Gumba Presentation
Gumba Presentation
Gumba Presentation
Niko C. Gumba
The evolving demands of higher education, compounded by the
need for practical skills, are further complicated by the growing
prominence of mixed-mode learning approaches. The intersection
of traditional classroom settings with online components presents
both challenges and opportunities in preparing Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration (BSBA) senior students for the dynamic
professional world. The study, situated within this context, aims to
explore the determinants of success in On-the-Job Training (OJT)
programs, considering the multifaceted aspects of mixed-mode
learning experiences for enhanced workforce readiness.
The preparedness of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration (BSBA) senior students. Blended learning,
characterized by the fusion of traditional classroom methods and
online components, introduces a nuanced dimension to their
learning experiences. This integration is particularly relevant in
addressing the evolving demands of the professional world,
offering both opportunities and challenges in the pursuit of a
comprehensive education that aligns with the contemporary
business environment, addressing these issues.
Assessing student performance in a blended setting poses
challenges, and maintaining consistent engagement across online
and offline components is a concern. Time management becomes
intricate for both educators and students, and resource allocation
struggles hinder scalability. Quality assurance issues may lead to
inconsistencies in learning outcomes, and privacy and security
risks can undermine trust in the online platform. Limited
institutional support further impedes the successful and
sustainable integration of blended learning. Addressing these
challenges is pivotal for fostering an effective and equitable
blended learning environment.
Conducting a study to address local challenges in blended
learning is imperative for fostering an equitable and effective
educational landscape. Issues such as unequal access to
technology, resistance to change, and insufficient training pose
significant barriers to the successful implementation of blended
learning at the local level. This study aims to identify targeted
solutions that can bridge these gaps, promoting inclusivity and
optimizing the impact of blended learning initiatives. By tackling
these challenges head-on, the research endeavors to enhance
educational practices, provide tailored solutions, and contribute
to the advancement of a more accessible and successful learning
environment in the local context.
Statement of the problem
This study aims to identify the Determinants of On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Program Success among Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
(BSBA) Senior Students.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. How does the BSBA senior students assess the different determinants of OJT
such as:
1.1 Theories learned
1.2 Competence level
1.3 Work attitude
1.4 Linkage
1.5 Cooperating firm
2. What is the level of success of the OJT program among BSBA senior
3. Is there a significant relationship between the determinants and the level of
Method and technique used:
The method used in the particular study is quantitative method
according to Creswell (1994) quantitative research as “an inquiry
into a social or human problem, based on testing a theory
composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed
with statistical procedures, in order to determine whether the
predictive generalizations of the theory hold true.
The reason why I used quantitative method its because this is
appropriate method for the study that I conduct seens their ability
to objectively measure, statistically analyze, and compare large-
scale data, providing empirical evidence on the relationships
between determinants (theories learned, competence level, work
attitude, linkage, cooperating firm) and the success of on-the-job
training programs for Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration senior students.
Research design:
I used Descriptive design in the particular study according to
Creswell, the descriptive research design is a study that
describes the characteristics of a population or phenomenon
being studied.
I used descriptive design in this study is well-suited for achieving
the research objective. By employing a descriptive design, the
study aims to systematically gather and present quantitative data
regarding factors such as theories learned, competence level,
work attitude, linkage, and cooperating firm. This design allows
for a comprehensive examination of the current state of OJT
programs, providing a clear and detailed snapshot of the
identified determinants and their prevalence among BSBA senior
The respondents of the study:
My respondents for this study are the selected BSBA senior students
who have either completed or are currently engaged in on-the-job
training programs. These students are enrolled in Public and Private
Higher Education Institutions in Eastern Samar, specifically Eastern
Samar State University (ESSU) Borongan, ESSU Maydolong, and Saint
Mary’s College of Borongan.
The sampling method involves stratified random sampling to ensure
representation from various strata within the BSBA senior student
population in these institutions.
The use of strata in the sample size increases the study’s ability to draw
meaningful and nuanced conclusions that may be applicable to specific
subgroups within the broader BSBA senior student population in
Eastern Samar.
Research Instrument:
A researcher-adapted questionnaire will be utilized in this study
comprising a 5-point likert scale questions. The questionnaire
was modified and adapted from Delelis, MG (2016) on the study
entitled Dynamics Affecting On-the-Job Training of BSBA
Students of Cagayan State University: An Assessment.
The questionnaire is divided according to the variables such as
theories learned, competence level, work attitude, linkage, and
cooperating firm. Responses of the questions will be documented
in a 5-point likert scale as strongly agree, agree, neutral,
disagree, and strongly disagree.
Thank you!
Praised be jesus and mary!🙏😇