Neonatal-Assessment Ballard Scoring1
Neonatal-Assessment Ballard Scoring1
Neonatal-Assessment Ballard Scoring1
Scoring System
Cygnette S. Lumbo, R.N., Ph. D.
Neonatal Gestational Age Assessment
⚫ The physical maturity part of the examination should
be done in the first two hours of birth
⚫ The neuromuscular maturity examination should be
completed with 24 hours after delivery
⚫ Derived to look at various stages in an infants
gestational maturity and observe how physical
characteristics change with gestational age
⚫ Neonates who are more physically mature normally
have higher scores than premature infants
⚫ Points are awarded in each area -2 for extreme
prematurity to 5 for postmature infants
Neuromuscular Maturity Criteria
⚫ Posture & Tone
⚫ Square Window
⚫ Arm Recoil
⚫ Popliteal Angle
⚫ Scarf Sign
⚫ Heel to Ear
Posture and Tone
⚫ Total body muscle tone is reflected in the infant's preferred
posture at rest and resistance to stretch of individual
muscle groups.
⚫ Observe in the supine position at rest
⚫ Score is assigned based on the degree of flexion of arms,
knees and hips
⚫ Increased flexion and hip adduction with increased
gestational age
● The more mature an infant is the greater their tone
will be
● A more flexed position indicated greater tone
● Posture & Tone
● Before 30 weeks-
hypotonic, little or no
flexion seen
● 30-38 weeks-varying
degrees of flexed
● 38-42 weeks-may appear
Square Window
⚫ Wrist flexibility and/or resistance to extensor stretching
resulting in angle or flexion at wrist