OS Lab 5

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Lab# 05

Command Line Argument, Process

Environments, and Error Handlining
Lab Engineer: Eisha ter raazia Mir
Learning Outcome
• To handle command line arguments in C
• To error handling in the C program
• To know the process Environments
• Structure in C
Command Line Arguments
Command line arguments are nothing. Still, simply arguments that
are specified after the name of the program in the system’s command
line, and these argument values are passed on to your program
during program execution
Given after the name of the program in command-line shell
Reduce the length of the code
Define main() with two arguments :
• First argument - number of command line arguments
• Second - list of command-line arguments
Command Line Argument
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
argc (ARGument Count)
• int - stores number of command-line arguments passed by the user including
the name of the program
• If we pass a value to a program, value of argc would be 2 (one for argument and
one for program name)
argv (ARGument Vector)
• Array of character pointers listing all the arguments
• You must make sure that in your command line argument, argv[0] stores the
name of your program, similarly argv[1] gets the pointer to the 1st command
line argument that the user has supplied, and *argv[n] denotes the last
argument of the list.
Command Line Arguments

#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv [] )
printf(" \n Name of my Program %s \t", argv[0]);
if( argc == 2 )
printf("\n Value given by user is: %s \t", argv[1]);
else if( argc > 2 )
printf("\n Many values given by users.\n");
printf(" \n Single value expected.\n");
Process Environment
Program are invoked in a context through which the environment list
passed to it.
A standard environment list contains information like user's home
directory, terminal type, current locale, and so on. Format:
Name - upper case
The environment list is also an array of pointers pointing to the address
of a null-terminated string.
And the environment list can be accessed through a global variable
environ, which is defined as a pointer to a pointer to char
Process Environment
Error Handling
• Global Variable errno:
• When a function is called in C, a variable named as errno is automatically
assigned a value which can be used to identify the type of error that has been
• Its a global variable indicating the error occurred during any function call and
defined in the header file errno.h
Different values for errno mean different types of errors
Error Handling
• Below is a list of few different errno values and its corresponding meaning:
Error Handling
• perror():
• displays the string 's', followed by ':', and the error message associated with
• errno:
• is an integer variable already defined for you in errno.h
• It is set to the latest/last error condition generated by your program
• If your program tries to do something that it isn't allowed to do, an error
condition is reached in such a case
• strerror():
• returns a pointer to the textual representation of the current errno value.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
FILE *fp;

// If a file is opened which does not exist,

// then it will be an error and corresponding
// errno value will be set
fp = fopen(" new.txt ", "r");

// opening a file which does

// not exist.
printf("Value of errno: %d\n ", errno);
printf("The error message is : %s\n", strerror(errno));
perror("Message from perror");
return 0;
Structure in C
• Structures (also called structs) are a way to group several related
variables into one place
• We use structures to create user define datatypes in C language.
• Each variable in the structure is known as a member of the structure
• Unlike an array, a structure can contain many different data types (int,
float, char, etc.) under a single name
Structure in C
• Define Structure:
• You can create a structure by using the struct keyword and declaring each of
its members inside curly braces:
Structure in C
• When a struct type is declared, no storage or memory is allocated
• We need to create variables to allocate the memory of a given
structure type and work with it
• Here's how we create structure variables:

Structure in C #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Define the structure
struct person {
• Suppose you want to access char name[50];
int citNo;
the salary of a person2 float salary;
int main() {
// Assign values to the fields of person1
Output strcpy(person1.name, "George Orwell");
person1.citNo = 1984;
person1.salary = 2500.00;

// Print the values of the structure fields

printf("Name: %s\n", person1.name);
printf("Citizenship No: %d\n", person1.citNo);
printf("Salary: %.2f\n", person1.salary);
return 0;
Structure in C

• Keyword typedef
• We use the typedef keyword to create an alias name for data types. It
is commonly used with structures to simplify the syntax of declaring
• This can make the code more readable and understandable, especially
in cases where the purpose of the data type is not immediately clear.
#include <stdio.h>
// Define an alias for int
typedef int Integer;
int main() {
// Declare variables using the typedef alias
Integer num1 = 10;
Integer num2 = 20;
// Perform arithmetic operations
Integer sum = num1 + num2;
Integer difference = num1 - num2;
// Print the results
printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);
printf("Difference: %d\n", difference);
return 0;

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