What Are Neurons
What Are Neurons
What Are Neurons
Neurons are the basic building blocks of the brain and the nervous
system. They are specialized cells that transmit information through
electrical and chemical signals.
Structure of a Neuron
Pre- synaptic
3 Dendrites 4 terminal
Branch-like extensions that receive signals
from other cells.
2 Integration
Signals are processed and interpreted in the cell body.
3 Transmission
Signal is passed along the axon to reach the next neuron.
s Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Process where neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the neuron that released them.
Neurotransmitters Functions of Neurotransmitters
• Multipolar • Sensory
• Unipolar • Motor
• Bipolar • Interneurons
• Pseudo-unipolar
On the basis of structure
Multipolar neurons are a type of Unipolar neurons have a Bipolar neurons are a type of
neuron that have multiple single long axon that is neuron that send signals and
dendrites and a single axon. responsible for sending receive information from the
These neurons can receive electrical signals. The axon world. They have two
impulses from multiple neurons in unipolar neurons is processes, one dendrite and
via dendrites. The dendrites myelinated, which allows for one axon, extending from
transmit the signals through the rapid signal transmission. opposite ends of the cell body.
neuron via an electrical signal
that is spread down the axon.
Pseudo-Unipolar Neurons
Activate by sensory input from the Also called effect neuron Transmits signals between
environment and carries nerve and carries signals from sensory and motor neurons
impulses toward the central the central nervous system within the central nervous
nervous system and brain. to muscles and glands to system, playing a key role in
initiate action. reflexes, learning, and other
intricate processes.
Glia Cells