Formal Dining

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What are Table Manners?
The way you eat your food, or the socially
acceptable way to eat your food, especially
when eating a meal with others
The socially accepted code of manners to
be observed whenever dining. The degree
of observance of these rules may vary
according to the formality of the occasion
Since hunger is the most primitive and
permanent of human wants, men always
want to eat, but since their wish not to be a
mere animal is also profound, they have
always attended with special care to the
“manners” which conceal the fact that at
the table we are animals feeding.

John Erskine, 'The Complete Life 3

Importance of Table Manners
 Nowhere are manners more important than at
the table. Table manners prevent diners from
being sloppy, offensive and boorish.

 It helps to communicate respect to hosts and

guests alike. Table manners are not hard and
fast rules, rather they are helpful guidelines in
our social relationships.

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 Whether dining with a dignitary, or sitting with
friends and family on special occasions, an
understanding of dining protocol makes time
spent with others around a table more

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 When you know the rules there is no
awkwardness or questions about how things
should be done; instead there is only opportunity
to spend quality time with the company present.
 Good basic table manners are important
because they ensure that both guests and hosts
are comfortable at the table. Table manners are
mostly common sense
Seating Protocol
 When there is a single table, the host and
hostess usually sit at opposite ends
 The highest ranking male generally sits to the
right of the hostess. The highest ranking woman
sits to the right of the host.
 The second ranking male will usually sit to the
left of the hostess Contd… 7
• People having similar professions and
hobbies can sit together
• Couples are usually separated
• A woman usually does not sits next to
another woman or a man next to another
• Place cards are placed in front of every
seat carrying the guest’s name. For larger
dinners seating plans are placed outside
dinner halls
For very formal dinners like the ones
to be hosted by the head of the state,
there is a warrant of precedence
issued by the government of Pakistan
which is to be followed


 Draw your chair close to the table

 Sit upright
 Spread the napkin on your lap
 If you want to leave for a short while during
meals leave the napkin on the chair
 Do not heap your plate
Contd… 10
 Wipe your mouth before drinking
 Sit from the left & leave the table from your right
and put the chair noiselessly back
 Formal dinners are not meant to satisfy your

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 Learn correct use of cutlery
 Make minimum noise of cutlery while eating
 Do not start eating till the senior most officer or the
guest of honour starts eating
 Do not pick a chicken piece with fingers

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 Do not use tooth picks
 Always move your hands diagonally
 Liquids are taken from the side of the spoon and
solids from the tip
 After meals leave the napkin unfolded on the left
 Always use “please” and “thank you”
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 Keep the elbows off the table
 Never talk with the mouth full
 Talk politely with your neighbor while eating
 Do not lean forward
 Leave napkin unfolded on the chair if you have to
leave during the meal for a short while
 Compliment the host

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 Don’t make a fuss. If you don’t like something,
leave it.
 Don’t blow on hot food to cool it down. Wait for it
to cool itself.
 Don’t smoke at the table unless invited to by the
 Don’t photograph the table, it looks desperate.
 Don’t forget to compliment the host

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 Don’t move your plate after your meal has been
 Don’t treat the servers badly. It makes you look
 Don’t point with your cutlery.
Don’t hold your fork while you drink from your

Contd… 16
 Never smoke during a meal. Smoking should not
take place until dessert is finished. Follow the
lead of the host or ask if you may smoke. Use
ashtrays only.
 Never apply makeup or comb your hair at the

• Whenever a woman leaves the table or
returns to sit, all men seated with her
should stand up
• Do not push your dishes away from you or
stack them for the waiter when you are
finished. Leave plates and glasses where
they are

 If you spill anything on the table or yourself
discretely use your napkin or ask the waiter for
sparkling water. Do not dip your napkin into your
water glass
 If you spill anything on someone else do not try
to mop up the spill, offer them a napkin and let
them do it for themselves. Offer to cover any
laundering or cleaning costs

Contd… 19
 If you burp cover your mouth with your napkin.
After it happens, say a quiet "pardon me" to no
one in particular, do not make a big deal about it.
 If you break anything, call it to the waiter's
attention. In a private home, speak quietly to the
host and offer to replace the item.

Contd… 20
 If you get some food stuck between your teeth
do not use toothpicks, fingernails, or napkins to
dislodge the food at the table. If necessary go to
the bathroom and take care of it.

 Finally, be sure to say thank you to your host
before leaving and send a letter of thanks the
next day (if you are lucky you will be invited

Things to be avoided at dinner table

• Talking and texting on cell phones

• Chewing with your mouth open
• Talking with your mouth full
• Blowing nose
• Rudeness to waiters

• Licking fingers
• Grooming or make up
• Not leaving a tip
• Picking your teeth
• Burping

• Plate is in the centre. Knives/spoons on the right,
forks on the left.
• The cutting edge of the knife is towards the plate and
the tines of the forks point upwards.
• Silverware (Knife, spoon, fork, etc) is set in order of
its use. The pieces to be used last, being nearest to the
plate. Use the siverware from outside in.
• Salad fork is on the outmost left side followed by the
dinner fork.
• Soup spoon is on the outmost right followed by a
table spoon and knives.
• Dessert spoon and fork is in front-horizontal to the
centre plate. Spoon bowl facing left and fork tines facing
right. (Picture on next slide)

• When using a knife and fork together, the knife is
placed in the right hand and fork in the left hand.
• In continental style, a portion of the food is cut with the
knife and eaten with the fork, which is in the
left hand.
• In American style, a portion of the food is cut with the
knife (held in the right hand) and the food is eaten
with the fork, which is shifted to the right hand
• Always place the index finger on the top of the knife.
(Don’t grasp in the fist).

• Lift food to the mouth with the fork, tines down.

• Use the knife gently, not forcefully.

• Don’t use silverware as sabres while talking

• Once the silverware is used in a course, it will not be
used again.
• Everything is cleared before the last course. Only
glasses remain on the table when the dessert is
• Don’t let the spoon remain in the cup or glass when
drinking. Place it on the under plate.
• Picking a chicken with fingers is strictly for informal
• Don’t chew bones.
• Chops too should be eaten with knife and fork.
• Small fish is often served whole, large fish in pieces.
Fish bones are removed from the mouth with finger
tips-not fork and put on the side of the dinner plate.
At Buffets
• Always allow ladies to approach the table first.
Guests may also be allowed to serve themselves first.
• Do not crowd around the table. Serve yourself and
move away.
• Make sure you do not come back for extra helpings
unless everyone has taken a first helping.
• Keep the napkin with you till the end.
• Used plates and glasses should be placed on the table
designated for the purpose.
 Arrive 15 minutes before the official time
 Look after guests as every probationary officer is a
 Guests should be received at the entrance and
escort officers should take them to be introduced to
the faculty and other probationary officers
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 Move around freely and mingle with the guests
 Guests must be introduced to one another and
to the faculty
 Guests must also be seen off and must not be
left abruptly
 Socializing is the main objective of such dinners
Contd… 36
 Always precede senior officers for dinners. PMC

would take the senior officers to dinner table

 Do not monopolize the senior guests
 Eat at the speed which matches others at the
 Seniors leave first after the dinner
 Do not leave the mess until all the guests have


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