameter file mds.ini - MDM 5.5

Located in
I:\<MDM install>\Server  Windows
/usr/sap/MDM/mds  UNIX

Some important parameters:

• Autostart
0 - repositories are not loaded automatically after restart
 True - repositories are loaded automatically if they were previous
 This is recommended in an HA environment

• Archive Dir
 <path>- default I:\<MDM install>\Server\Archives  Windows
 /usr/sap/MDM/mds/Archives  UNIX
location of archived repositories

• CPU Count
1 - Default (number of used CPU‘s)
63 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted
Manage the MDM Server
Parameter file mds.ini - MDM 7.1

Located in
<drive>: \usr\sap\<SID>\MDS##\config  Windows
/usr/sap/<SID>/MDS##/config  UNIX

Some important parameters:

• Autostart
0 - repositories are not loaded automatically after restart
 True - repositories are loaded automatically if they were previous
 This is recommended in an HA environment

• Archive Dir
 <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\MDS##\mdm\Archives  Windows
 /usr/sap/<SID>/MDS##/mdm/Archives  UNIX
location of archived repositories

• CPU Count
1 - Default (number of used CPU‘s)
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Manage the MDM Server
User for MDM support
For the automatic archiving and monitoring use a DB-user and a Repository-user with
limited permissions

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Manage the MDM Server
User for MDM support
For the automatic archiving and monitoring use a DB-user and a Repository-user with
limited permissions

Create DB user

sql> create user mdmsupport identified by ……..;

sql> grant connect, select any table, select_catalog_role to mdmsupport;

 user has very restricted permissions

66 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
User for MDM support
For the automatic archiving and monitoring use a DB-user and a Repository-user with
limited permissions

Create DB user

sql> create user mdmsupport identified by ……..;

sql> grant connect, select any table, select_catalog_role to mdmsupport;

 user has very restricted permissions

Create repository user

This must be done by the customer for each Repository that should be archived and
monitored. The user name is case sensitive!

• Create Role “MDMSupport”.

 In Tab “Functions” set the Default for all Functions to NONE
 In Tab “Tables and Fields” set “Tables and Fields” to Read-Only
• Create User “MDMSupport”
• Assign role “MDMSupport” to user “MDMSupport”

67 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Check status of MDM Sever
Use command CLIX

Example for a running MDM Server

• clix mdsStatus bmccap62 MDMSupport:<password>

I----------- Repository user

RepositName [DBMSInstance] (DBMSType) Port# Status

----------- -------------- ---------- ----- -----------------------
Testrep [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2345 Loaded Running
Testrep2 [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2000 Unloaded Stopped

68 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server
Check status of MDM Sever
Use command CLIX

Example for a running MDM Server

• clix mdsStatus bmccap62 MDMSupport:<password>

I----------- Repository user

RepositName [DBMSInstance] (DBMSType) Port# Status

----------- -------------- ---------- ----- -----------------------
Testrep [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2345 Loaded Running
Testrep2 [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2000 Unloaded Stopped

Example for a stopped MDM Server

• clix mdsStatus bmccap62 MDMSupport:<password>

Error: 0xffab400e, MDS is not running on this host

69 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Manage the MDM Server

For more information about

• MDM System Management

• Repository Administration
• CLIX Command Line Interface
• Configuration files

Look at

MDM Console Reference Guide for MDM 5.5 and 7.1

MDM System Management Guide

70 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

MDM Server maintenance

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
MDM Server maintenance
Database and MDM Server on the same host

Before Maintenance
• Stop MDM-Server first
• At least stop the database

After Maintenance
• Start the database first
• Start MDM-Server

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MDM Server maintenance
Database and MDM Server on different hosts

MDM Server
Database Server

Maintenance on the Database host

1. Stop the MDM Server on the MDM Server host
 Otherwise this causes logon failures to the repositories
 No updates are possible
2. Stop the database

Maintenance on the MDM Server host only

 you need not to stop the database.

After Maintenance
Proceed as you see on slide before

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© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
• Create a DBMS independent backup of the MDM repository with the MDM Console
Archive command or with CLIX
 The archive file can be copied to offline storage for safekeeping
 restore the repository using the Unarchive command, either on the same
DBMS machine or a different DBMS machine.
MDM archive files are stored to the directory specified by Archive Dir in the mds.ini

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• Schedule DBMS Online backup (for Oracle use br* tools)

• Schedule OS+Files backup of

archived repositories

Installation directory (Win and UNIX)

Work directory (UNIX)

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Consistent daily Backup

Five steps for doing a consistent Backup

 DBMS consistent online Backup (Oracle: with br*tools)

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Consistent daily Backup

Five steps for doing a consistent Backup

 DBMS consistent online Backup (Oracle: with br*tools)

 Verify the consistency of the repositories

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Consistent daily Backup

Five steps for doing a consistent Backup

 DBMS consistent online Backup (Oracle: with br*tools)

 Verify the consistency of the repositories

 Archiving of repositories with CLIX

79 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Consistent daily Backup

Five steps for doing a consistent Backup

 DBMS consistent online Backup (Oracle: with br*tools)

 Verify the consistency of the repositories

 Archiving of repositories with CLIX

 Filesystem Backup of

archived repositories

Installation directory (Win and UNIX)

Work directory (UNIX)

80 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Consistent daily Backup

Five steps for doing a consistent Backup

 DBMS consistent online Backup (Oracle: with br*tools)

 Verify the consistency of the repositories

 Archiving of repositories with CLIX

 Filesystem Backup of

archived repositories

Installation directory (Win and UNIX)

Work directory (UNIX)

 Clean up archive folder

81 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 1: DBMS Online Backup

 For Oracle, use the SAP BR* tools to make a consistent online backup for
the database.

 Install the SAP BR* tools according SAP-Note 320457 for non-ABAP
databases on the database server.

82 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 2: Verify the repositories

 Perform a verify of all repositories which will be archived in the next step with
the command CLIX.

 CLIX returns a Code which can be tested in a batch script

o 0 = succeeded
o Not 0 = failed

83 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 3: Archiving of repositories

 Perform an archive of all repositories to the archive folder with the command

Without specifying a filename the archives are named as follows:


 CLIX returns a Code which can be tested in a batch script

o 0 = succeeded
o Not 0 = failed

84 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup Windows
 Perform a File system Backup of the MDM Server host

 I:\<MDM install>  MDM 5.5

 <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>  MDM 7.1
contains complete MDM installation and
 Log files and reports located in the different component-specific directories

85 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup Windows
 Perform a Filesystem Backup of the MDM Server host

 I:\<MDM install>  MDM 5.5

 <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>  MDM 7.1
contains complete MDM installation and
 Log files and reports located in the different component-specific directories

 Distribution port data

includes the import and export data files and the distribution logs.
Distribution path is specified in the mds.ini configuration file
Distribution Root Dir

86 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup Windows
 Perform a Filesystem Backup of the MDM Server host

 I:\<MDM install>  MDM 5.5

 <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>  MDM 7.1
contains complete MDM installation and
 Log files and reports located in the different component-specific directories

 Distribution port data

includes the import and export data files and the distribution logs.
Distribution path is specified in the mds.ini configuration file
Distribution Root Dir

 Configuration files
mds.ini, mdis.ini, mdss.ini and layout server.ini

87 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup Windows
 Perform a Filesystem Backup of the MDM Server host

 I:\<MDM install>  MDM 5.5

 <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>  MDM 7.1
contains complete MDM installation and
 Log files and reports located in the different component-specific directories

 Distribution port data

includes the import and export data files and the distribution logs.
Distribution path is specified in the mds.ini configuration file
Distribution Root Dir

 Configuration files
mds.ini, mdis.ini, mdss.ini and layout server.ini

 Archives of repositories
If the archives are located in a different than the default directory include this
directory in the Filesystem backup

88 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup UNIX
 Perform a File system Backup of the installation and work directory

 /sapmnt/<SID>
Installation files and binaries for MDM

89 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 4: Filesystem Backup UNIX
 Perform a Filesystem Backup of the installation and work directory

 /sapmnt/<SID>
Installation files and binaries for MDM

 /usr/sap/<SID> (Home directory of user mdmadm)

contains following important files and directories
 Log files and reports located in the different component-specific directories

 Distribution port data

includes the import and export data files and the distribution logs.
Distribution path is specified in the mds.ini configuration file
Distribution Root Dir

 Configuration files
mds.ini, mdis.ini, mdss.ini and layout server.ini

 Archives of repositories
If the archives are located in a different than the default directory include this
directory in the Filesystem backup

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Step 5: Clean up archive folder

 After successful backup clean up the archive folder

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Step 5: Clean up archive folder

 After successful backup clean up the archive folder

 Delete archives from day before and older

 The strategy depends on the amount of repositories to be archived
 the size of the archives
 the available storage in the archive folder

92 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Step 5: Clean up archive folder

 After successful backup clean up the archive folder

 Delete archives from day before and older

 The strategy depends on the amount of repositories to be archived
 the size of the archives
 the available storage in the archive folder

Create an own filesystem for the archive folder if the repositories are several
GB in size
 adopt the mds.ini with the new location

93 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


These five steps has to be done in this order in one session to keep
MDM consistent in case a consistent restore is needed.

Use the post exec script of DP to start immediately after the DBMS online
backup step 2 until 4:

 Verify the repositories

 Archiving of repositories
 File system Backup

Use the post exec script of DP to start immediately after the File system
backup step 5:

 Clean up archive folder

94 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Example of a backup implementation
Repository archive

1. Verifying the repository

2. Archive the repository

clix repCheck bsccap68 Testrep:MP7.WORLD:O:mdmsupport:<password>

clix cpyArchive bsccap68 Testrep:MP7.WORLD:O:mdmsupport:<password> -F

mdmsupport  DBMS user

MDMSupport  Repository user

If one of above commands returns a code other than 0, the backup is marked as
“Failed” but continues.

 The backup Team must know about the repositories to be archived! They must
adjust the post exec script

95 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Further information

For further information about the backup look at

 MDM 5.5 SP06 Console Reference Guide
Part 5: Repository Administration
Page 209 Backing up and Restoring a Repository
 MDM 7.1 SP03 Console Reference Guide
Part 6: Repository Administration
Page 182 Backing up and Restoring a Repository
 MDM 5.5 SP06 Solution Operations Guide
Part 4 Management of SAP MDM 5.5
Page 27 Backup and Restore
 MDM 7.1 Solution Operations Guide
Part 4 Management of SAP Netweaver MDM
Page 36 Backup and Restore
 MDM System Management Guide
Part 5 Backup

96 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

The restore covers following possibilities

 Logical errors in the repository

 Corrupt repository

 Corrupt DBMS

98 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

Try to repair the corrupt repository. If it not helps, unarchive the corrupt
repository. Both tasks should be done by the customer

99 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

• Choose the name of the repository you want to unarchive or use a new name
• Choose the archive you want to unarchive

100 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

Unarchive with CLIX

 Unarchive to a new repository for example “Testrep3”

1. First list all available archives

clix cpylistarchives bmccap62

FilePath (RepositoryName)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep.a2a (Testrep)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep2_080304.a2a (Testrep2)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep_080131.a2a (Testrep)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep_080215.a2a (Testrep)

2. Unarchive that archive you want

clix cpyUnarchive bmccap62 Testrep3:MQ7.WORLD:O:mdmadmin:

<password> I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep2_080304.a2a

101 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

Unarchive with CLIX

 Unarchive to the original repository for example “Testrep”

1. First list all available archives

clix cpylistarchives bmccap62

FilePath (RepositoryName)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep.a2a (Testrep)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep2_080304.a2a (Testrep2)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep_080131.a2a (Testrep)
I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep_080215.a2a (Testrep)

2. Unarchive that archive you want

clix cpyUnarchive bmccap62 Testrep:MQ7.WORLD:O:mdmadmin:

<password> I:\SAPMDM~1.5\Server\Archives\Testrep_080131.a2a -F

102 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption

103 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave

104 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave
 Unload this repository

105 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave
 Unload this repository
 Normalize this repository (make a Master)

106 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave
 Unload this repository
 Normalize this repository (make a Master)
 Copy this repository to the Master Server

107 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave
 Unload this repository
 Normalize this repository (make a Master)
 Copy this repository to the Master Server
 Unload the old Slaves

108 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

 If the Master is corrupt try to find out the time of corruption
 Check whether one of your slave repositories has not been synchronized after the
corruption and find out the most up-to-date slave
 Unload this repository
 Normalize this repository (make a Master)
 Copy this repository to the Master Server
 Unload the old Slaves
 Distribute this new Master to all Slaves

109 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Logical error – corrupt repository

You can normalize and create new slaves automatically using CLIX

110 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile

111 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS

112 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS
 Restore last valid Online Backup or corrupt datafile depending on the reason of
the corruption

113 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS
 Restore last valid Online Backup or corrupt datafile depending on the reason of
the corruption
 Recover database to point in time or do a complete recovery if possible

114 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS
 Restore last valid Online Backup or corrupt datafile depending on the reason of
the corruption
 Recover database to point in time or do a complete recovery if possible
 Start MDS

115 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS
 Restore last valid Online Backup or corrupt datafile depending on the reason of
the corruption
 Recover database to point in time or do a complete recovery if possible
 Start MDS
 After complete recovery then check and repair the repositories
The actions on the repositories has to be done by the customer

116 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Corrupt DBMS
 Check the reason
 Missing/corrupt controlfile
 Corrupt Online Redolog
 Corrupt datafile
 Stop MDS
 Restore last valid Online Backup or corrupt datafile depending on the reason of
the corruption
 Recover database to point in time or do a complete recovery if possible
 Start MDS
 After complete recovery then check and repair the repositories
The actions on the repositories has to be done by the customer
 After point in time recovery, check whether the last archive of the repositories is
newer than the recovery time
Ask the customer to unarchive the last repository archive
Otherwise check and repair the repositories (Customer)

117 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Managing Log Files and Reports

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Managing Log Files / Reports

MDM Server
 Parameter in mds.ini:
Log Dir=<path>
Report Dir=<path>

119 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Managing Log Files / Reports

MDM Server
 Parameter in mds.ini:
Log Dir=<path>
Report Dir=<path>

Import Server
 Parameter in mdis.ini
Log Dir=<path>

120 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Managing Log Files / Reports

MDM Server
 Parameter in mds.ini:
Log Dir=<path>
Report Dir=<path>

Import Server
 Parameter in mdis.ini
Log Dir=<path>

Syndication Server
 Parameter in mdss.ini
Log Dir=<path>

Have a look onto these logs and reports

121 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Monitoring with mdmstatus

mdmstatus checks the operational functionality of MDM

Availability of the MDM Server
Availability of specific repositories (optional)
Availability of the database
Availability of the database connection

123 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Availability MDM Server

clix mdsStatus <MDM Host> MDMSupport:<password>

I----------------------------- Repository user

RepositName [DBMSInstance] (DBMSType) Port# Status
----------- -------------- ---------- ----- -----------------------
Testrep [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2345 Loaded Running
Testrep2 [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2000 Unloaded Stopped


MDM Server is running

124 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Availability MDM Server

clix mdsStatus <MDM Host> MDMSupport:<password>

I----------------------------- Repository user

Error: 0xffab400e, MDS is not running on this host


MDM Server is not available

125 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Availability repositories

clix mdsStatus <MDM Host> MDMSupport:<password>

I----------------------------- Repository user

RepositName [DBMSInstance] (DBMSType) Port# Status
----------- -------------- ---------- ----- -----------------------
Testrep [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2345 Loaded Running
Testrep2 [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2000 Unloaded Stopped

mdmstatus is also able to check a specific repository and the status depending on the
monitoring configuration

If the string defined in the configuration file and the status of the repository does
not match, a ticket will be created

126 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Availability of the database and the connection

clix dblist <MDM Host> MQ7.WORLD:O:mdmsupport:<password>

Database user

==> Mountable MDM Repositories


MDM Database is available

127 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Availability of the database and the connection

clix dblist <MDM Host> MQ7.WORLD:O:mdmsupport:<password>

Error: 0x84020003, Error initializing database engine


MDM Database is not available

Connection to the database is not available

128 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration Windows

mdmstatus binary
 c:\osit\bin\sap\

129 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration Windows

mdmstatus binary
 c:\osit\bin\sap\

mdmstatus config file

 Copy c:\osit\newconfig\mdmstatus_INSTANCE.cfg
 To c:\osit\etc\sap\mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 <MDS DB ID> Database identifier

130 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration Windows

mdmstatus binary
 c:\osit\bin\sap\

mdmstatus config file

 Copy c:\osit\newconfig\mdmstatus_INSTANCE.cfg
 To c:\osit\etc\sap\mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 <MDS DB ID> Database identifier

Log and ito file

 Directory c:\osit\log\mdm must be available
 The files will be created automatically from mdmstatus and must not be
c:\osit\log\mdm\<MDS DB ID>\mdmstatus.log

Install the latest version of windows osit toolset

131 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration UNIX

mdmstatus binary
 /opt/osit/sap/bin/

132 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration UNIX

mdmstatus binary
 /opt/osit/sap/bin/

mdmstatus config file

 Copy /etc/opt/osit/newconfig/mdmstatus_INSTANCE.cfg
 To /etc/opt/osit/sap/mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 <MDS DB ID> Database identifier

133 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Configuration UNIX

mdmstatus binary
 /opt/osit/sap/bin/

mdmstatus config file

 Copy /etc/opt/osit/newconfig/mdmstatus_INSTANCE.cfg
 To /etc/opt/osit/sap/mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 <MDS DB ID> Database identifier

Log and ito file

 Directory /var/opt/osit/sap must be available
 The files will be created automatically from mdmstatus and must not be
/var/opt/osit/sap/log/<MDS DB ID>/mdmstatus.log

134 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration


 Database user mdmsupport

 Repository user MDMSupport

The customer has to decide which repository must be monitored
The customer must create this user for this repository

135 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_CLIX_CMD executable for monitoring

Win: “I:\<SAP MDM>\clix\clix.exe” (5.5)
Win: “<drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\MDS##\exe\clix.exe” (7.1)
UNIX: “/sapmnt/MDM/bin/clix” (5.5)
UNIX: “/usr/sap/<SID>/MDS##/exe/clix“ (7.1)

136 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_CLIX_CMD executable for monitoring

Win: “I:\<SAP MDM>\clix\clix.exe” (5.5)
Win: “<drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\MDS##\exe\clix.exe” (7.1)
UNIX: “/sapmnt/MDM/bin/clix” (5.5)
UNIX: “/usr/sap/<SID>/MDS##/exe/clix“ (7.1)

 $MDM_SERVER Server on which MDS is installed

 $MDM_SERVER_PW Password of MDS. If no password is set, uncomment this

137 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_CLIX_CMD executable for monitoring

Win: “I:\<SAP MDM>\clix\clix.exe” (5.5)
Win: “<drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\MDS##\exe\clix.exe” (7.1)
UNIX: “/sapmnt/MDM/bin/clix” (5.5)
UNIX: “/usr/sap/<SID>/MDS##/exe/clix“ (7.1)

 $MDM_SERVER Server on which MDS is installed

 $MDM_SERVER_PW Password of MDS. If no password is set, uncomment this

 @MDM_REPOSITORIES names of the repositories to monitor. Set the status of

the repositories they must have. “Loaded Running”
means they are online and loaded. Parameter is
optional. If you not want to monitor repositories,
uncomment this parameter.

138 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

@MDM_REPOSITORIES = ("Testrep;{Loaded Running}","Testrep2;{Loaded Running}");

clix mdsstatus bmccap62 MDMSupport:<password>

RepositName [DBMSInstance] (DBMSType) Port# Status

----------- -------------- ---------- ----- -------------
Testrep [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2345 Loaded Running
Testrep2 [MQ7.WORLD] (Oracle) 2363 Unloaded

139 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE name of the DBMS (ex.: MQ7.WORLD)

140 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE name of the DBMS (ex.: MQ7.WORLD)

 $MDM_DBMS_TYPE O = Oracle
M = MaxDB
D = DB2
S = SQL Server

141 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE name of the DBMS (ex.: MQ7.WORLD)

 $MDM_DBMS_TYPE O = Oracle
M = MaxDB
D = DB2
S = SQL Server

 $MDM_USER Repository user (case sensitive)

 $MDM_PW Password of the repository user

142 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE name of the DBMS (ex.: MQ7.WORLD)

 $MDM_DBMS_TYPE O = Oracle
M = MaxDB
D = DB2
S = SQL Server

 $MDM_USER Repository user (case sensitive)

 $MDM_PW Password of the repository user

 $MDM_DBMS_USER database user

 $MDM_DBMS_PW Password of the database user

143 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration Parameters in mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

 $MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE name of the DBMS (ex.: MQ7.WORLD)

 $MDM_DBMS_TYPE O = Oracle
M = MaxDB
D = DB2
S = SQL Server

 $MDM_USER Repository user (case sensitive)

 $MDM_PW Password of the repository user

 $MDM_DBMS_USER database user

 $MDM_DBMS_PW Password of the database user

 $MDM_OS_USER <sidadm> for executing the clix commands

This is only valid for UNIX.
Uncomment this Parameter for Windows.

144 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Monitor Configuration
Configuration example in mdmstatus_DP1.cfg
# T / N / NT / TN

$MDM_CLIX_CMD = "/sapmnt/MDM/bin/clix"; # or "clix.exe" for Windows

$MDM_SERVER = "mdmcidbe"; # short or full name of your server
# $MDM_SERVER_PW = "<password>"; # password for MDS or uncomment if pw not
# set
@MDM_REPOSITORIES = ("SRM_MDM_Catalog;{Loaded Running}"); # list of
# repositories and their status for given
# instance (optional)
$MDM_DBMS_INSTANCE = "DP1"; # name of your instance
$MDM_DBMS_TYPE = "O"; # database type O=Oracle, S=SQL Server,
# M=MaxDB, D=DB2
$MDM_USER = "MDMSupport"; # Repository user for checking
$MDM_PW = “<password>"; # Password for the repository user
$MDM_DBMS_USER = "mdmsupport"; # Database user
$MDM_DBMS_PW = “<password>"; # Password for the database user
$MDM_OS_USER = "mdmadm"; # OS user for executing clix (uncomment for

145 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

146 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

 Use an operating system scheduler / cron to trigger the mdmstatus monitor

every 10 minutes

147 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

 Use an operating system scheduler / cron to trigger the mdmstatus monitor

every 10 minutes

 prerequisite is an installed “NT-Atboot” service

 you can also use the task scheduler

148 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

 Use an operating system scheduler / cron to trigger the mdmstatus monitor

every 10 minutes

 prerequisite is an installed “NT-Atboot” service

 you can also use the task scheduler

Command example:
 c:\osit\bin\perl\perl.exe c:\osit\bin\sap\ –p
c:\osit\etc\sap\mdmstatus_<MDS DB ID>.cfg

149 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

150 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

 Use the cron to trigger the mdmstatus monitor every 10 minutes

151 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

Schedule mdmstatus

 trigger on a server that hosts the MDM clix tool

 Use the cron to trigger the mdmstatus monitor every 10 minutes

Command example:
/opt/osit/perl/bin/perl /opt/osit/sap/bin/ –p
/etc/opt/osit/sap/mdmstatus_<MDM SID>.cfg

152 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

OVO Templates
You need the following monitoring template assigned for the monitoring

Windows: “SAP_mdmstatus_win”

UNIX: “SAP_mdmstatus_ux”

Look into MDM Monitoring User Guide

153 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

ACF checks whether MDM is running on this server and do then following checks

 Is the OVO template assigned

154 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

ACF checks whether MDM is running on this server and do then following checks:

 Is the OVO template assigned

 does the configuration file mdmstatus_<SID>.cfg exist

155 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

ACF checks whether MDM is running on this server and do then following checks

 Is the OVO template assigned

 does the configuration file mdmstatus_<SID>.cfg exist

 is scheduled

156 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

ACF checks whether MDM is running on this server and do then following checks

 Is the OVO template assigned

 does the configuration file mdmstatus_<SID>.cfg exist

 is scheduled

 does mdmstatus.log with a timestamp not older 30 minutes exist

Read more regarding ACF on ACF Home Page

157 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

The customer get the error message:

Repository connect failed; please try again

Error: Invalid logon credentials

The reason could be:

 logon data (repository user/password) is not correct

 Connect to database failed or database is not available

159 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


You get following OVO ticket:

Node :
Node type : Intel x86/Px
Severity : critical
Message : SAP MDS Repository Server of MDM database MP7.WORLD on host bsccap68 is not
available. ERROR: 0x84020003, Error initializing database engine
Msg Group : SAP
Application : mdmstatus
Object : NoObject
Event type : sap
Instance name : mp7

The reason is:

 Connect to database failed or database is not available

160 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


Test the connection with tnsping (Oracle)

> tnsping MP7.WORLD

TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on
20-FEB-2008 10:21:02
Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA =
OK (30 msec)

Connectivity is working. Listener is active.

161 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


Otherwise you get the output:

>tnsping MP7.WORLD
TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on
20-FEB-2008 10:29:59
Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA =
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

Check the Listener on the DBMS host or the Net configuration.

162 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


Test the availability of the RDBMS

clix dblist <MDM Host> MP7.WORLD:O:mdmsupport:<password>

Error: 0x84020003, Error initializing database engine

Database is not available. Check the database on the DBMS host.

After the issue is solved, it lasts several seconds until the connection from
MDM Server to the database is established again.

163 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


The customer get the error message:

Cannot connect to MDM repository or DBMS

The reason could be:

Connect to database failed or database is not available

See slides before

164 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


You get the following OVO ticket:

Node :
Node type : Intel x86/Px
Severity : critical
Message : SAP MDS Repository Server of MDM database MP7.WORLD on host bsccap68 is not
available. ERROR: 0xffab400e, MDS is not running on this host
Msg Group : SAP
Application : mdmstatus
Object : NoObject
Event type : sap
Instance name : mp7

Check the availability of the MDS and restart if necessary

165 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted


You get the following OVO ticket:

Node :
Node type : Intel x86/Px
Severity : critical
Message : SAP MDS Repository Server of MDM database MP7.WORLD on host bsccap68 has an
ERROR: Repository Testrep2 not available. Status: Unloaded Stopped
Msg Group : SAP
Application : mdmstatus
Object : NoObject
Event type : sap
Instance name : mp7

Inform the customer that he checks the repository

166 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
High Availability Overview

There are typically two main MDM landscape types

Standalone MDM repositories

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High Availability Overview

There are typically two main MDM landscape types

Standalone MDM repositories

Distributed MDM repositories using master/slave


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High Availability Overview
Standalone repository landscape

Access to the Master Data repository is mainly for maintenance.

You will find this setup in the


Central Master Data Management

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High Availability Overview
Standalone repository landscape
Maintenance environment

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High Availability Overview
Master/Slave repository landscape
Main access to the Master Data repository is often read-only
„Catalog“ concept
A product catalog on the Web needs to be available all the time such
as in an SRM-MDM scenario

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High Availability Overview
Master/Slave repository landscape
Main access to the Master Data repository is often read-only
„Catalog“ concept
A product catalog on the Web needs to be available all the time such
as in an SRM-MDM scenario

• Create two or more read-only copies of an existing repository

• each copy (slave) can be on

the same server as the master repository

on a different platform at a different location

173 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Master/Slave repository landscape
Main access to the Master Data repository is often read-only
„Catalog“ concept
A product catalog on the Web needs to be available all the time such
as in an SRM-MDM scenario

• Create two or more read-only copies of an existing repository

• each copy (slave) can be on

the same server as the master repository

on a different platform at a different location

Each slave repository can be updated by sending a synchronization request

to the Master

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High Availability Overview
Master/slave repository landscape
Read access environment

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High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms
Single point of Failure

MDM Server


File Storage

A failure of any of these components would harm productivity of the entire

MDM services/system.
We therefore need redundancy and the lowest downtime possible here.

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High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

MDM internal tools

 archive/unarchive repositories to different servers/platforms

 make Slave to Master
 create Slaves

Cluster Software

Make your Master Data Server and Slaves High Available

 Microsoft - MSCS / MSFS


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High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
unarchive of saved repositories

Pros and Cons

 Data integrity is not guaranteed as the archive might not be up-to-date,

leading to data loss

178 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
unarchive of saved repositories

Pros and Cons

 Data integrity is not guaranteed as the archive might not be up-to-date,

leading to data loss

 Intensive manual effort to build up a new server

179 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
unarchive of saved repositories

Pros and Cons

 Data integrity is not guaranteed as the archive might not be up-to-date,

leading to data loss

 Intensive manual effort to build up a new server

 Users have to be informed about the changes due to the new landscape

180 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
unarchive of saved repositories

Pros and Cons

 Data integrity is not guaranteed as the archive might not be up-to-date,

leading to data loss

 Intensive manual effort to build up a new server

 Users have to be informed about the changes due to the new landscape

 High downtime. Switchover / failover time can add up to <time for

setting up new server> + <time of unarchive> + <time of load> +
<time of configuration changes> + <time of user notification>, etc.

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High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools

Master fails and has to be protected

 Make Slave to Master

Slave fails and has to be protected

 Create new Slave from Master

182 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Make Slave to Master
 Master data maintenance is not possible
 Read access to remaining Slaves is possible

Pros and Cons

Data integrity is not guaranteed since data entered between the last
slave synchronization and the moment of failure is lost

183 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Make Slave to Master
 Master data maintenance is not possible
 Read access to remaining Slaves is possible

Pros and Cons

Data integrity is not guaranteed since data entered between the last
slave synchronization and the moment of failure is lost

Intensive manual effort since all slaves have to be created again

184 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Make Slave to Master
 Master data maintenance is not possible
 Read access to remaining Slaves is possible

Pros and Cons

Data integrity is not guaranteed since data entered between the last
slave synchronization and the moment of failure is lost

Intensive manual effort since all slaves have to be created again

Users have to be informed about the changes due to the switch,

clients have to be reconnected

185 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Make Slave to Master
 Master data maintenance is not possible
 Read access to remaining Slaves is possible

Pros and Cons

Data integrity is not guaranteed since data entered between the last
slave synchronization and the moment of failure is lost

Intensive manual effort since all slaves have to be created again

Users have to be informed about the changes due to the switch,

clients have to be reconnected

Downtime should not be high

 A new master is set up very fast
 The transition phase might be long since all slaves have to be
created from scratch again.
 The existing slaves of the old master can still be accessed

186 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Create new Slave

 More than one slave has to be exist to guarantee read access availability
 Each slave runs on a separate server

Pros and Cons

Manual effort required to create new slave

187 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Create new Slave

 More than one slave has to be exist to guarantee read access availability
 Each slave runs on a separate server

Pros and Cons

Manual effort required to create new slave

Clients have to reconnect to one of the remaining slaves or to the

added one

188 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms – MDM internal tools
Create new Slave

 More than one slave has to be exist to guarantee read access availability
 Each slave runs on a separate server

Pros and Cons

Manual effort required to create new slave

Clients have to reconnect to one of the remaining slaves or to the

added one

No downtime because other slaves are still available

189 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms
Cluster Software

The landscape has to be virtualized, i.e. use of virtual host

name, virtual IP, virtual disk, etc.
Install a shared disk for MDS files and assign it to the cluster

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High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

Pros and Cons

 Failover is automated, with little or no manual intervention

191 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

Pros and Cons

 Failover is automated, with little or no manual intervention

 Data integrity is guaranteed, as DB files are located on file storage and

protected against failure

192 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

Pros and Cons

 Failover is automated, with little or no manual intervention

 Data integrity is guaranteed, as DB files are located on file storage and

protected against failure

 Downtime is reduced to a minimum (automation, use of accelerators,

etc), and is mainly the time needed to load the repository on the
standby server.

193 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

Pros and Cons

 Failover is automated, with little or no manual intervention

 Data integrity is guaranteed, as DB files are located on file storage and

protected against failure

 Downtime is reduced to a minimum (automation, use of accelerators,

etc), and is mainly the time needed to load the repository on the
standby server.

 Additional hardware is required

194 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Failover Mechanisms

Pros and Cons

 Failover is automated, with little or no manual intervention

 Data integrity is guaranteed, as DB files are located on file storage and

protected against failure

 Downtime is reduced to a minimum (automation, use of accelerators,

etc), and is mainly the time needed to load the repository on the
standby server.

 Additional hardware is required

 The combined use of master/slave mechanism and clustering the master

is supported as of
MDM 5.5 SP06 Patch2 Hotfix8
SRM-MDM Catalog 2.0 SP03 Patch3
See note 1170807 for more information

195 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Documentation about High Availability (SMP login)

How-to Guides SAP Netweaver MDM 5.5/7.1
 How to cluster MDM 5.5 Server using MSCS
 How to cluster MDM 7.1 Server using MSCS
 How to cluster MDM 7.1 Server using MSFS
MDM 5.5 in MSCS environment
MDM 7.1 in MSCS environment
MDM 7.1 in MSFS environment

196 [Rev. # or date] – HP Restricted

High Availability Overview
Documentation about High Availability

Overview about High Availability scenarios and how to setup

Installation & Implementation Documentation Center (SMP login)
MDM 5.5 SP06 – Solution Operation Guide (Chapter 5)
MDM 7.1 – Solution Operation Guide (Chapter 5)

For more information about clustering MDM:

SAP Note 1283909 SAP NetWeaver MDM in a cluster under UNIX
SAP Note 1283908 SAP NetWeaver MDM in a cluster under Microsoft

There is no cluster specific Documentation provided by SAP

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© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Slides can be found on the sharepoint

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