Tour 4 Chapter 7
Tour 4 Chapter 7
Tour 4 Chapter 7
1. Early Retirement
At present, many workers retire at an early age than the case in
previous years. The US social security system provides benefits to workers as
young as 62 years of age and many employee retirement programs are based
on years of service rather than on age.
2. Longer life span
The average individual can now expect to live beyond the age of 70 and
many will live longer. This is in contrast to earlier generations when the average life
span was much less increasing population of older, retired citizens who are richer due
to pension programs and the healthier provides a larger base of potential customers for
tourism and hospitality operations.
3. Shorter workweek
In the past , the six-day workweek was the standard for most working
people. At present, the five-day workweek is standard and the four-day workweek is
becoming common—leaving several days for other activities. The resulting increase in
leisure time, combined with faster and easier transportation, makes possible for many
individuals to take weekend vacations and travel to a degree they could not have made
few years ago. The tourism and hospitality industry will surely benefit from this
increase in travel;
4. Greater disposable income
The average family has more money to spend than before. This is due to
higher wages and two earner households. A large portion of the additional
disposable income is spent on consumer goods and services. The tourism and
hospitality operation
receive an important share of it;
5. Greater mobility
Improved roads and better transportation make it easier to travel every
year. The modern highway system has reduce the time required for automobile
travel between any two points. New planes use new technologies which enable
them to carry more passengers while using less fuel. These increases the travel
have a positive impact on tourism and hospitality industry sales;
6. Smaller families
The average family size has decreased. Thus, it is easier for the family
to travel and travel costs less if few family members travel.