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Tutorial on

Probabilistic Context‐Free
Raphael Hoffmann
590AI, Winter 2009
• PCFGs: Inference and Learning
• Parsing English
• Discriminative CFGs
• Grammar Induction
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• PCFGs: Inference and Learning
• Parsing English
• Discriminative CFGs
• Grammar Induction
The velocity of the seismic waves rises to …

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A CFG consists of
• Terminals w 1 , w 2 , . . . , wV
• Nonterminals N 1, N 2 ,...,
• Start symbol N1
• Rules N i −→ ζ j
where ζ j is a sequence of
terminals and nonterminals

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A (generative) PCFG consists of
• Terminals w 1 , w 2 , . . . , wV
• Nonterminals N 1, N 2 ,...,
• Start symbol N1
• Rules N i −→ ζ j
where ζ j is a sequence of
terminals and nonterminals

• Rule probabilities such that

∀i j P (N i −→ ζ j ) =

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sentence: sequence of words w w .. . w 1 2 m

wab :
the subsequence w ... w a b

N i
ab : nonterminal N i
dominates wa . . . wb


N =⇒ ζ
repeated derivation from N i gives ζ

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Probability of a Sentence

P (w1 n ) = P (w1 n , t)

where t a parse tree of

w 1n

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• Terminals with, saw, astronomers, ears, stars,

• Nonterminals S, PP, P, NP, VP, V
• Start symbol S

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astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze

P (t 1 ) = 1.0 × 0.1 × 0.7 × 1.0 ×

×0.18 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.18
P (t2) = 0.0009072
= 1.0 × 0.1 × 0.3 × 0.7 ×
×0.18 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.18
P (w15)
= 0.0006804
= P ( t 1 ) + P (t2 ) =

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Assumptions of PCFGs
1. Place invariance (like time invariance in HMMs)
∀k P (Nk ( k +c ) −→ is the same

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Assumptions of PCFGs
1. Place invariance (like time invariance in HMMs)
∀k P (Nk ( k +c ) −→ is the same

2. Context free
P (Nklj −→ ζ| words outside wk . . . wl ) = P (Nkl −→ ζ)

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Assumptions of PCFGs
1. Place invariance (like time invariance in HMMs)
∀k P (Nk ( k +c ) −→ is the same

2. Context free
P (Nklj −→ ζ| words outside wk . . . wl ) = P (Nkl −→ ζ)

3. Ancestor free
j j
P (Nklj −→ ζ| ancestor nodes of Nkl ) = P (Nkl −→ ζ)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Some Features of PCFGs
• Partial solution for grammar ambiguity
• Can be learned from positive data alone
(but grammar induction difficult)
• Robustness
(admit everything with low probability)
• Gives a probabilistic language model
• Predictive power better than that for a

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Some Features of PCFGs
• Not lexicalized (probabilities do not factor in
lexical co‐occurrence)
• PCFG is a worse language model for English
than n‐gram models
• Certain biases: smaller trees more probable
(average WSJ sentence 23 words)

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Inconsistent Distributions

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Let w 1m be a sentence, G a grammar, t a parse tree.

• What is the probability of a sentence?

P (w1m|G)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Let w 1m be a sentence, G a grammar, t a parse tree.

• What is the probability of a sentence?

P (w1m|G)
• What is the most likely parse of sentence?
arg maxt P (t|w1m, G)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Let w 1m be a sentence, G a grammar, t a parse tree.

• What is the probability of a sentence?

P (w1m|G)
• What is the most likely parse of sentence?
arg maxt P (t|w1m, G)
• What rule probs. maximize probs. of
Find G that maximizes P (w1m|G)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Chomsky Normal Form
• Any CFG grammar can be represented in CNF
where all rules take the form
N i −→ N j N k

N i −→ wj

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
HMMs and PCFGs
• HMMs: distribution over strings of certain length
∀n w1n P (w1 n ) = 1
• PCFGs: distribution over strings of language L
w ∈ L P (w) = 1

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
HMMs and PCFGs
• HMMs: distribution over strings of certain length
∀n w1n P (w1 n ) = 1
• PCFGs: distribution over strings of language L
w ∈ L P (w) = 1
• Consider

high probability in HMM, low probability in PCFG

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
HMMs and PCFGs
• HMMs: distribution over strings of certain length
∀n w1n P (w1 n ) = 1
• PCFGs: distribution over strings of language L
w ∈ L P (w) = 1
• Consider

high probability in HMM, low probability in PCFG

• Probabilistic Regular Grammar
N i −→ wj N k
N i −→ wj
Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
HMMs and PCFGs

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Inside and Outside Probabilities
• For HMMs we have

Forwards αi (t) = P (w 1 ( t − 1 ) , X t = i)
Backwards βi (t) = P (wtT |Xt = i)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Inside and Outside Probabilities
• For HMMs we have

Forwards αi (t) = P (w 1 ( t − 1 ) , X t = i)
Backwards βi (t) = P (wtT |Xt = i)

• For PCFGs we have

Outside α j (p, q) = P 1(p−1) , Npq , w (q+1)m |G)
Inside (w P (wpq |Npq
, G)
β j (p, q) =

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Inside and Outside Probabilities

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Probability of a sentence
Outside α j (p, q) = P 1 ( p − 1 ) , Npq , w (q+1)m |G)
Inside (w P (wpq |Npq j
, G)
β j (p, q) =

P (w1m|G) = β1 (1, m)

P (w1m|G) = α j (k, k)P (N j −→ wk )
Inside Probabilities
pq |Npq ,
β j (p, q) = P G)
• Base case j
β j (k, k) = P (wkk |Nkk , G)
= P (N j
−→ wk|G)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Inside Probabilities
pq |Npq ,
β j (p, q) = P G)
• Base case j
β j (k, k) = P (wkk |Nkk , G)
= P (N j
−→ wk|G)
• Induction
Want to find β j (p, q) for p < q

Since we assume Chomsky Normal Form,

the first rule must be of the form N j −→ N r N s

So we can divide the sentence in two in

various places and sum the result

X qX− 1
βj (p, q) = P (N j −→ N r N s )βr (p, d)βs (d + 1,
r , s d=p
Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
CYK Algorithm

astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
CYK Algorithm

β N P = 0.1 βP = 1.0 β N P = 0.18

? β N P = 0.04 0.18
astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
CYK Algorithm

βV P = 0.126 β P P = 0.18
? ? ? ?
β N P = 0.1 βV = 1.0 β N P = 0.18 βP = 1.0 β N P = 0.18
β N P = 0.04
astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
CYK Algorithm

βS = 0.015876

βV P =

βS =
? β N P = 0.01296

βV P = 0.126 β P P = 0.18

β N P = 0.1 βV = 1.0 β N P = βP = 1.0 β N P = 0.18

β N P = 0.04 0.18
astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
CYK Algorithm
Worst case: O(m3r)
m = length of sentence
βS = 0.015876 r = number of rules in grammar
n = number of non‐terminals
βV P =
If we consider all possible CNF rules:
0.015876 O(m3n3)

β S = 0.0126 β N P = 0.01296

βV P = 0.126 β P P = 0.18

β N P = 0.1 βV = 1.0 β N P = 0.18 βP = 1.0 β N P = 0.18

β N P = 0.04
astronomers saw stars with ears

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Outside Probabilities
• Compute top‐down (after inside probabilities)
• Base case
α 1 (1, m) = 1

α j (1, m) = 0, for j 6 = 1

• Induction
⎛ ⎞
X Xm
α j (p, q) ⎝ α f (p, e)P ( N f −→ N j N g )βg (q + 1,

= ⎛f , g e = qp+− 11 e)⎠ ⎞
+ ⎝ α f (e, q)P ( N f −→ N g N j )βg (e, p −
f , g e = 1 1) ⎠

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Probability of a node existing
• As with a HMM, we can form a product of the
inside and outside probabilities.
α j (p, q)βj (p, q) = P (w1m , Npqj |

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Probability of a node existing
• As with a HMM, we can form a product of the
inside and outside probabilities.
α j (p, q)βj (p, q) = P (w1m , Npqj |

• Therefore,
P (w1 m , Npq |G) = α j (p, q)βj (p,
j q)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Probability of a node existing
• As with a HMM, we can form a product of the
inside and outside probabilities.
α j (p, q)βj (p, q) = P (w1m , Npqj |

• Therefore,
P (w1 m , Npq |G) = α j (p, q)βj (p,
j q)
• Just in the cases of the root node and the
preterminals, we know there will be some
such constituent.
Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
• If have data 
count ˆ j C ( N j −→ ζ)
P (N −→ ζ) = P γ C ( N j −→ γ)

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
• If have data 
count ˆ j C ( N j −→ ζ)
P (N −→ ζ) = P γ C ( N j −→ γ)

• else use EM (Inside‐Outside‐Algorithm)

compute α j ‘s and β j ‘s
compute Pˆ ‘s

Pˆ (N j −→ N r N s ) = . . .

Pˆ (N j −→ wk) = . . .
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Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
EM Problems
• Slow: O(m3n3) for each sentence and each
• Local maxima (Charniak: 300 trials led to 300
different max.)
• In practice, need >3 times more non‐terminals
than are theoretically needed
• No guarantee that learned non‐terminals
correspond to NP, VP, …

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Bracketing helps
Pereira/Schabes ’92:
• Train on sentences:
37% of predicted brackets correct
• Train on sentences + brackets:
90% of predicted brackets correct

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Grammar Induction
• Rules typically selected by linguist
• Automatic induction is very difficult for
context‐free languages
• It is easy to find some form of structure, but
little resemblance to that of linguistics/NLP

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
• PCFGs: Inference and Learning
• Parsing English
• Discriminative CFGs
• Grammar Induction
Parsing for Disambiguation
The post office will hold out discounts and
service concessions as incentives.

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Parsing for Disambiguation
• There are typically many syntactically
possible parses
• Want to find the most likely parses

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• If grammar induction does not work, why not
count expansions in many parse trees?
• Penn Treebank

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
PCFG weaknesses
• No Context
– (immediate prior context, speaker, …)
• No Lexicalization
– “VP NP NP” more likely if verb is “hand” or “tell”
– fail to capture lexical dependencies (n‐grams do)
• No Structural Context
– How NP expands depends on position

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
PCFG weaknesses
Expansion % as Subj % as Obj
NP −→ PRP 13.7% 2.1%
NP −→ NNP 3.5% 0.9%
NP −→ DT NN 5.6% 4.6%
NP −→ NN 1.4% 2.8%
NP −→ NP SBAR 0.5% 2.6%
NP −→ NP PP 5.6% 14.1%
Expansion % as 1st Obj % as 2nd Obj
NP −→ NNS 7.5% 0.2%
NP −→ PRP 13.4% 0.9%
NP −→ NP PP 12.2% 14.4%
NP −→ DT NN 10.4% 13.3%
NP −→ NNP 4.5% 5.9%
NP −→ NN 3.9% 9.2%
NP −→ JJ NN 1.1% 10.4%
NP −→ NP SBAR 0.3% 5.1%
Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
Other Approaches
• Challenge: use lexical and structural context,
without too many parameters, sparse data
• Other Grammars
– Probabilistic Left‐Corner Grammars
– Phrase Structure Grammars
– Dependency Grammars
– Probabilistic Tree Substitution Grammars
– History‐based Grammars

Slide based on “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze
• PCFGs: Inference and Learning
• Parsing English
• Discriminative CFGs
• Grammar Induction
Generative vs Discriminative
• An HMM (or PCFG) is a generative model
P (y, w)

• Often sufficient is a discriminative model

P (y|w)

• Easier, because does not contain P

• Cannot model dependent features in HMM,
so one only picks one feature: word’s identity
Generative and Discriminative Models
Sequence General Graphs

HMMs Generative
Naïve Bayes
directed models

Conditional Conditional Conditional

Sequence General Graphs

Logistic Regression Linear‐chain CRFs General CRFs

Slide based on “An introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning” by Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum
Generative and Discriminative Models
Sequence Tree Graphs

HMMs PCFGs Generative

Naïve Bayes
directed models

Conditional Conditional Conditional

Sequence Graphs

Logistic Regression Linear‐chain CRFs General CRFs

Generative and Discriminative Models
Sequence Tree Graphs

HMMs PCFGs Generative

Naïve Bayes
directed models

Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional

Tree Graphs


Logistic Regression Linear‐chain CRFs General CRFs

Context‐Free Grammars
• Terminals w1 , w 2 ,..., wV
• Nonterminals N 1, N 2 ,...,
• Start symbol N1
• Rules N i −→ ζ j
where ζ j is a sequence of
terminals and nonterminals

• Rule scores
S(N i −→ ζ j , p, q) λ k (N i −→ ζ j )fk (w1 2 .. . m, p, q, N i −→
= k=1 w w ζj )

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan
S(N i −→ ζ j , p, q) = λk (Ni −→ ζj )fk (w1 2 .. . wm , p, q, i
−→ j

w k=1 N ζ )
• Features can depend on all tokens + span
• Consider feature “AllOnTheSameLine”
Mavis Wood Mavis Wood Products

[compare to linear CRF f k (s t , t t − 1 , w1w2 . . . wm , t) ]

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan
S(N i −→ ζ j , p, q) λ k (N i −→ ζ j )fk (w1 2 .. . m, p, q, N i −→
= k=1 w w ζj )

• No independence between features necessary

• Can create features based on words,
dictionaries, digits, capitalization, …
• Can still do efficient Viterbi inference in

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan

BizContact −→ BizName Address BizPhone

PersonalContact −→ BizName Address HomePhone

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan
• Train feature weight vector for each rule
• Have labels, but not parse trees;
efficiently create trees by ignoring leaves

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan
Collins’ Averaged Perceptron

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan

Linear CRF Discriminative CFG Improvement

Word Error Rate 11.57% 6.29% 45.63%

Record Error Rate 54.71% 27.13% 50.41%

Slide based on “Learning to Extract Information from Semi‐Structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar” by Paul Viola and Mukund Narasimhan
• PCFGs: Inference and Learning
• Parsing English
• Discriminative CFGs
• Grammar Induction
Gold’s Theorem ‘67
“Any formal language which has hierarchical
structure capable of infinite recursion is
unlearnable from positive evidence alone.”

Slide based on Wikipedia

Empirical Problems
• Even finite search spaces can be too big
• Noise
• Insufficient data
• Many local optima

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Common Approach
• Minimize total description length
• Simulated Annealing

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
• Insert:

• Delete

• New Rule

• Split

• Substitute

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir

Define binary representation for G, code(D|G)

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Experiment 1
• Word segmentation by 8‐month old infants
• Vocabulary: pabiku, golatu, daropi, tibudo
• Saffran ’96: use speech synthesizer, no word
breaks, 2 minutes = 180 words
• Infants can distinguish words from non‐
• Now try grammar induction (60 words)

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Experiment 1

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Experiment 2

Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Experiment 2

• Accurate segmentation
• Inaccurate structural learning
Slide based on “Unsupervised grammar induction with Minimum Description Length” by Roni Katzir
Prototype‐Driven Grammar Induction
• Semi‐supervised approach
• Give only a few dozen prototypical examples
(for NP e.g. determiner noun, pronouns, …)
• On English Penn Treebank: F1 = 65.1
(52% reduction over naïve PCFG induction)
Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein.
Prototype-Driven Grammar Induction.
ACL 2006
Dan Klein and Chris Manning.
A Generative Constituent-Context Model for Improved Grammar Induction.
ACL 2001
That’s it!

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