Chapter One Final
Chapter One Final
Chapter One Final
1.1 The subject matter of NREE
1.1.1 what NEE deals about
• Environmental stresses are now the crucial issues in all economic
systems, regardless of political ideology, from the very poorest to
the very rich.
• Humans actions are creating environmental problems like
deforestation/desertification, soil erosion, water and air pollution,
acid rain due to SO2 and NO, ozone depletion due to depleting
substances like CFCs, global warming due to CO2 and other gasses,
• Thomas Malthus foresaw a time when the urge to reproduce would
create a situation in which population growth would outstrip the
growth of food supply, resulting in starvation and death.
• Modern ecologists have suggested that the environment possesses
a unique ‘‘carrying capacity’’ to support humans, and once that
capacity is exceeded widespread ecological disturbance occurs with
disastrous consequences for humanity
• Even if environmental problem is universal for all countries in the world, it
is much severe in poor countries.
Poverty, which denies poor people the means to act in their own long-
term interest, creates environmental stress such as overgrazing of pasture
land, deforestation, extensive farming practices, etc.
All these environmental problems give rise to the subject of natural
resource and environmental economics
Environmental economics is concerned with the study of the impact of the
economy on the environment, the significance of the environment to the
economy and the appropriate way of regulating economic activity so that
balance is achieved among environmental, economic, and other social
Natural resource economics, on the other hand, is concerned with
studying the production and efficient utilization of natural resources,
both renewable and exhaustible.
Since both concern the natural world, we study them by combining
together as natural resource and environmental economics (NREE)
1.1.2. A Brief History of the Subject
A. Early economic paradigms and the environment
1. The Classical economic paradigm
• Classical political economy stressed the power of the market to stimulate both growth
and innovation, but remained pessimistic about long-run growth prospects.
Adam smith (1723-1790) argued that self interested rational behavior of individuals
could satisfy individual wants but also serve the interests of society as a whole through
the operation of freely competitive market.
Governments were important only in the sense of providing ‘night watchman’ services,
i.e., to maintain law and order, national defense, and to provide other public goods
• Prominent classical economists such as Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) and David
Ricardo (1772-1823), were like Adam Smith, pessimistic about the prospects of long-
term economic growth.
They expressed their ‘‘environmental limits thinking ’’ in terms of the limits on the
supply of good quality agricultural production.
That means, since resources are scarce, the continuous rise in population growth
would result in the fall of per capita production
• Every one runs to maximize profit without taking care of the N&E assets. The invisible
principle means markets fail to allocate resources efficiently as there are market
failures as public goods, externalities and common properties for NRE assets. This
leads to distraction of most NRE assets that in turn result a limit to long-term
2. The Marxist Paradigm:
• Karl Marx (1818-1883) believed that progress was a process of natural
• Progress in terms of material and technological advance made possible by the
exploitation (humanizing) of nature via science so that inherent value could be
turned in to use value.
• Marx emphasized the process of production and the fact that a reliable basis
for any society can only be provided if the system of production is capable of
reproducing itself, but it is very difficult to reproduce some natural and
environmental assets once they are used in the production process.
• This analysis gives us that natural systems could be a limit to reproduction:
what we call today a ‘‘material balance” approach to the process of production
over time.
• In terms of modern environmental issues this reproductive economic system
analysis raises questions about the sources and nature of technological
• According to the Marxian view technological progress could increase
productivity and profit (in the capitalist system) but over the long run this
progress imposes a heavy cost burden on the environment as both the toxicity
3.Neoclassical paradigm:
• The neo-classical (1870) introduced the marginal analysis and the equilibrium analysis.
• Neoclassical model has economic person, i.e., the economic (instrumental) value of
marketable commodities, un-priced environmental goods and services or consideration
for future generations is determined according to the amount of personal utility
• The criterion of social desirability is usually expressed in terms of the so-called pareto-
criterion (welfare analysis).
• The basic theorem of welfare economics seeks to legitimize rational behavior as being
socially desirable and also to justify some government intervention(because of market
• The basic neoclassical view sees government as an essentially ethical agent only
intervening in the market to ease the tension between individual rationality and
collective ethics.
• Ethical or moral obligations are not recognized at the level of the individual. So that, this
paradigm supports the intervention of government into the economy to maximize
social welfare.
• This means that there must be a certain body or party that protects natural resources
and the environment since healthy and protected environmental assets will improve the
welfare of the society.
Bottom line: the classical and Marxian early economic paradigms were pessimist about
the future, but according to the neoclassical paradigm, government intervention can
B. Post-war economics and the rise of environmentalism
• During the 1960, environmental pollution intensified and become
more widespread.
• Environmental awareness was consequently sensitive and gave rise
to the new environmental ideologies.
• Economists continued to argue that economic growth remained
both feasible (a growing economy need not run out of natural
resources) and desirable (economic growth need not reduce the
overall quality of life). What was required, however, was an
efficiently functioning price system.
• Since 1970 a number of “world views” has crystallized within
environmentalism, providing the background to the emerging
environmental economics sub-discipline.
The basic views distinguished includes:
support for market and technology-driven growth process which is
environmentally damaging
a position favoring managed resource conservation and growth
“eco-preservationists” positions which explicitly reject economic growth.
1.2 Inter-linkages between the Environment and the Economy
began and A= 0.
• According to neoclassical economics, social well-being is the sum total of
individual well-being and this individual well-being is measured by the utility
derived from various goods and services:
UA = U (X1, X2,…Xn; Q1,Q2,….Qm)
where; UA = utility of individual A. X1...Xn are Goods and services
produced in the production sector.Q1...Qn are environmental assets, such
as air quality, water quality, etc
• The environment supplies utility directly to A via the vector of environmental
assets, and indirectly via its roles in the production of the vector of goods and
services (X1,… Xn). Clearly an increment in the vector of (X1,…Xn) will decrease the
quantity or quality of the vector Q.
• For example, X1 can be a car;
The increase in the production of car will decrease the quality of the stock iron
ore and reduce the quality of air or water (Q1) through pollution.
An increase in the consumption of car services increases utility by (dU A/dX1 which
is positive), but this action decreases air quality by (dQ 1/dX1 which is negative).
This fall in air quality reduces utility in an amount
(dUA/dQ1) (dQ1/dX1) < 0.
(+) (-)
• From the pervious diagram, we may ask whether the inter-linkages
are governed by any systematic physical processes or natural laws.
In this environmental analysis there are two important physical
laws. These laws are:
The first law of Thermodynamics
The law of Entropy
• Both laws hold true in strictly closed systems, systems with no
external inputs (i.e., a system that does not exchange matter or
energy with its environment.)
• The first law of Thermodynamics states that matter, like energy, can
neither be created nor be destroyed. This law also known as the
materials balance principle.
• The second law (law of entropy) states entropy exist which means in
the production process there is a must for wastes to exist.
– E.g., The extraction of resources (R) creates waste, such as mining of iron
ore, production (P) such as car, creates waste in the form of industrial
effluent , air pollution; final consumers (C) create waste by generating
sewage, litter, and municipal refuse.
• The amount of total waste (W) in any period is equal to
the amount of natural resources (R) used up. That is R =
W = WR +Wp+ WC. Where WR, Wp and Wc represent
wastes from extracting raw resources (R), production of
goods and services (P) and consumption (P) respectively.
• The reason for this equivalence is the first law of
• Considering this circular economy (diagram ), a closed
system sets limits, or boundaries to achieve utility. This is
because, as we discussed earlier, not all wastes are
• A great deal of waste is not recycled, but simply goes
into the environment (pollution). Why is not all waste
recycled? It is here that the second law becomes relevant.
That is the entropy law. Consider the following diagram.
• Letters R, P, and C are as defined in the
previous diagram. W and r represent
wastes and recycling respectively.