Chapter 4 DB
Chapter 4 DB
Chapter 4 DB
Functional Dependency
Describes the relationship between attributes in a
If A and B are attributes of relation R, B is functionally
dependent on A (denoted A->B),
if value of B can be determined given A
R = Person (ID, Name, Address, Birth_date)
• ID→ (Name, Address, Birth_date)
• A person’s Name, address, and birth date are
functionally dependent on that person's ID
• Partial Dependency occurs when an attribute in a
table depends on only part of the primary key and
not on the whole key .
• Full Dependency
• If an attribute which is not a member of the
primary key is not dependent on some part of the
primary key but the whole key (if we have
composite primary key) then
• that attribute is fully functionally dependent on the
primary key.
Transitive Dependency
• In mathematics and logic, a transitive relationship is a
relationship of the following form:
"If A implies B, and if also B implies C,
then A implies C."
• If Mr X is a Human, and if every Human is an Animal, then
Mr X must be an Animal
• When a non-prime attribute depends on other non-prime
attribute(s) rather than depending upon the primary key
update anomalies
Unnormalized Form (UNF)
Problems caused by Unnormalized forms
• Redundant storage
• Potential inconsistency (eg. Spelling errors)
• Anomalies
Insertion anomaly
To insert details of a new department that do not
have any students yet, we must enter nulls into the
attributes for studid.
However, as studid is the primary key, null is not
allowed. We have to wait until students are registered
Deletion anomaly:
if we delete the record associated with studid=234,
the details about the database course are also lost.
Update anomaly:
If we want to change head of the Department of
Information Science to Amare
then we must update the department head of
Information Science in every record; otherwise, the
database will become inconsistent
Advantages of Normalization
Reduces data redundancies
Normal Forms
• Normalization is often done as a series of steps
i.e UNF, 1st NF, 2nd NF, 3rd NF, BCNF, ...
• Each normal form involves a set of rules that can be
tested against each table in the system
• If a table violates the rules of some normal form,
• we decompose the table in to tables that individually
meet the requirements of normalization
• Each higher form of normalization is based on the
form prior to it
First Normal Form(1NF)
Requires that all column values in a table are atomic
(e.g., a number is an atomic value, while a list or a set
is not).
We have tow ways of achiving this:
1. Putting each repeating group into a separate table and
connecting them with a primary key-foreign key
2. Moving this repeating groups to a new row by
repeating the common attributes.
If so then Find the key with which you can find all data
• Definition: a table (relation) is in 1NF
• If There are no duplicated rows in the table.
Unique identifier
Each cell is single-valued
Entries in a column (attribute, field) are of the
same kind.
Unnormalized Form (UNF)
Conversion to 1NF
In 1NF, data redundancy increases, as there will be many columns with same
data in multiple rows but each row as a whole will be unique
2nd Normal Form (2NF)
For a relation to be in the 2NF, it must satisfy
two conditions:
The relation should be in the 1NF
There should be no Partial Dependency
Remove part-key dependencies.
Make all data dependent on the whole key.
Partial Dependency
To remove partial dependency
Write each primary key component on
separate line
Write dependent attributes after each primary
Each component is new table
Conversion to 2NF
R = (stud_id, stud_name, course_id, course_name, grade)
• Primary Key – stud_id, course_id
Functional Dependencies
{stud_id, course_id → grade, stud_id → stud_name,
course_id → course_name }
For the relation to be in 2NF, we have to remove the
partial dependency
(course_id → course_name & stud_id → stud_name)
by decomposing the relation into more relations
The resulting tables in 2NF are the following:
R1 = Course(course_id, course_name)
R2 = Student(stud_id, stud_name)
R3 = Student_Course(studid, course_id, grade)
Third Normal Form(3NF)
A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if
it is in 2NF and
There are no transitive dependencies between a
primary key and non-primary key attributes
Make all data dependent on nothing but the key.
If transitive dependencies exist on the primary key
remove them by placing them in a new relation
along with a copy of their dominant
Conversion to 3NF
Consider the following table
R= Employee(empid, empname, empsal, depid, deptname, depbudget)
Primary Key : empid
Functional dependencies:
Empid → depid
Depid → depname and Depid → depbudget.
Here depname & depbudget are transitively dependent on Empid.
Therefore, the above table is not in 3NF
To normalize it, we can use the functional dependencies:
• Depid → depname, Depid → depbudjet And Empid → depid
The resulting tables in 3NF are the following:
R1= Employee(empid, empname, empsal, depid)
R2= Department(depid ,deptname, depbudget)
Conversion to 3NF
• Let’s take
SID, Year and Dormitory and see the
SID → Year AND Year → Dormitery
Then transitively
SID → Dormitery
Sid FName Lname Department Year
Year Dormitery
1 401
2 402
3 403
Other Levels of Normalization
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF):
Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships
No table may contain two or more 1:n or N:M
relationships that are not directly related.
The correct solution, to cause the model to be in 4th
normal form,
is to ensure that all M:M relationships are resolved
independently if they are indeed independent,
Def: A table is in BCNF if it is in 3NF and if every
determinant is a candidate key.
Forth Normal form (4NF) :
• Isolate Semantically Related Multiple
• There may be practical constrains on
information that justify separating logically
related many-to-many relationships.
• Def: A table is in 4NF if it is in BCNF and if it
has no multi-valued dependencies.
Fifth Normal Form (5NF):
• Def: A table is in 5NF, also called "Projection-
Join Normal Form" (PJNF), if it is in 4NF and
• if every join dependency in the table is a
consequence of the candidate keys of the