p1w1 Nur149 Session 1
p1w1 Nur149 Session 1
p1w1 Nur149 Session 1
Amylase 23 -85 units/liter (U/L) Blood is drawn from arm, may advise to use loose-
0 - 160 units/liter (U/L) fitting or short sleeve shirt for easy access.
Carcinoembryonic 0-2.5 nanogram per greater than 10 ng/mL suggests extensive disease,
antigen (CEA) milliliter of blood (ng/ml) greater than 20 ng/mL suggest the cancer may be
Diagnostic Evaluation
Laboratory studies Normal Values Interpretation
Cancer Antigen 19-9 < 37U/mL May indicate cancer, but can also include
an infection of your pancreas, liver
disease, gallstones, and cystic fibrosis.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Laboratory studies Purpose Nursing Management
Computed Before:
● Assess the patient for allergies to contrast agents, iodine, or
Tomography shellfish
● Patients allergic to the contrast agent may be pre- medicated
- Provides cross- with IV prednisone 24 hours, 12 hours, and 1 hour before the
sectional images of scan.
abdominal organs ● Assess the patient’s current serum creatinine level
and structures. ● Determine the patient’s urine human chorionic gonadotropin.
Before & After:
● Administer IV sodium bicarbonate 1 hour before and 6 hours
after IV contrast.
● Administer oral acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) before or after the
● o Both sodium bicarbonate and Mucomyst are free radical
scavengers that sequester the contrast byproducts
● that are destructive to renal cells.
Imaging Studies
Laboratory studies Nursing Interventions
Fiberoptic Before:
Colonoscopy ● Adequate colon cleansing provides optimal visualization and decreases the time
needed for the procedure. - laxative for 2 nights before the examination and a
Fleet’s or saline enema until the return is clear the morning of the test
- Direct visual
● Patient maintains a clear liquid diet starting at noon the day before the
inspection of
the large
● Informed consent is obtained before sedation.
● Administer an opioid analgesic or sedative agent (midazolam [versed]) to provide
(anus, rec- tum,
moderate sedation and relieve anxiety
● Glucagon may be administered to relax the colonic musculature and to reduce
spasm during the test.
and ascending
● Position the patient on the left side with the legs drawn up toward the chest
- diagnostic aid
and screening
Endoscopic Procedures
Laboratory studies Nursing Management
Fiberoptic During:
Colonoscopy ● Monitor the patient for changes in oxygen saturation, vital signs, color and
temperature of the skin, level of consciousness, abdominal distention, vagal
response, and pain intensity.
- Direct visual
inspection of the
● Maintain the patient on bed rest until fully alert.
large intestine
● Monitor the patient for signs and symptoms of bowel perforation (rectal
(anus, rec- tum,
bleeding, abdominal pain or distention, fever, focal peritoneal signs).
● Provide written instructions, because the patient may be unable to recall
transcending and
verbal information.
ascending colon).
● Instruct the patient to report any bleeding to the physician.
- diagnostic aid and
Contraindications: With suspected or documented colon perforation; Acute severe
screening device.
diverticulitis; or Fulminant colitis
Endoscopic Procedures
Laboratory studies Nursing Intervention
Lower GI:
● Patient is held NPO after midnight
the day before the exam
Related Pharmacology
Gastrointestinal System
Classification Mechanism of Action Side Effects: Nursing Consideration
Drug Name
Uses: Acute
Anti - emetics Blocks Drowsiness, Hypotension, Dry Watch out for headache,
chemoreceptor mouth, Blurred vision dizziness and
Ondansetron, trigger zone and constipation
Dolasetron, enteric nervous
Alosetron system 5-HT3
Classification Mechanism of Side Effects: Nursing Consideration
Mucosal Protect the ulcer from Abdominal pain, 1. Advise patient to take
Protective Agents the destructive action Diarrhea, Uterine medication with food.
of the digestive enzyme cramping 2. Contraindicated for
Misoprostol, pepsin by changing Miscarriage - patients who are
Sucralfate stomach acid into misoprostol pregnant
vicous materials that
binds to protein in
ulcerated tissue
Proton pump Prevent the final Diarrhea, Headache, 1. Should be taken before
Inhibitors transport of hydrogen Abdominal pain, meals, ideally 30 mins to
into the gastric lumen Malabsorption, 1 hour before breakfast
Omerprazole by binding an enzyme Hypergastrinemia 2. Daily long-term use
Lansoprazole on gastric parietal cells (more than 3 years) may
lead to malabsorption or
deficiency of Vt b12
Salivary Gland Disorder
• Parotitis (inflammation of the parotid gland) is the
most common inflammatory condition of the
salivary glands.
• Mumps (epidemic parotitis), a communicable
disease caused by viral infection and most
commonly affecting children, is an inflammation of
a salivary gland, usually the parotid.
High Risk:
Children; Elderly
Acutely ill or debilitated people with decreased
salivary flow from general dehydration or
Subjective data: - Pain scale ratings - Assisting the patient in finding a comfortable position. RATIONALE: helps
- Patient reports pain decrease to [target minimize pressure on the parotid gland, reducing pain and discomfort.
and tenderness in pain scale rating]. - Monitor and Document Pain Levels Regularly. RATIONALE: Regular pain
the parotid gland - The patient reports a assessments guide the effectiveness of interventions and help in
area. reduction in pain adjusting the pain management plan as needed.
- Pain intensity rated within 24 to 48 hours. - Encourage rest and limiting physical activity. RATIONALE: help conserve
as [pain scale rating]. energy, reduce metabolic demands, and alleviate strain on the affected
area, contributing to pain relief.
Objective data: - Apply Warm Compresses to the Affected Area. RATIONALE: Warm
- Swelling, redness, compresses enhance blood circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate
and tenderness over pain in the parotid gland area, providing comfort to the patient.
the parotid gland. - Administer Analgesics as Prescribed. RATIONALE: Analgesics, such as
-Patient guards the acetaminophen or NSAIDs, are administered to relieve pain and
affected area and discomfort associated with parotitis, improving the patient's overall
demonstrates comfort and well-being.
discomfort during
Nursing Care Plan
2. Hyperthermia
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: The patient’s - Encourage increased fluid, especially if the patient has difficulty
- Reports feeling feverish and temperature returns swallowing
experiencing chills to within the normal RATIONALE: Increased fluid intake is essential to prevent
-Report difficulty swallowing range within 12-48 dehydration
- Pain and tenderness below hours -Apply cool compresses to the forehead and neck or perform TSB
the ear RATIONALE: maintaining a cool environment helps dissipate
heat, providing comfort and aiding in temperature reduction
Objective data: -Encourage to rest and limit physical activity
-Elevated Body temperature RATIONALE: Rest is crucial for conserving energy and allowing
-Warm and flushed skin the body to focus on healing. Physical activity may increase
- Tachycardia and increased metabolic demands and contribute to an elevated temperature
respiratory rate - Administer acetaminophen as prescribed. RATIONALE: can help
- swelling, redness and lower the elevated body temperature
tenderness over the parotid - Administer IV fluids as prescribed. RATIONALE: to prevent
gland dehydration
Nursing Care Plan
3. Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: - The patient will - Encourage the patient to drink small sips of water regularly.
- Patient reports pain maintain intact oral RATIONALE: Hydration is essential for maintaining oral mucous
and tenderness in mucous membranes membrane integrity.
the parotid gland without signs of
- Encourage gentle brushing and rinsing with a non-alcoholic, saline solution.
area. infection or worsening
- Complaints of inflammation. RATIONALE: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to prevent
difficulty in - The patient will secondary infections and promote healing
swallowing. demonstrate proper - Encourage use of moisturizing agents, such as water-based gels or oral
- History of oral hygiene lubricants. RATIONALE: can help alleviate dryness and prevent further
decreased oral practices. irritation of the oral mucous membrane
intake. - Assess the oral mucous membrane for signs of infection, such as increased
Objective data: redness, swelling, or purulent discharge regularly. RATIONALE: Report any
- Swelling, redness, changes promptly for further evaluation and intervention.
and tenderness over - Administer analgesics as prescribed. RATIONALE: to manage pain and
the parotid gland. discomfort, facilitating improved oral care.
- Dry or cracked oral - Collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as the dentist or oral
mucous membrane. care specialist. RATIONALE: to ensure comprehensive care and address
specific oral health needs.
Nursing Care Plan
4. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than body
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: - The patient will report - Assess weight monitoring regularly. RATIONALE:helps assess the
- Patient reports increased appetite and effectiveness of the nutrition plan and identifies the need for
difficulty chewing and better tolerance of oral adjustments to prevent further weight loss.
swallowing due to intake. - Encourage the patient to sip water or other non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic
pain in the parotid - The patient will beverages. RATIONALE: Adequate hydration supports overall well-
gland area. demonstrate improved being and may facilitate swallowing
-Complaints of ability to chew and - Modifying food texture, such as making foods softer or pureed.
decreased appetite swallow without significant RATIONALE: reduces the effort required for chewing and swallowing,
and reduced food difficulty. improving the patient's ability to eat.
intake. - Providing nutrient-dense snacks between meals. RATIONALE: ensures a
more consistent intake of essential nutrients, promoting overall
Objective data: nutritional status.
- Swelling, redness, - Consuming smaller, more frequent meals may be easier for the patient.
and tenderness over RATIONALE: reducing the physical stress on the parotid gland and
the parotid gland. facilitating better nutritional intake.
- Weight loss or - Consultation with a dietitian. RATIONALE: helps in developing a
Nursing Care Plan
5. Infection
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: - Patient will demonstrate - Regular monitoring of vital signs, including temperature, heart rate and
- Reports pain, a reduction in signs and respiratory rate. RATIONALE: helps identify changes that may
tenderness and symptoms of infection indicate worsening infection or complications
difficulty of associated with parotitis - Encourage gentle brushing and rinsing with a non-alcoholic, saline
swallowing within 48-72 hours. solution. RATIONALE: Good oral hygiene helps prevent secondary
-Complaint of infections and promotes overall oral health.
malaise and feeling - Applying warm compresses to the affected parotid gland. RATIONALE:
unwell can promote blood circulation, reduce swelling and alleviate
Objective data: - Encourage increased oral fluid intake. RATIONALE: Adequate
- swelling, redness hydration helps maintain hydration status.
and tenderness over - Administer Antibiotics as prescribed.RATIONALE: Antibiotics, such as
the parotid gland those effective against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus
- elevated body species, are prescribed to target the bacterial infection causing
temperature parotitis.
-Purulent discharge - Administer pain reliever as prescribed. RATIONALE: Controlling pain
from the parotid duct helps improve the patient's overall comfort and encourages
- difficulty opening adherence to other aspects of the care plan.
the mouth and limited
- This is an inflammation of the salivary glands,
commonly affects parotid and submandibular
Risk Factors:
1. Dehydration
2. Radiation therapy
3. Stress; Malnutrition
4. Salivary gland calculi (stones)
5. Improper oral hygiene
Subjective data:
Objective data:
Nursing Care Plan
Pain related to swollen glands
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: The patient’s - Encourage increased fluid, especially if the patient has difficulty
- Reports feeling feverish and temperature swallowing
experiencing chills returns to RATIONALE: Increased fluid intake is essential to prevent
- Pain and tenderness below within the dehydration
the ear normal range -Apply cool compresses to the forehead and neck or perform TSB
within 12-48 RATIONALE: maintaining a cool environment helps dissipate
Objective data: hours heat, providing comfort and aiding in temperature reduction
-Elevated Body temperature -Encourage to rest and limit physical activity
-Skin is warm & RATIONALE: Rest is crucial for conserving energy and allowing
erythematous the body to focus on healing. Physical activity may increase
- Tachycardia and increased metabolic demands and contribute to an elevated temperature
respiratory rate - Administer acetaminophen as prescribed.
- swelling, redness and RATIONALE: can help lower the elevated body temperature
tenderness over the parotid - Administer IV fluids as prescribed.
gland RATIONALE: to prevent dehydration
Nursing Care Plan
Impaired Swallowing related to painful glands
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data The patient will Review the patient’s ability to swallow
- Report be able to exhibit RATIONALE: To verify access of feeding route
difficulty ability to safety Before mealtime, provide adequate rest periods.
swallowing swallow as RATIONALE: Fatigue can further add to swallowing impairment
evidenced by Place suction equipment at the bedside, and suction as needed.
absence of RATIONALE: With impaired swallowing reflexes, secretions can rapidly
aspiration and accumulate in the posterior pharynx and upper trachea, increasing the risk of
Objective data ability to ingest aspiration.
- Swollen & foods/fluids. Position the patient upright at a 90-degree angle with the head flexed forward at a 45-
painful degree angle.
glands RATIONALE: This position allows the trachea to close and esophagus to open,
- Incomplete which makes swallowing easier and reduces the risk of aspiration.
lip closure Ensure the patient is awake, alert, and able to follow sequenced directions before
- Lack of attempting to feed.
chewing RATIONALE: As the patient becomes less alert the swallowing response
decreases, which increases the risk of aspiration.
Provide oral care based on individuals need prior to meal.
RATIONALE: Patients with excess saliva will benefit from use of drying
agent like lemon or glycerin swabs before meal and a moisturizing agent
Nursing Care Plan
Poor appetite related to disease
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: - The patient will report - Assess weight monitoring regularly.
- Patient reports considerable appetite for RATIONALE:helps assess the effectiveness of the nutrition plan and
difficulty chewing and food. identifies the need for adjustments to prevent further weight loss.
swallowing due to pain - The patient will - Encourage the patient to sip water or other non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic
in the affected area. demonstrate improved beverages.
-Complaints of ability to chew and swallow RATIONALE: Adequate hydration supports overall well-being and may
decreased appetite without significant difficulty. facilitate swallowing
and reduced food - Modifying food texture, such as making foods softer or pureed.
intake. RATIONALE: reduces the effort required for chewing and swallowing,
improving the patient's ability to eat.
Objective data: - Providing nutrient-dense snacks between meals.
- Swollen & painful RATIONALE: ensures a more consistent intake of essential nutrients,
glands. promoting overall nutritional status.
- Weight loss or - Consuming smaller, more frequent meals may be easier for the patient.
inadequate weight RATIONALE: reducing the physical stress on the parotid gland and
gain facilitating better nutritional intake.
- Evidence of poor - Consultation with a dietitian.
nutritional intake. RATIONALE: helps in developing a customized nutrition plan based on
the patient's preferences, dietary restrictions, and nutritional needs.
• Sialolithiasis, or salivary calculi (stones),
usually occur in the submandibular gland.
• They are formed mainly from calcium
• Pain subsides before swelling
• Recurrent painful swelling at mealtime
• Persistent obstruction damages the gland
making it harder and tender
1. Dehydration and Decreased food intake
2. Infection
3. Salivary dysfunction
4. Ductal anomalies
5. Foreign Bodies
6. Ductal epithelium metaplasia
Subjective data: The patient’s - Encourage increased fluid, especially if the patient has difficulty
- Reports feeling feverish and temperature returns swallowing
experiencing chills to within the normal RATIONALE: Increased fluid intake is essential to prevent
- Pain and tenderness below range within 12-48 dehydration
the ear hours -Apply cool compresses to the forehead and neck or perform TSB
RATIONALE: maintaining a cool environment helps dissipate
Objective data: heat, providing comfort and aiding in temperature reduction
-Elevated Body temperature -Encourage to rest and limit physical activity
-Skin is warm & erythematous RATIONALE: Rest is crucial for conserving energy and allowing
- Tachycardia and increased the body to focus on healing. Physical activity may increase
respiratory rate metabolic demands and contribute to an elevated temperature
- swelling, redness and - Administer acetaminophen as prescribed.
tenderness over the parotid RATIONALE: can help lower the elevated body temperature
gland - Administer IV fluids as prescribed.
RATIONALE: to prevent dehydration
Nursing Care Plan
Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane
Assessment Goal Intervention
Subjective data: - The patient - Encourage the patient to drink small sips of water regularly. Give sugarless gum and
- Patient reports will maintain candy to stimulate saliva production
pain and tenderness intact oral RATIONALE: Hydration is essential for maintaining oral mucous membrane
in the parotid gland mucous integrity.
area. membranes
- Encourage gentle brushing and rinsing with a non-alcoholic, saline solution.
- Complaints of without signs
difficulty in of infection or RATIONALE: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to prevent secondary
swallowing. worsening infections and promote healing
- History of inflammation. - Encourage use of moisturizing agents, such as water-based gels or oral lubricants.
decreased oral - The patient RATIONALE: can help alleviate dryness and prevent further irritation of the oral
intake. will mucous membrane
demonstrate - Assess the oral mucous membrane for signs of infection, such as increased redness,
Objective data: proper oral
- Swelling, redness, swelling, or purulent discharge regularly.
and tenderness over practices. RATIONALE: Report any changes promptly for further evaluation and
the parotid gland. intervention.
- Dry or cracked oral - Administer analgesics as prescribed.
mucous membrane. RATIONALE: to manage pain and discomfort, facilitating improved oral care.
- Collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as the dentist or oral care
Complications of
Salivary Gland Disorders
• Abscess of salivary gland
• Spread of infection
• Facial nerve injury (Sialorrhea)
• Dry mouth (Xerostomia
Prevention of
Salivary Gland Disorders
• Get immunized against mumps and influenza
• There are no specific guidelines to protect against
other types of disorders. However, it is helpful to:
✓ Avoid smoking
✓ Eat a healthy diet
✓ Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
✓ Practice good oral hygiene, with regular tooth
✓ brushing and flossing