1.1 Create Your First Android App
1.1 Create Your First Android App
1.1 Create Your First Android App
Hello World
Lesson 1
● Android Studio
● Creating "Hello World" app in Android Studio
● Basic app development workflow with Android Studio
● Running apps on virtual and physical devices
● Use AppCompat
● Generating layout
file is convenient
This work is licensed under a
Create your first
Android Developer Fundamentals Creative Commons Attribution-NonComm 13
Android app ercial 4.0 International License
Android Studio Panes
Android Monitors:
logcat: log messages
2. Select virtual
or physical
3. OK
This work is licensed under a
Create your first
Android Developer Fundamentals Creative Commons Attribution-NonComm 17 17
Android app ercial 4.0 International License
Create a virtual device
Use emulators to test app on different versions of Android and form factors.
Windows drivers:
● OEM USB Drivers
This work is licensed under a
Create your first
Android Developer Fundamentals Creative Commons Attribution-NonComm 21
Android app ercial 4.0 International License
Get feedback as your app runs
● As the app runs, Android Monitor logcat shows information
● You can add logging statements to your app that will show up in