Chapter 04 MoT
Chapter 04 MoT
Chapter 04 MoT
Needs Assessment
Definition & rationale
•Needs assessment:
Refers to identify
discrepancies/gaps between what
an organization expects to happen
and what actually occurs.
• Three levels of analyses are used to
identify the GAPS …..
Definition & rationale
Organizational Analysis(where training is needed)
• The firm’s strategic mission, goals, and corporate plans
are studied.
Task Analysis(Which kind of training is needed)
• Job descriptions are re-evaluated to identify the gap.
Person Analysis (For whom training is needed)
• Do they lack KSAs or motivation to use their existing
• Who needs to be trained?
• What KSAs does he/she need?
• Performance appraisals and supervisors can help
identify this.
Causes & Outcomes of Training
Reasons or
Points” • What do
• Lack of basic
Task need to
Analysis learn?
• Poor
performance • Who needs it
• New techs. • Type of
• Customer Analysis training
requests • How to
• New Organization evaluate the
products Analysis training
• New jobs
Why is Need Assessment necessary
Org. Analysis
Need is Assessed
Needs Assessment Process
• Organizational Analysis: Whether
• Training supports the organization’s strategic
• If T&D is aligned with Mission, more effective &productive.
• If not, more haphazard & random frequency.
• Managers, peers & employees support the
• Positive attitude of these individuals
• Willingness to provide information to trainees
• Opportunities to apply BASK
• Training resources are available or not
• Budget, time & expertise
Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis:
Necessary for a successful HRD effort and to determine
the content of the actual training program
• Element of organizational analysis are:
– Organizational goals and strategies
– Organizational resources
– Organizational climate/culture
– Environmental constraints
Needs Assessment Process
Organizational goals and strategies:
Areas where goals are not met should be examined in order to
design training program.
Organizational resources:
An important determinant of HRD efforts such as money, material,
expertise and space available within the organization.
Organizational climate/culture:
Which kind of organizational culture prevails like trust, cooperation.
Environmental constraints:
- Social , Legal and Economic environment must be analyzed before
designing training program like OSHA , EEOC , Downsizing.
Needs Assessment Process
Person Analysis:
• Identify employees who need training usually by
monitoring the gap between current performance and
expected performance
• Usually poor performance is the pressure point, due
• Customer complaints
• Low performance ratings
• On-the-job incidents (accidents & unsafe behavior)
• Innovation in process or technology
Needs Assessment Process
• Person Analysis: Includes…
1.Cognitive Ability:
• Verbal Command (spoken)
• Quantitative ability (Numeric's)
• Reasoning ability (logic)
2.Reading/Writing Ability
Readability – the difficulty level of written materials
• If readability is a problems, three options are
1. Lower the reading level of training materials or use videos
2. Be more selective in choosing employees to be trained
3. Train them in reading, then train them in whatsoever!
Needs Assessment Process
3. Self-Efficacy
• Employees’ belief that they can successfully perform their
job or learn the content of the training program.
Threats to Self-Efficacy
• Lack of suitable training Environment
• Lack of system support (past experience)
Boosts of Self-Efficacy
• Let them know Training does not mean it is their weakness;
it means growth.
• Prior to actual training, orientate them about the goals of
• Show them peers who succeeded in similar situations
• Provide feedback that learning is under their control & that
it is their responsibility to learn
Needs Assessment Process
4. Awareness of Training Needs, Career Interests &
• Learners must know the link between the training and improvement of
their weaknesses.
• Align the interests of both parties.
5. Input
• Employees perception of TWO Characteristics are determinants
of performance & motivation to learn.
• Situational constraints and social support
• Situational Constraints
• Lack of proper tools & equipment, materials & supplies, budget & time
• Social Support
• Managers’ & peers’ willingness to provide feedback & reinforcement
Needs Assessment Process
• Trainees must know what specifically they need to learn to
improve which specific outcome of their jobs.