1.5.1 System Software - Operating Systems - GCSE

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Starter Activity
3 minutes

What is the role of an

operating system?

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objectives
• To understand the purpose of an operating system.
• To understand the 5 major roles that an operating system provides.
Success Criteria
• To be able to describe the 5 major roles that an operating system provides.
• To also be able to explain why the roles are important.
• To also be able to explain the role of the kernel.

Literacy – Key Words

Operating System Software, which manages the hardware and software resources of a computer system and
(OS) provides an interface for the user.
Kernel The heart of the operating system, responsible for looking after “the most low-level
hardware operations”.
Multi-Tasking The ability of an OS to supply the CPU with instructions from multiple programs in
particular orders to create the illusion that a computer is processing multiple programs

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
System Software

System software is software which allows a computer to

run and to be maintained.

Operating System software

Utility Software

…are the two main types of system software.

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The Operating System
The operating system is the most important piece of software on
any computer.

Without it, no programs will run.

This is because an operating system is responsible for controlling /

communicating with the computer hardware.

It provides a platform on which games, browsers, music players,

etc, can all work.

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The Operating System
If you were to run an everyday program (e.g. a word
processor), without an operating system, nothing would be
displayed on the screen, nothing could be sent to the printer,
nothing could be typed.

This is because application software, does not know how to

TALK to hardware devices.

However, the operating system does. The operating system

can also talk to the application that is running.

So when you print a document, the application talks to the

OS, which in turn talks to the printer.
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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The Operating System
The operating system sits between the user’s
applications and the hardware.

It enables applications to use the hardware


Computer Science UK www.computerscienceuk.com

GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The Kernel
The kernel is the heart of the operating system and is responsible for looking after
“the most low-level hardware operations”.

It is the kernel that applications make use of when they want to operate the
computer’s hardware.



CPU Memory Devices

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The Operating System
Ultimately, the operating system provides 5 major roles:

- Memory Management
- Peripheral Management
- Multi-Tasking
- Security
- User Interface

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
Memory Management

The OS manages the RAM.

When you load an application, the OS will copy the

application to the RAM.
In addition, the OS will ensure that each program that
loads has its own space on the RAM.

This stops other programs reading and writing to the

memory area for another application.

It is also responsible for managing virtual memory.

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
Peripheral Management
Peripherals are devices that are attached to a computer such as a printer or

The operating system controls these devices and gives programs access to

When you print a document, the program doesn’t know how to talk to the
printer, it doesn’t even know if one is installed.

Instead it passes this data to the operating system which in turn passes it to the

The same happens when you save a file. The program passes this information
to the operating system and the operating system is what saves files onto the
hard disk.
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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
The User Interface
The word interface means ‘coming together’.
In computers, an interface enables a user to interact with a computer.

Operating Systems provide users with an interface so that they can

interact with the computer.

Operating systems will usually offer one of three major types of interface:

- Graphical User Interface (GUI)

- Menu Driven Interface
- Command Line Interface

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
Graphical User Interfaces
Uses windows, icons, menus and pointers (WIMP) to control
the computer. Only been around since the mid 80s. Windows
and Apple Mac OSx are examples of this kind of interface.

Menu Driven Interface

Uses menus to control the computer. These were very popular
on early mobile phones and are seen in all high streets on cash
machines and also on many MP3 players. Only offer limited
functions (ie. if it is not on the menu then you can’t do it!)

Command Line Interface

Used to be the only way to interact with a computer (pre-80s)
and is still used today by ‘Linux users’ and other professionals
with technical knowledge. With this kind of interface ‘written
commands’ control computers.

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
As we know, a CPU’s core works one process at a time.
An operating system enables multi-tasking by managing the
CPU’s processes so that several programs can run at once.
On old computers, a CPU would focus on the processes of
one program.
On a multi-tasking operating system, many programs can
run at the same time. The operating system enables this to
happen by either allowing processes to take it in turn, or
getting the shortest job done first.
Because CPU’s are so quick now-a-days, it appears to be
simultaneous and allows many programs to be used at once.

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GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Operating Systems
Often computers will be used by several users.
Operating systems manage these users and ensure that a user’s data is only seen
by them and not by others.
In this way an OS provides security to users.
They give users ‘usernames’ and ‘passwords’ so that data is kept secure.
They also give different users different permissions.
This means that one user may be given permission to install new programs
whereas others cannot.
In this way, an operating system can ensure that a computer system is not open
to abuse from any user.

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