Unit - 4-Cloud
Unit - 4-Cloud
Unit - 4-Cloud
https://drait.edu.in 1
Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms: Cloud Capabilities and Platform
Features, Traditional Features Common to Grids and Clouds, Data Features
and Databases, Programming and Runtime Support, Programming Support
of Google APP Engine: Programming the Google App Engine, Google File
System (GFS), BigTable, Google’s NOSQL System, Chubby, Google’s
Distributed Lock Service, Programming on Amazon AWS and Microsoft
AZURE: Programming on Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3),
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and SimpleDB, Microsoft Azure
Programming Support, Emerging Cloud Software Environments: Open
Source Eucalyptus and Nimbus, OpenNebula, Sector/Sphere, and
OpenStack, Manjrasoft Aneka Cloud and Appliances.
1.Cluster Management
2.Data Management
3.Grid programming
4.Open MP/Threading
6.Scalable parallel computing
7.Virtual organizations
2.Traditional Features Common to Grids and Clouds
1.Workflow-platform that executes multiple cloud and non-cloud
services in real applications on demand
2.Data Transport-high-bandwidth links will be made available between
clouds and TeraGrid.
3. Security, Privacy, and Availability
• Use special APIs for authenticating users and sending e-mail using commercial accounts.
• Cloud resources are accessed with security protocols such as HTTPS and SSL.
• Fine-grained access control is desired to protect data integrity and deter intruders or hackers.
• Shared data sets are protected from malicious alteration, deletion, or copyright violations.
• availability enhancement and disaster recovery with life migration of VMs.
• Use a reputation system to protect data centers.
3.Data Features and Databases
1. Program Library-VM image Library for academic and business clouds.
2 Blobs and Drives The basic storage -blobs for Azure and S3 for Amazon.
3. DPFS(Data protection for secure cloud)-Google File System (MapReduce), HDFS
4.SQL and Relational Databases-Bigtable and Mapreduce
5. Table and NOSQL Nonrelational Databases-BigTable in Google, SimpleDB in
Amazon, and Azure Table for Azure
6. Queuing Services-robust to communicate between the components of an
Short messages < 8 KB and have a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface
with “deliver at least once” semantics.
4.Programming and Runtime Support
Java offers Java Data Object (JDO) and Java Persistence API
(JPA) interfaces.
Python uses SQL-like query language called GQL.
The data store is strongly consistent and uses optimistic
concurrency control.
1.Programming the Google App Engine
Storage service
Fundamental storage service for Google’s search engine.
Size of the web data that was crawled and saved is large.
Google uses distributed file system to redundantly store
massive amounts of data on cheap and unreliable
GFS was designed for Google applications, and Google
applications were built for GFS
2.Google File System (GFS)
File Size
GFS files, each 100MB or larger, with files that are multiple
GB in size.
Google has chosen its file data block size to be 64MB.
4 KB in typical traditional file systems
2.Google File System (GFS)
I/O system
Files are written once, write operations appending data
blocks to the end of files.
Multiple appending operations will be concurrent.
Lot of large streaming reads and only a little random
Large streaming reads, highly sustained throughput
with low latency
2.Google File System (GFS)
Reliability is achieved by using replications (each chunk or
data block of a file is replicated across more than three
chunk servers).
A single master coordinates access as well as keeps the
2.Google File System (GFS)
The roles support HTTP(S) and TCP. Roles offer the following methods
OnStart() Fabric on startup, and allows to perform
initialization tasks.
OnStop() role is to be shut down and gives a
graceful exit.
Run() method which contains the main logic
SQL Azure
SQL Server as a service .
REST interfaces used.
The REST interfaces are automatically associated with
URLs and all storage is replicated three times for fault
tolerance and is guaranteed to be consistent in access.
SQL Azure
1. OpenNebula is open source toolkit for IaaS cloud.
2. Flexible and modular to allow integration with different storage
and network infrastructure configurations, and hypervisor
3. Core :VM full life cycle, including setting/managing/deployment or
on-the-fly software environment creation.
4.Capacity manager or scheduler. It governs the
functionality provided by the core.
5.The default capacity scheduler is a requirement/rank
6.The last main components are the access drivers.
7.They provide an abstraction of the underlying
infrastructure to monitoring/storage/virtualization
8.libvirt API : VM management and command-line
interface (CLI).
10.Supports live migration and VM
snapshots( preserves the state and data of a virtual machine at
a specific point in time).
11.Insufficient local resources -use hybrid cloud
4.Shared-nothing paradigm-
system state is kept in a distributed data system.
State updates through atomic transactions.
5. Nova is implemented in Python with libraries and
6.boto, Amazon API in Python a fast HTTP server to
implement the S3 in OpenStack.
ATA-simple, high-performance access of block storage
Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) devices
Nova manage private networks, public
IP addressing, virtual private
network (VPN) connectivity, and firewall rules.
1. Melbourne, Australia.
2. Rapid development and deployment :private or
public clouds.
3. Rich APIs for applications.
4.Tools to monitor and control the deployed
Aneka applications Linux and Microsoft .NET framework environments.
Advantages of Aneka
GUI and APIs to set up, monitor, manage, and maintain remote
and global Aneka compute clouds.
Accounting and Scaling on SLA/QoS enables dynamic
Three important programming models supported by Aneka