BMC Anglais

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Realized by
Haj Salem Fawzi
Definition of Business Model

Objectives of Business Model

table of content Canvas

Structure of BMC

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a
strategic management tool that allows

Definition businesses and entrepreneurs to visualize,

design, and innovate their business models.

of BMC Developed by Alexander Osterwalder and

Yves Pigneur, the BMC is presented in a visual
chart with elements describing a company's
value proposition, infrastructure, customers,
and finances. It assists firms in aligning their
activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.
To create a viable business model using the
BMC framework for an eco-friendly
packaging company.

Objectives of To analyze the market need, identify target

Business Model
customers, and define the value proposition

canvas To ensure the sustainability of the packaging

solutions through the entire lifecycle.

To explore partnerships with local businesses

and environmental organizations.
Value proposition 1

Customer segments 2

Structure of Business Channels 3

Model Canvas
Customer relationships 4

Revenue streams 5

Keys ressources 6

Keys partners 7

Keys activities 8

Cost stucture 9
Content of Each
1. Value proposition 2. Customer Segments 3. Channels 4. Customer Relationship
Here, you detail the specific This part outlines how your Describe the types of
Think about what makes your
groups of people or company communicates relationships you establish
offering compelling to customers organizations your business with and reaches its with different Customer
Innovation aims to serve. Each segment Customer Segments to Segments.
problem-solving capabilities has distinct needs, behaviors, deliver the Value
and attributes. Proposition.

5. Revenue Streams 6. Key Resources 7. Key Partnerships 8. Key Activities

Identify the sources of List the most important Identify the network of Specify the crucial actions
revenue from each Customer assets required to make suppliers and partners that your business must take to
Segment your business model make your business model operate successfully
work. possible

9. Cost Structure
This includes which Key Resources and Key Activities are most
expensive, helping you understand the financial health of your business.
In conclusion, the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis has
provided valuable insights into our business model. We have
identified key partnerships, activities, resources, and
customer segments that form the core of our operations. Our

Conclusion unique value propositions and customer relationships are key

strengths that differentiate us in the market. The analysis
also revealed opportunities for growth through new channels
and strategic partnerships. Moving forward, we plan to refine
our value proposition, explore innovative channels, and
optimize our cost structure to enhance competitiveness and
drive sustainable growth.

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