Network 6

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Application Layer

 Application layer protocols are a set of rules and conventions that define how applications
on different devices communicate with each other over a network.
 These protocols facilitate various tasks, such as data exchange, email transmission, web
browsing, and more.
Some common application layer protocols includes: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol),
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol), POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3), IMAP (Internet Message Access
Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), SSH (Secure Shell), Telnet, SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol), XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol).
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a set of rules that web browsers and web servers
follow to communicate with each other.
 When you type a web address into your browser, it uses HTTP to ask a web server for the
web page you want.

 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is an application layer protocol used for transmitting
hypermedia documents, such as web pages and multimedia content, on the World Wide
 It is the foundation of data communication on the internet, allowing web browsers to
request and display web pages from web servers. The server sends the page back to your
browser, and you see the website on your screen.

Hypermedia documents are digital documents that let you click on things (links) to see more
information or do things, like watching videos or playing games. They make digital content
interactive and allow you to explore and connect with information in a flexible way, unlike
traditional paper documents. Websites, interactive e-books, and online courses are examples of
hypermedia documents.
Key features and characteristics of HTTP
1. Statelessness: HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means that each request from a client to a
server is independent, and the server does not retain any information about previous requests.
 This simplifies the architecture but requires the use of additional mechanisms (e.g., cookies) for
maintaining session state.

2. Request-Response Model: HTTP follows a request-response model, where a client (typically a

web browser) sends an HTTP request to a server, and the server responds with the requested
resource, such as a web page or an image.

3. Methods: HTTP requests use various methods or verbs to specify the desired action to be
performed on the resource. Common HTTP methods include GET (retrieve data), POST (submit
data), PUT (update data), DELETE (remove data), and more.

4. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs): Resources on the web are identified using URLs, which
consist of a scheme (e.g., http:// or https://), a domain name, a port number, a path, and optional
query parameters.
key components of a URL
 Protocol (or Scheme): The scheme or protocol indicates how the resource should be accessed. Common
schemes include "http://" for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) used for regular websites, "https://" for secure
websites using HTTP with encryption, "ftp://" for File Transfer Protocol, and "mailto:" for email addresses.

 Domain: The domain is the main part of the URL that specifies the address of the web server where the
resource is hosted. It is typically represented as a human-readable domain name (e.g., "") or
an IP address (e.g., "").
 Port: The port number, if specified, identifies the specific network port on the web server where the resource is
located. The default port is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, and it is often omitted in URLs.

 Path: The path specifies the location of a specific file or resource on the web server. It is separated from the
domain by a forward slash ("/"). For example, in "," "about-us" is the path to the
"about us" page.
 Query: The query component, if present, allows parameters and data to be sent to the web server for
processing. It is separated from the path by a question mark ("?"). For example, in "
query=URL," "query=URL" is the query string.

 Fragment: The fragment, often identified with a hash symbol ("#"), specifies a specific section or anchor point
within a web page. It is used for linking to a particular part of a page. For example,
"" directs the browser to the "section" within the "page."
5. Status Codes: HTTP responses include status codes that indicate the outcome of the
request, such as 200 OK (successful), 404 Not Found (resource not found), and 500 Internal
Server Error (server-side error).

6. Headers: HTTP requests and responses include headers that provide additional information
about the request or response, such as content type, content length, and more. Headers are
used to convey metadata and control various aspects of communication.

7. Security: While HTTP transmits data in plaintext, HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is a secure extension
of HTTP that encrypts the data transfer using SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer
Security) protocols. HTTPS is used to secure sensitive transactions and protect against
eavesdropping and data tampering.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for transferring files
between a client and a server on a computer network, like the internet or a local network.

 FTP is widely used for website maintenance, software distribution, and sharing files.
 There are variations like SFTP (Secure FTP) and FTPS (FTP Secure) that add encryption for
secure file transfers.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the technology that enables the sending of emails.
It's like the postal system for the digital world.

 SMTP ensures that your email gets to its destination and follows the right route, just like the
postal service ensures your letter reaches its intended recipient.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)
 POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3) is a protocol used to retrieve and download email
messages from an email server to your local device, like your computer or smartphone.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a protocol used for managing and accessing your
email messages on an email server from multiple devices.

DNS (Domain Name System)

 DNS (Domain Name System) is like the internet's phone book. It's a critical system that helps you
find websites and other resources on the internet by translating user-friendly domain names
(like into the numerical IP addresses (like that computers use to
locate each other.
 DNS is an essential component of how the internet functions, making it easier for people to
access websites and services without needing to remember numerical IP addresses for each site
they want to visit.
 It acts as a translator between human-readable domain names and machine-readable IP
Explanation of DNS

 Translating Names to Numbers: When you type a web address (like into
your browser, your computer queries a DNS server to find the corresponding IP address.

 Directory Service: DNS servers work like an online directory, storing and organizing millions of
domain names and their associated IP addresses.

 Address Resolution: The DNS server looks up the IP address for the domain name you
requested and returns it to your computer.

 Accessing Websites: Your computer now uses this IP address to connect to the web server
hosting the website you wanted to visit.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that automates the process
of assigning IP addresses and other configuration parameters to devices on a network.
 DHCP is part of the Internet Protocol suite and operates at the application layer.

Key points about DHCP:

1. Dynamic IP Address Assignment:

 DHCP dynamically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network. This is in contrast to static IP
addressing, where each device is manually configured with a fixed IP address.

2. IP Address Leasing:
 DHCP leases IP addresses to devices for a specific period, known as the lease time.
 Devices can renew their lease before it expires, or DHCP can assign a new IP address when the
lease is up. This dynamic allocation of addresses helps in efficient IP address utilization.
3.Configuration Parameters:
 DHCP can provide more than just IP addresses.
 It can also supply additional configuration parameters to devices, such as subnet masks, default
gateways, DNS server addresses, and more. This makes it easier to manage and update
network settings across multiple devices.

4. DHCP Server:
 The DHCP server is a networked device that manages and distributes IP addresses and
configuration parameters to clients.
 It is responsible for maintaining a pool of available IP addresses and responding to DHCP
requests from clients.

5. DHCP Client:
 The DHCP client is the device that requests an IP address and other configuration information
from the DHCP server.
 Most devices, including computers, smartphones, and network-enabled devices, have DHCP
clients built into their networking stack.
6. DHCP Discover and Offer:
 When a device connects to a network, it sends a DHCP Discover message to find a DHCP
 The DHCP server responds with a DHCP Offer, providing an IP address and other
configuration details.

7. DHCP Request and Acknowledgment:

 The client reviews the DHCP Offer and sends a DHCP Request to formally request the
offered IP address.
 The DHCP server acknowledges the request with a DHCP Acknowledgment, finalizing the
Simple Network Management Protocol

 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used protocol for managing and
monitoring network devices and their functions.
 SNMP is an application-layer protocol that facilitates the exchange of management
information between network devices, such as routers, switches, servers, printers, and

Components of SNMP
 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) involves several key components that work
together to enable the monitoring and management of network devices. The main
components of SNMP are:

1. Managed Devices:
 These are the network devices that are monitored and controlled using SNMP. Examples
include routers, switches, servers, printers, and other network-related equipment.
2. Agents
 Agents are software modules that run on managed devices.
 They collect and store management information, and they respond to requests for that
information from SNMP managers.
 Agents play a crucial role in making the information about the device available to the
management system.

3. Network Management Systems (NMS)

 NMS refers to the systems or applications responsible for managing and monitoring the
 These systems use SNMP to communicate with agents on managed devices.
 NMS applications can perform tasks like collecting data, configuring devices, and generating
alerts based on the information received from the agents.

4. Management Information Base (MIB):

 The MIB is a hierarchical database that organizes information about the configuration and
status of managed devices.
 It defines the structure of the data that can be accessed using SNMP.
 MIBs are typically tree-structured, with each node representing a specific aspect or parameter
of the managed device.

SSH, or Secure Shell

 SSH, or Secure Shell, is a cryptographic network protocol that provides a secure way to access
and manage network devices and systems over an unsecured network.
 It is commonly used for remote administration of servers and other devices.

 SSH, or Secure Shell, is a way to connect to and control another computer over the internet. It's
like a secure remote control for computers.

key points about SSH:

1. Secure Communication:
 When you use SSH, the information traveling between your computer and the one you're
connecting to is encrypted.
 It's like putting your conversation in a secret code so that even if someone intercepts it, they
can't understand what you're saying.
2. User Authentication:
 SSH makes sure you are who you say you are before letting you in.
 It uses a combination of passwords or, more commonly, cryptographic keys to confirm your

3. Command Line Access:

 Once connected, you can control the other computer as if you were sitting right in front of
 You can run commands, edit files, and do pretty much anything you would do directly on
that computer

4. Tunneling (Bonus):
 SSH can create secure tunnels for other types of internet traffic.
 It's like having a private, secure road for your data to travel on.
 Telnet is a network protocol used to provide text-based communication between two
devices or systems over a computer network.
 It was widely used in the early days of the internet for remote terminal access and
 However, it has some significant security vulnerabilities, and its use has decreased in favor
of more secure protocols like SSH (Secure Shell)

Key Points about Telnet

1. Text-Based Communication:
• Telnet allows a user on one device to log into another device on the same network and
communicate through a text-based interface.
• This could include running commands, checking system status, or any other interaction that
can be done through text.
No Encryption:
 One of the significant drawbacks of Telnet is that it transmits data, including passwords, in
plain text.
 This means that if someone intercepts the communication, they can easily read and
understand the information being exchanged.
 This lack of encryption makes Telnet insecure, especially for sensitive operations.

Security Risks:
 Because Telnet doesn't encrypt the data being transmitted, it poses significant security
risks, especially when used over untrusted networks like the internet.
 Attackers can eavesdrop on the communication and potentially gain unauthorized access
to sensitive information.

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