Role of Research

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At the end of the class, the learners
will be able to gain knowledge on
role of research, leadership and the
management in nursing

At the end of the class, the learners will be able to:
o Define research
o Analyze characteristics of a good research
o Recall nursing research past and present
o Discuss current and future for nursing
o Emphasis on importance of research in
o Critique the theories of leadership
Specific o Stress on the need for leadership in nursing
o Enumerate the function of management
Objective o Demonstrate management skills
Nursing means to foster or cherish; to treat or handle with care; to
bring up; to train; to pressure. So the term nursing means suggests
attendance and service.
Virginia Henderson (1966)
“ The unique function of the nurse is to
assist the individual, sick or well in the
performance of the activities,
contributing to health or it’s recovery
(or to a peaceful death) that he would
perform unaided if he had the necessary
strength, will or knowledge and to do
this in such a way as to help him gain
independence as quickly as possible”

“Research is a systematic enquiry

that rules on disciplined methods
to answer questions and solve problems.
The ultimate goal of research is to gain
knowledge that can benefit
many people.”
- Denise F. Polit.
Nursing Research
Nursing Research is a systematic inquiry designed to develop
evidence about issues of importance to nursing education and
nursing administration
Nursing Research
Nursing Research is concerned
with systematic study and
assessment of nursing problems or
phenomenon finding ways to
improve nursing practice and
patient care through creative
studies, initiating and evaluating
change and taking actions to make
new knowledge useful in nursing.
Characteristics of a Good Research
Justified and
Clearly defined Suitable yielding
purpose design

methods of Researcher
Reliable findings
analysis, based integrity
on objectives

Ethical integrity
Characteristics… Oriented to develop new knowledge
A good research
should be Purposeful
Generating new ideas

Expert conducted Vigorously analyzed

Centered around an existing problem Innovative

Well reported
Role of a Nurse in Research

Advise Search for

Gather Discuss the
clients about research
Contribute information implications
participating audience to
an idea for from those of a study in
in a study address a
a study taking part a journal
in a study club

Nursing Research
in the Past and
Florence Nightingale

Nightingale’s (1859) initial

research focussed on
importance of a healthy
environment in promoting
patient’s physical and
mental well being..

1900 to 1960s
1900 American Journal of
Cases studies in Nursing
ANA journal 1920
- Focus on Ql. Care
Research in nursing 1950s - International
specialties Journal of Nursing
- Nursing research Studies published
publication (1952) (1963)
1960s - ANA sponsors 1st
- Research institute
series of nursing
research (1965)
Nursing Research in the 1970s
Late 60s-70
Models, conceptual 1970
frameworks &
theories. - ANA-
Commission on
1972 Nursing Research
- Sigma Theta Tau
Council of Nursing
offers sponsorship
China – Journal
Nursing Research: 1980s and 1990s

National Institute of Applied Nursing

1982- Nursing Research Research and Nursing
created by ANA 1987 Science, Quarterly 1990s

- Conduct and Utilization New research journal Numerous

of Research in Nursing 1985 - Scholarly Enquiry 1988 high quality
(CURN) published ,
for Nursing Practice studies
- Annual Review of
Nursing 1st Vol. published
published conducted
1992 Doctoral Prog in CoN CMC
Phd prog in RAKCON
M.Phil prog : RAKCON,
1959 Manipal Acad.
MSc Prog in RAKCON Nursing Research Society
Research flourishes of India established
Higher Education Including
Phd. In UK

Evolution of Nursing Research in India

Evolution of Nursing Research in India
- PhD offers, funds by ICMR, Department of Science &
- Research activities, journals and publications
- CMC, TNAI journals indexed in natl and intl databases
INC introduces Phd in collaboration

with WHO and RGUHS with 6 institutes
across India
Past 20 years
INC initiates research as
part of nursing course
Indian Journal of Continuing Education
Official Publication of College of Nursing, CMC Vellore. 2020

Nursing research in India: Keeping pace or time to catch up

Dr. Leah Macaden
Nurse academics in India are called to reflect critically towards
o EBP for nursing practice, education and management through collaborative
o Navigation of new frontiers such as interdisciplinary, patient‑public
involvement and coproduction to demonstrate impact at the academic,
societal levels and beyond.
o Up skilling digital literacy to fully exploit the potential for interdisciplinary
research engagement and knowledge exchange.
Current and Future Directions for
This Research
is a sample text. Enter your text here
Current and Future Directions…

Continued focus on evidence based practice

Outgrowing growth of Research synthesis

Increased emphasis on patient centeredness

Relatedly greater interest in Research applicability

Current and Future Directions…

Expanded local research & quality improvement efforts

Increased focus on health disparities

Growing interest in defining & ascertaining cl. significance

Purpose of Nursing Research
※ Generate scientific knowledge
※ Explore unexplored issues
※ Address existing knowledge gaps
※ Improve existing methods
※ Theory development
※ Alert policy makers
※ Forsee implications of various solutions
※ Gather and synthesize scattered information
※ Identify pattern of relationships between the variables
Purpose of Nursing Research
⁂ Explore why relationships exist
⁂ Identify patterns contributing to the relationships
⁂ Predict the probability of an outcome
⁂ Evaluate and compare scientific outcome
⁂ Make decisions based on predictions
⁂ Predict the impact of any outcome
⁂ Identify alternatives
⁂ Test hypotheses
Role of Research in Nursing
Providing basis for
Filling the gaps in
knowledge and 02 Fostering
practice commitment,
03 accountability to

01 To mould the attitudes, intellectual competence

and technical skills
Role of Research in Nursing
8. Decisions by the administrations to related
7. New measures for nursing

6. Identifying role of nurse in

changing society
5. Providing basis for professional
10. Defining existing theories and
discovering new ones

9. Improving standards in
nursing Education

Role of Research in Nursing

Nurses’ Responsibility in Research
Read and interpret reports
Identify nursing areas where research is
02 needed

Collaborate intelligently with

03 researchers
Discuss with patients any research they
04 will be asked to participate
Use research as a basis for deciding what to teach
05 students.
Nurses’ Responsibility in Research
Use research findings as a basis for deciding
06 how to teach students

07 Plan and supervise project work to help

students develop critical thinking.

08 Have information about resources

available for carrying out research.
09 Initiate and facilitate research in needed
10 Monitor progress of research project.

Definition of research
Characteristics of a good Research
Role of a Nurse in Research
Nursing research past and present
Evolution of Indian nursing research

Current and Future Nrsg Research

Importance of Research in Nursing
Purposes of nursing research
Role of research in Nursing
Nurses responsibility in research
Role of
in Nursing
 Nursing is a major component of
health care delivery system and
nursing services are necessary for
every client seeking care of any type
including promotion, diagnosis,
treatment and rehabilitation.
Definition of Leadership
 Leadership can be defined as the process by which one influences
others to follow one’s direction or to accompany a goal.
- Huber 2014, Mannix, Wikes & Daly 2013

 Leadership is the process of persuasion and by which an

individual induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader
or shared by the leader and by his or her followers.
- Gardner 1990
Leadership Theories
1 Leadership
3 Situational Leadership

2 Servant Leadership 4 Authentic Leadership

Leadership Theories…
Transformational Leadership
1 Burns 1978

A Inspiration

B Charisma

C Intellectual stimulation

D Individualized consideration
Leadership Theories…
Servant Leadership
2 Robert Greenleaf in 1970

A Listening

B Empathy

C Healing

D Awareness
Servant Leadership cont’d…
P Persuasion

C Conceptualization

F Foresight

S Stewardship

C Commitment to the growth of others

B Building Community
Leadership Theories…
Situational Leadership
3 Henry Blanchard & Johnson 2001

A Delegating

B Participating

C Selling

D Telling
Leadership Theories…
4 Authentic Leadership

A Purpose (passion)

B Values (integrity)

C Heart (compassion)

D Relationships (connectedness)

E Self-discipline (consistency)
Categories of Followership

05 “Star” Followers

“Alienated” Followers 04

03 “Pragmatics”

“Yes” People
01 “Sheep”
Need for Leadership in Nursing
05 Advocacy in Nursing
04 Increase body of knowledge
03 Foundation block for nsg prac.

02 Team Building

01 Raising consciousness.
Need for Leadership in Nursing

09 Role Model

08 Inspiring the staff

07 Supervision

06 To provide Direction
Role of Nursing Leader
1 Widen Nursing Horizon

2 Enhance professional knowledge and skills

3 Strive towards professional Autonomy

4 Need to learn new skills

o Management is defined as the process by which a cooperative
group directs action towards common goals.
- Joseph Massie 1978

o Management is a distinct process consisting of planning,

organizing, activating and controlling, performed to determine
and accomplish the objectives by the use of people and
- George 1998
Functions of Management

1. Planning 4. Directing

2. Organizing 5. Coordinating

3. Staffing 6. Reporting
Functions of Management
7. Problem solving 11. Maintain
8. Budgeting 12. Controlling

9. Manage daily 13. Delegating


10. Empower staff 14. Evaluating

Management Skills

Strategic Communication
/objective setting People
Effective Nurse
Leader Emotional
Decision Making
Difference between Leadership and Management
Sells Tells
Vision Objective

Guidance and Instruction

inspiration and direction
Goal Task
oriented oriented

Flexibility Stability

Empowers Approves
Difference between Leadership and Management
Future focus, long range Current focus, short range
Encourages participation Assigns duties
Innovators Administrators
Mentoring Monitoring

Participative Directive
Cultivates Constructs
Coach, mentor, servant Boss, supervisor, director
Difference between Leadership and Management
Focusses on people Focusses on systems

Motivates Coordinates

Fosters transformation Oversees change

Permits creativity Expects consistency

Relationship based on Relationship based on
rapport position
Does the right thing Does things right
Original Research Article
Frontiers Psychology, October 2015. Van Bogaert, et al
Nurse managers' perceptions and experiences regarding
staff nurse empowerment: a qualitative study

Aim: To study nurse managers' perceptions and experiences of staff nurse

structural empowerment and its impact on the nurse manager leadership role
and style.

Results: Nurse managers confirmed the positive impact of empowerment

on their staff nurses, as evidenced by increased responsibility, autonomy,
critical reflection and enhanced communication skills that in turn
improved the quality and safety of patient care.
Definition and description of leadership
Theories of leadership
Need for leadership in nursing
Role of nursing leader
Definition, Function of management
Management skills
Differences in leadership and management
Self Assessment
of Management Skill

Nurses must be prepared to look into
matters of research, leadership and
management. Managerial concepts are
needed by nurses at all levels, focus on
how to deal with people, how to manage
resources and how to manage one’s job.
Research is needed to change the outlook
of nursing profession and widen the
horizons of nursing profession.
Levels of educational
preparedness and
participation in Nursing

o Polit D F [2022], “Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice”. 1st
South Asian Edition, Wolters Kluwer.
o Beauvais A M [2019], “Leadership and management Competence in Nursing Practice”, Springer
Publication Company, LLC, 11 West 42nd Street, New York 10036.
o Basheer S P & Khan S Yasheen [2013], “A Concise Textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice”,
EMMESS Medical Publications.
o Brar Navdeep kaur (2015), Textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice. 1st Edition, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
o Macaden L. Nursing research in India: Keeping pace or time to catch up. Indian Journal of
Continuing Nursing Education ¦ Volume 21 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2020. https://
o Van Bogaert, P., Peremans, L., de Wit, M., Van Heusden, D., Franck, E., Timmermans, O., &
Havens, D. S. (2015). Nurse managers' perceptions and experiences regarding staff nurse
empowerment: a qualitative study. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1585. https://
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