Patrick Modiano
Patrick Modiano
Patrick Modiano
“I am nothing,” is how the book starts. “Nothing but a Hutte, who brought Roland into the Agency eight years
pale shape, silhouetted that evening against the café ago, who taught him how to be a private investigator,
terrace, waiting for the rain to stop…” has described these volumes as “the essential tools of the
trade”, objects he’d never discard.
Roland asks about them, and when Hutte asks Roland
what he intends to do with himself, Roland says that he’s
following something up.
Guy Roland suffers from amnesia, the Now after a career of solving other people's
period of his life before launching his career problems, he turns to his own.
as a private investigator is almost a
complete blank.
The moment of crisis for Roland,when his Now, as he tries to pick up the pieces, he
past fell away, was—perhaps not follows an enticing series of clues, each one
surprisingly—during the period of Nazi leading him to another informant, another
occupation of France. piece of the puzzle.
Where other detectives gather clues, Roland From these disparate sources Roland gradually
pieces together bits and pieces of his own
mementos. Almost everyone he interrogates has a
narrative. These are supplemented by flashes of
story to share—but not necessarily the one our
recovered memory, but the reader is never quite
investigator has come to hear. These various
sure whether the recollections are authentic or
parties give him relics from their own personal merely the result of an overheated imagination.
tragedies: old photos, letters, a magazine, a book. Roland is too ready to agree, to play the role others
Soon he is overloaded with keepsakes, invariably assign him. He has lost more than his memory, it
stored in some second-hand container. seems, and at times appears to have lost his sense
of self as well.
A strange mystery, where the same
Certainly Modiano doesn't hesitate in character figures as victim, client, detective
shaking up the conventions of the mystery and key witness!
Modiano amplifies the inward focus of his
And as our detective gets closer and closer narrative by presenting his protagonist as
to the story of his life, he seems to find without wife or children, or apparently even
himself as the victim of a crime, the close friends.
wounded survivor of a now forgotten
Even his long-time boss and colleague in The story ends by leaving almost everything
the private eye from where he works has behind, thousands of miles away from its
moved away, leaving Roland alone in his starting point, and with still more journeys
quest to solve this very personal mystery. ahead of our hero.
(2) Existence is primarily the problem of existence (i.e., of its mode of being); it is, therefore, also the investigation of the
meaning of Being.
The basic principle of existentialism is that existence precedes essence for human
beings. Essence precedes existence for objects. Objects always have a definite
purpose and this purpose is known prior to the creation of the object. On the other
hand, humans are not born with a definite purpose.