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Leadership is the practice of driving people to achieve goals. It’s a
process where by and individual influences others and guides the
organization in a manner that makes it more cohesive and coherent.

A leader’s skills and knowledge can be influenced by his or her

attributes or traits such as beliefs, values, ethics and character. A leader
might have learned the skills in counselling others, but his traits will
often play a great role in determining how he counsels.
1. Leader – a leader must understand himself, what he knows and what he can do.
To be successful you have to persuade your followers that you are worthy of being

2. Followers - Different people have different expectation, you have to learn the be,
know and do qualities of your people.

3. Communication – Being a leader, you lead bidirectional communication. What

and how you interact either strengthens or destroys your relationship with them.

4. Situation – Everything you do in one situation isn’t automatically going to work in

another. You have to use your discretion to determine the best course of action
and the style of leadership needed for each situation.
1. Trait Theory – some personally traits may lead people naturally into
leadership roles.

2. Great Events Theory – A crisis or important event can cause a person to

rise to the occasion, putting fourth extraordinary qualities of leadership
in an ordinary people.

3. Transformational or Process Leadership Theory – It is the widely

accepted theory. People can opt for leadership. People can learn the
ability to take leadership.
A leader sets the company or organization a specific vision, motivates
employees, guides workers through the cycle of work, and creates
morale. They’re made good leaders, not born. You will become a
successful leader if you have the will and the willpower.

Good leaders work and study constantly to develop their skills; they do
not rely on their past achievements.
Although your role as a manager or supervisor gives you the authority
to accomplish certain tasks and objectives within the organization, this
power does not make you a leader, it simply makes you a boss. A boss
only manages employees, while leader help their followers to reach
their potential and to achieve high goals.
People want feedback from those leaders they respect and have a good
sense of direction. They must be ethical to gain respect. When people
decide to value you as a leader, they don’t think of your qualities, but
rather watch what you’re doing so they assess who you really are.

Self-serving leaders are not as effective because their employees only

obey them, not follow them. Honorable character and selfless service
to your organization is good leadership.
1. Trust and Confidence
2. Effective Communication
 Help your employees to understand the overall business strategy of
 Help your workers understand how they help achieve the organizational
 Sharing information with workers on how the organization is doing and
how its own group of employees doing.
1. Know Yourself and Seek Self-Improvement

2. Be Technically and Tactically Proficient

3. Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for your Actions

4. Make Sound and Timely Decisions

5. Set the Example

6. Know Your People and Look Out for their Welfare

7. Keep Your Subordinates Informed

8. Developed a Scene of Responsibility in Your Subordinates

9. Ensure that Tasks are Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished

10. Train as a Team

11. Employ Your Command in Accordance With Its Capabilities

Supervision maintains an understanding of the situation, and
ensures proper implementation of the plans and policies.

Over supervision stifles initiative creates resentment and decreases

morale and motivation. Under-supervision leads to
miscommunication, lack of coordination and the subordinates’
impression that the leader is not concerned with. Nevertheless, all
workers will benefit from proper monitoring by seniors with more
knowledge and experience, who usually appear to more critically
view the situation.
Evaluating is part of supervising. It is defined as evaluating the value
quality or significance of people, ideas or things. People require
feedback to be able to judge their performance. Without it, they may
continue to do their job poorly.

It might seem like a waste of time and energy, but in the long run this
pays off.
1. Be passionate – You have to devote yourself to the job that you do. Do not
expect your people to worked up about it if you don’t express excitement.

2. Involve subordinate in decision making process – Help them contribute,

and inform them that you value their opinions, listen to them and integrate
their suggestions.

3. Know what your organization is about

“The army is not made up of people. The army is people. Every decision we make is a
people issue.” (General Creighton W. Abrahams)
• TRAINING – is a structured lesson designed to give people the knowledge
and skills to perform a task.
• COACHING – is a process designed to help the employee develop more
expertise and resolve obstacles to improving job performance.

Training and coaching are going hand in hand. First you train people with a
great deal of technical support and then you teach them with motivational
a. Testing to assess levels of knowledge, capacity and trust.
b. Defines targets that can be routinely calculated.
c. Clarify course, goals and responsibility.
d. Encourage peer coaching by reminding them that everyone has a stake
in each other’s success.
e. Coaching is more than telling people how to do something.
f. Cope with emotional challenges by helping them to improve.
g. Give feedback by pointing and suggesting solutions, rather than actively
criticizing errors.
a. The Person Must Be Motivated to Learn.
You can’t teach certain people who are not inspired to learn knowledge or
skills. When people are inspired to do good work, they are able to carry out
their duties properly.

b. Involves Your Subordinates In The Process.

Participate in them through active capability, or through conversation.
Power refers the ability of person has to control another’s
actions such that he or she behaves according to his or her

The strength of leadership is much more than the use of force.

Leadership encourages others to genuinely want to attain a
goal, while dominance drives others to attain a target.
1. Coercive Power – power that is base on fear. These are people
you avoid to become angry with.
2. Reward Power – Trading favors with him or her might seem
3. Legitimate Power – The power a person receives in an
organization’s formal hierarchy consequence of his or her role.
4. Referent Power – influence based on individual beauty,
elegance, or appreciation. You like the individual and you
want to do things for him or her.
5. Informational Power – Providing information to others which
leads to thinking or acting in a new way.
1. Honesty and Integrity – don’t expect honesty from your
followers if you yourself lack these two key ingredients.
2. Confidence – you should be comfortable enough to be an
effective leader and ensure people obey your orders.
3. Inspire others – set a good example to inspire your followers.
4. Commitment and Passion – the team looks up to you and
you’ll have to be enthusiastic about that too if you want them
to give their all.
5. Good Communicator – express your message effectively to your
followers. Words have the potential to get people motivated
6. Decision-making Capabilities – ability to take the right decision
at the right time.
7. Accountability – make sure each of the subordinate is
responsible for what they do.
8. Delegation and Empowerment – empower and delegate the
duties to your subordinate and see how they do.
9. Creativity and Innovation – leader must be creative and
innovative at the same time.
10.Empathy – know your followers’ issues, and connect with them
to experience their pain.
1. TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP – This strategy is strongly
disciplinary, and is often leadership style of “telling.” This
leader punish their subordinate if they fail to do their job and
give praise for a job well done.
2. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP – This leadership style,
they empowered their workers to change, leaders are trying to
transform the individual group in which they lead.
3. SERVANT LEADERSHIP – They make other people’s needs
priority over their own. “Serve first and lead.” Instead of
thinking how to inspire people to follow their lead, they seek
ways to help others.
4. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP – Also referred as “Participatory
Leadership.” They prioritize working together and actively
engaging their colleagues in the decision-making.
5. AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP – “My way or highway.” This type of
leadership see themselves as having absolute power and
making decisions on their subordinates behalf.
6. BUREAUCRATIC LEADERSHIP – Bureaucratic leadership goes
“by the book.” With this style of leadership a specified
collection of boxes to check to be a true leader.
7. LAISSEZ-FAIRE LEADERSHIP – A French word that translates
to “leave it be.” They just let their team members make
decision, solve problems and get their work done without
having to worry about.
8. CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP – Charismatic leadership have
charismatic personalities and great deal of determination
to achieve their goals.

“An ethical leader is someone who lives and dies for integrity.
Doing the right thing, even when it hurts, is the ethical
leader’s mantra.” (Heather R. Younger). Ethical leaders
produces a variety of positive results, and reduces the risk of
many negative results.
a. Define And Align Your Values
Consider the morals you were raised with:
• “treat others how you want to be treated”
• “always say “thank you.”
• “Help those who are struggling,” etc.
b. Champion the Importance of Ethics
c. Hire People with Similar Values
d. Promote Open Communication
d. Beware of Bias
e. Lead by Example
f. Find your Role Model
g. Care for Yourself so you are able to Care for Others

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