Classification of Law

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University Institute of Legal Studies



Classification of Law DISCOVER . LEARN . EMPOWER


Etymological meaning of classification is “the process

of putting something into category” or the basic
process of arranging into classes or categories. For a
proper and logical understanding of law its
classification becomes necessary.
Classification of Law
Notion of classification is very old. Classification was
first made by Roman Jurists. The ancient Hindu Jurists
also laid down eighteen titles or heads of “Vyavahara”
civil law. The distinguished civil and criminal law and
classified crime law under various heads.
It’s not possible to discuss the classifications
given by various Jurists, only a General
Classification shall be given which has been
adopted by most of Jurists of the modern times.
Classification of Law

1. International Law, and

2. Municipal or National law

International law:- The Present form of

international law is of recent origin some earlier
Jurist were of the view that the international law is
not law as it lacked many elements which law
should have. Austin and his supporters were of this
view. Some says international law is law and it is
superior to the municipal law Kelson supports this
What is International Law?
The legal Process that concerns legal relations among
nations is called international law. Belief and experience
some form international law dates from at least the days of
the Roman Empire.
The united nation is are of the Primary mechanism that
articulate and create international law.
The major sources of international law are multilateral
Treaties, international custom and such General Principles as
are recognized by civilized nations.
The Municipal law, Law of land, Civil law, or law
applied within a State is divided into two

The State activities are largely regulated by Public law. It
determines and regulates the organization and functioning of
the State and determines the relation of the State with the
subject. public law may be divided into three classes:-
(A) Constitutional law- It is above and superior to the
Ordinary law of the land. Constitutional law is the basic law or
fundamental law of the State. The constitutional law may be
written as in India or unwritten as in England. In modern times
there is tendency to adopt written constitution.
(B) Administrative law- The parties in such cases
are private individuals and the State through its
judicial organ adjudicates the matters in dispute
between them. But it does not mean that the State
regulates all the conducts and relations of the
citizens but regulates only such of them as are of
public importance and these relations (which State
regulates) constitute the civil rights of the citizens.
The major part of municipal law consists of this
branch of law but in Totalitarian States the public
law regulates the major part of the social life.
(C) Criminal law- Its aim is the prevention of and
punishment for offences. Criminal law is necessary
for the maintenance of order and peace within the
State. In civilized societies crime is considered to be
wrong not only against the individual (who has been
wronged) but a wrong against the society. Therefore,
the State initiates the proceedings against the
offender, and thus it is always a party in criminal
cases. This is why the criminal law is considered as a
branch of public law.
2. PRIVATE LAW- In the Classification of private law
there is great difficulty. Different Jurists have given
different classification, a very General classification is
as follows:-
1.The law of Persons
2.The law of Property
3.The law of obligations
4.The conflict of laws
The law of obligations is divided into three classes.
5.(i) Contract
6.(ii) Quasi contract, and
7.(iii) Tort
The classification is only substantive law. The
Above classification defective: - The above
classification of law has many defects. Many of the
classes do not exist in many legal system at all
some branches of law which has developed in
recent years cannot be put under any one class
Therefore, the above classification is neither
universal nor exhaustive. Many other Jurists have
made classifications based on different principles.
But these too have been made keeping in view the
law of a particular nation; therefore, they are not
satisfactory and have no wide application.

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