•Chaudhary Shraddha
•Dholariya Kinjal Guided by:
•Cholera Harita Dr.Seema Dhabaliya
Thyroid disorders:
Hypothyroidism Nontoxic goitre
Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid nodules & thyroid
thyrotoxicosis cancer
Graves’ disease Benign thyroid nodules
Thyroiditis Thyroid cancer
Toxic adenoma Papillary carcinoma
Toxic multinodular goitre Follicular carcinoma
Thyrotoxicosis factitia
Medullary carcinoma
Anaplastic carcinoma
Struma ovarii
Hydatidiform mole Cancer metastatic to the
TSH-secreting pituitary thyroid
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with or without goitre
Radioactive iodine therapy for Graves’ disease
Subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease or nodular goitre
Excessive iodine intake
Subacute thyroiditis
Rare causes
Iodide deficiency
Goitrogens such as lithium; antithyroid drug therapy
Inborn errors of thyroid hormone synthesis
Secondary: Hypopituitarism
Tertiary: Hypothalamic dysfunction (rare)
Peripheral resistance to the action of thyroid hormone
Clinical features
Cardiovascular signs: Renal function:
Bradycardia Impaired ability to excrete a water
Low voltage ECG load
Pericardial effusion Anemia:
Cardiomegaly Impaired Hb synthesis
Hyperlipidemia Fe deficiency due to:
Constipation, ascites Menorrhagia
Weight gain Reduced intestinal absorption
Folate def. due to impaired intestinal
Cold intolerance absorption
Rough, dry skin Pernicious anemia
Puffy face and hands Neuromuscular system:
Hoarse, husky voice Muscle cramps, myotonia
Yellowish color of skin due to Slow reflexes
reduced conversion of carotene to Carpal tunnel syndrome
vitamin A CNS symptoms:
Respiratory failure Fatigue, lethargy, depression
Menorrhagia, infertility, hyper- Inability to concentrate
A FT4 and TSH is diagnostic of primary hypothyroidism
Serum T3 levels are variable (maybe in normal range)
+ve test for thyroid autoantibodies (Tg Ab & TPO Ab) PLUS an enlarged
thyroid gland suggest Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
With pituitary myxedema FT4 will be but serum TSH will be
inappropriately normal or low
TRH test may be done to differentiate pituitary from hypothalamic
disease. Absence of TSH response to TRH indicates pituitary deficiency
MRI of brain is indicated if pituitary or hypothalamic disease is suspected.
Need to look for other pituitary deficiencies.
If TSH is & FT4 & FT3 are normal we call this condition subclinical
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a commom cause of hypothyroidism and
goitre especially in children and young adults.
It is an autoimmune disease that involves heavy infiltration of
lymphocytes that totally destroys normal thyroidal architecture
Three different autoantibodies are present: Tg Ab, TPO Ab, and
TSH-R Ab (block)
It is familial and may be associated with other autoimmune diseases
such as pernicious anemia, adrenocortical insufficiency, idiopathic
hypoparathyroidism, and vitiligo.
Shmidt’s syndrome consists of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, adrenal
insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism, DM, ovarian failure, and (rarely)
candidal infections.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Symptoms & Signs:
Usually presents with goitre in a patient who is euthyroid or has mild
Sex distribution: four females to one male
The process is painless
Older patients may present with severe hypothyroidism with only a small, firm
atrophic thyroid gland
Transient symptoms of thyrotoxicosis can occur during periods of hashitoxicosis
(spontaneously resolving hyperthyroidism)
Normal or low thyroid hormone levels, and if low, TSH is elevated
High Tg Ab and/or TPO Ab titres
FNA bx reveals a large infiltration of lymphocytes PLUS Hurthle cells
Permanent hypothyroidism (occurs in 10-15% of young pts)
Rarely, thyroid lymphoma
Management of Hypothyroidism
Start patient on L-thyroxine 0.05-0.1mg PO OD. L-thyroxine treats
the hypothyroidism and leads to regression of goitre.
If patient is elderly or has IHD start 0.025mg PO OD.
Check TSH level after 4-6 weeks to adjust the dose of L-thyroxine.
In case of secondary hypothyroidism monitor FT4 instead of TSH.
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy:
Check TFT every month. L-thyroxine dose requirement tends to go up as
the pregnancy progresses.
If patient has concommitant hyperprolactinemia and
hypercholesterolemia, treat if not normalized after adequate thyroid
Myxedema Coma
Medical emergency, end stage of untreated hypothyroidism
Characterized by progressive weakness, stupor, hypothermia,
hypoventilation, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, shock, and death
The patient (or a family member) may recall previous thyroid disease,
radioiodine therapy, or thyroidectomy
Hx is of gradual onset of lethargy progressing to stupor or coma. A hx of
amenorrhea or impotence with pituitary myxedema
PE reveals HR and marked hypothermia (as low as 24C)
The pt is usually an obese elderly woman with yellowish skin, a hoarse
voice, a large tongue, thin hair, puffy eyes, ileus, and slow reflexes. An
anterior neck scar may be present. Scanty pubic or axillary hair with
pituitary myxedema
Lab: low FT4, TSH high, normal, or low, cholesterol high or N, serum Na
ECG: bradycardia and low voltage
May be ppt by HF, pneumonia, excessive fluid administration, narcotics
Management of Myxedema Coma
Initiate therapy if presumptive clinical diagnosis after TSH, FT3
FT4 drawn. Also draw serum cortisol, ACTH, glucose.
General measures:
Patient should be in ICU setting
Support ventilation as respiratory failure is the major cause of death
in myxedema coma
monitors ABG`s
support blood pressure; hypotension may respond poorly to pressor
agents until thyroid hormone is replaced
hypothermia will respond to thyroxin therapy ; in interim use passive
warming only
hyponatremia will also be corrected by thyroxine therapy in majority
of cases
hypoglycemia requires IV glucose
avoid fluid overload
Management of Myxedema Coma
Specific measure:
L-thyroxine 0.2-0.5 mg IV bolus, followed by 0.1 mg IV OD until oral
therapy is tolerated
Results in clinical response in hours
Adrenal insufficiency may be precipitated by administration of thyroid
hormone therefore hydrocortisone 100 mg IV q 8h is usually given
until the results of the initial plasma cortisol is known.
Identify and treat the underlying precipitant cause
Graves’ Disease
Most common form of thyrotoxicosis
May occur at any age but mostly from 20-40
5 times more common in females than in males
Syndrome consists of one or more of the following:
Opthalmopathy (exopthalmos) and
Dermopathy (pretibial myxedema)
It is an autoimmune disease of unknown cause
15% of pts with Graves’ have a close relative with the
same disorder
Graves’ Disease
T lymphocytes become sensitized to Ag within the thyroid gland and
stimulate B lymphocytes to synthesize Ab to these Ag
One such Ab is the TSH-R Ab(stim), which stimulates thyroid cell growth
and function
Graves’ may be ppt by pregnancy, iodide excess, viral or bacterial
infections, lithium therapy, glucocorticoid withdrawal
The opthalmopathy and dermopathy associated with Graves’ may involve
lymphocyte cytokine stimulation of fibroblasts in these locations causing
an inflammatory response that leads to edema, lymphocytic infiltration,
and glycosaminoglycans deposition
The tachycardia, tremor, sweating, lid lag, and stare in Graves’ is due to
hyperreactivity to catecholamines and not due to increased levels of
circulating catecholamines
Graves’ Disease
Clinical features:
I Eye features: Classes 0-6, mnemonic “NO SPECS”
Class 0: No signs or symptoms
Class 1: Only signs (lid retraction, stare, lid lag), no symptoms
Class 2: Soft tissue involvement (periorbital edema, congestion
or redness of the conjunctiva, and chemosis)
Class 3: Proptosis (measured with Hertel exopthalmometer)
Class 4: Extraocular muscle involvement
Class 5: Corneal involvement
Class 6: Sight loss (optic nerve involvement)
Graves’ Disease
Clinical features:
II Goitre:
Diffuse enlargement of thyroid
Bruit may be present
III Thyroid dermopathy (pretibial myxedema):
Thickening of the skin especially over the lower tibia
The dermopathy may involve the entire leg and may extend onto the
Skin cannot be picked up between the fingers
Rare, occurs in 2-3% of patients
Usually associated with opthalmopathy and very TSH-R Ab
Graves’ Disease
Clinical features:
IV Heat intolerance IX Neuromuscular:
V Cardiovascular: Nervousness, tremor
Palpitation, Atrial fibrillation Emotional lability
CHF, dyspnea, angina Proximal myopathy
VI Gastrointestinal: Myasthenia gravis
Weight loss, appetite
Hyper-reflexia, clonus
Periodic hypokalemic
VII Reproductive:
amenorrhea, oligo- X Skin:
menorrhea, infertility
Gynecomastia Pruritus
VIII Bone: Onycholysis
Osteoporosis Vitiligo, hair thinning
Thyroid acropachy Palmar erythema
Spider nevi
Graves’ Disease
Low TSH, High FT4 and/or FT3
If eye signs are present, the diagnosis of Graves’ disease can be made
without further tests
If eye signs are absent and the patient is hyperthyroid with or without a
goitre, a radioiodine uptake test should be done.
Radioiodine uptake and scan:
Scan shows diffuse uptake
Uptake is increased
TSH-R Ab (stim) is specific for Graves’ disease. May be a useful
diagnostic test in the “apathetic” hyperthyroid patient or in the pt who
presents with unilateral exopthalmos without obvious signs or laboratory
manifestations of Graves’ disease
Treatment of Grave’s Disease
There are 3 treatment options:
Medical therapy
Surgical therapy
Radioactive iodine therapy
Treatment of Grave’s Disease
A. Medical therapy:
Antithyroid drug therapy:
Most useful in patients with small glands and mild disease
Treatment is usually continued for 12-18 months
Relapse occurs in 50% of cases
There are 2 drugs:
Neomercazole (methimazole or carbimazole): start 30-40mg/D for 1-2m
then reduce to 5-20mg/D.
Propylthiouracil (PTU): start 100-150mg every 6hrs for 1-2m then reduce to
50-200 once or twice a day
Monitor therapy with fT4 and TSH
S.E.: 5%rash, 0.5%agranulocytosis (fever, sore throat), rare: cholestatic
jaundice, hepatocellular toxicity, angioneurotic edema, acute arthralgia
Management of Grave’s disease
A. Medical therapy:
Propranolol 10-40mg q6hrs to control tachycardia, hypertension
and atrial fibrillation during acute phase of thyrotoxicosis. It is
withdrawn gradually as thyroxine levels return to normal
Other drugs:
Ipodate sodium (1g OD): inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and
release and prevents conversion of T4 to T3
Cholestyramine 4g TID lowers serum T4 by binding it in the gut
Management of Grave’s disease
B. Surgical therapy:
Subtotal thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice for patients with
very large glands
The patient is prepared with antithyroid drugs until euthyroid
(about 6 weeks). In addition 2 weeks before the operation patient
is given SSKI 5 drops BID to diminish vascularity of thyroid gland
Complications (1%):
Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
Management of Grave’s Disease
C. Radioactive iodine therapy:
Preferred treatment in most patients
Can be administered immediately except in:
Elderly patients
Patients with IHD or other medical problems
Severe thyrotoxicosis
Large glands >100g
In above cases it is desirable to achieve euthyroid state first
Hypothyroidism occurs in over 80% of cases.
Female should not get pregnant for 6-12m after RAI.
Management of Grave’s Disease
Management of opthalmopathy:
Management involves cooperation between the endocrinologist
and the opthalmologist
A course of prednisone immediately after RAI therapy 100mg
daily in divided doses for 7-14 days then on alternate days in
gradually diminishing dosage for 6-12 weeks.
Keep head elevated at night to diminish periorbital edema
If steroid therapy is not effective external x-ray therapy to the
retrobulbar area may be helpful
If vision is threatened orbital decompression can be used
Management of Grave’s Disease
Management during pregnancy:
RAI is contraindicated
PTU is preferred over neomercazole
FT4 is maintained in the upper limit of normal
PTU can be taken throughout pregnancy or if surgery is
contemplated then subtotal thyroidectomy can be performed
safely in second trimester
Breastfeeding is allowed with PTU as it is not concentrated in the
Toxic Adenoma
(Plummer’s Disease)
This is a functioning thyroid adenoma
Typical pt is an older person (usually > 40) who has
noted recent growth of a long-standing thyroid nodule
Thyrotoxic symptoms are present but no infiltrative
opthalmopathy. PE reveals a nodule on one side
Lab: low TSH, high T3, slightly high T4
Thyroid scan reveals “hot” nodule with suppressed
uptake in contralateral lobe
Toxic adenomas are almost always follicular adenomas
and almost never malignant
Treatment: same as for Grave’s disease
Toxic Multinodular Goitre
Usually occurs in older pts with long-standing MNG
PE reveals a MNG that may be small or quite large
and may even extend substernally
RAI scan reveals multiple functioning nodules in the
gland or patchy distribution of RAI
Hyperthyroidism in pts with MNG can often be ppt by
iodide intake “jodbasedow phenomenon”.
Amiodarone can also ppt hyperthyroidism in pts with
Treatment: Same as for Grave’s disease. Surgery is
Subacute Thyroiditis
Acute inflammatory disorder of the thyroid gland most likely due to viral
infection. Usually resolves over weeks or months.
Symptoms & Signs:
Fever, malaise, and soreness in the neck
Initially, the patient may have symptoms of hyperthyroidism with palpitations,
agitation, and sweat
PE: No opthalmopathy, Thyroid gland is exquisitely tender with no signs of local
redness or heat suggestive of abscess formation
Signs of thyrotoxicosis like tachycardia and tremor may be present
Initially, T4 & T3 are elevated and TSH is low, but as the disease progresses T4 &
T3 will drop and TSH will rise
RAI uptake initially is low but as the pt recovers the uptake increases
ESR may be as high as 100. Thyroid Ab are usually not detectable in serum
Subacute Thyroiditis
In most cases only symptomatic Rx is necessary e.g.
acetaminophen 0.5g four times daily
If pain, fever, and malaise are disabling a short course of NSAID
or a glucocorticoid such as prednisone 20mg three times daily for
7-10 days may be necessary to reduce the inflammation
L-thyroxine is indicated during the hypothyroid phase of the
illness. 10% of the patients will require L-thyroxine long term
Other Forms of Thyrotoxicosis
Thyrotoxicosis Factitia:
Due to ingestion of excessive amounts of thyroxine
RAI uptake is nil and serum thyroglobulin is low
Struma Ovarii:
Teratoma of the ovary with thyroid tissue that becomes hyperactive
No goitre or eye signs. RAI uptake in neck is nil but body scan
reveals uptake of RAI in the pelvis.
Hydatidiform mole:
Chorionic gonadotropin is produced which has intrinsic TSH-like
TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma:
FT4 & FT3 is elevated but TSH is normal or elevated
Visual field examination may reveal temporal defects, and CT or MRI
of the sella usually reveals a pituitary tumour.
Thyroid storm (Thyrotoxic crisis)
Usually occurs in a severely hyperthyroid patient caused by a
precipitating event such as:
Surgical stress
Stopping antithyroid medication in Graves’ disease
Clinical clues
fever hyperthermia
marked anxiety or agitation coma
tachycardia tachyarrhythmias
pulmonary edema/cardiac failure
hypotension shock
Thyroid storm (Thyrotoxic crisis)
Initiate prompt therapy after free T4, free T3, and TSH drawn without
waiting for laboratory confirmation.
1. General measures:
Fluids, electrolytes and vasopressor agents should be used as
A cooling blanket and acetaminophen can be used to treat the pyrexia
Propranolol for beta–adrenergic blockade and in addition
causesdecreased peripheral conversion of T4T3 but watch for CHF.
Medullary Carcinoma 5%
Undifferentiated carcinomas 3%