! Allah Is A Creator
! Allah Is A Creator
! Allah Is A Creator
1. Reingga Adhitya Firdaus مرحبا
2. Alvin Dias Novalsharif
3. Jovanka Archelita
4. Annisa Fadlystyani
Allah is a creator,
01. 02.
human being Need
a creator (God) regulator, controller
and caretaker
Human being is compulsory
to worship God (Allah)
01. اثنان
human being Need
a creator (God)
human being Need a creator (God)
1. The Quest for Meaning and Purpose 2. Morality andofEthical
The concept Frameworks
a creator has also played a
Human beings have an innate desire to
make sense of their existence and to find pivotal role in shaping moral and ethical
meaning and purpose in their lives. This frameworks across various societies. Many
quest for meaning has been a driving religious teachings provide a foundation
force behind the belief in a creator. for morality, offering a set of guidelines for
ethical behavior.
3. Coping with
In the face ofExistential Uncertainty
life's inevitable trials, 4. Scientific
In contrastWorldview
to the needand
for aSecularism
creator, the rise
tribulations, and the looming specter of of the scientific worldview and secularism
mortality, many individuals turn to the has led many to question the relevance of
idea of a creator for solace and God in understanding human existence. As
reassurance. The belief in an all-knowing, science has progressed, it has offered
all-loving God can provide a sense of naturalistic explanations for various
comfort and hope during times of phenomena, reducing the perceived need for
hardship, loss, or uncertainty. a divine explanation.
human being Need a creator (God)
5. The 6. The
The Search
quest forfor Transcendence
It is Diversity of Belief Systems
crucial to recognize that the a creator is not
need for a creator varies widely solely about seeking answers to
among individuals and cultures. The questions about the origins of the
world is characterized by a diverse universe or human life.
array of belief systems, each offering
a unique perspective on the divine
and the nature of existence.
02. اثنان
Allah is a creator,
regulator, controller
and caretaker,
Allah is a creator, regulator, controller and caretaker,
2. Individual
3. The Role of
Human being is compulsory to worship
God (Allah)
3. The 4. The
The Individual Journey ofworship
The Role
verseof Messengers
also points out that God notion of compulsory
sends messengers to guide humanity. acknowledges that the path of faith
These messengers act as and worship is a personal journey.
intermediaries between God and Each individual is accountable for
human beings, delivering the their choices, actions, and the
message of monotheism and the extent to which they fulfill their
obligation to worship Allah alone. duty to worship God.
“He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the
Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever
is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He
is the Exalted in Might, the Wise”
(Surah Al – Hashr 59 : Verse 24)
Thank you