Chapter 3.3 and 3.4
Chapter 3.3 and 3.4
Chapter 3.3 and 3.4
3.3 Mercaintalism
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The historical background of the period
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Major tenets ………
“The profit of one man is the damage of another…. No profit whatever can possibly be made but
at the expense of another.” Michel de Montaigne
According to their static concept there was a fixed quantity of
economic resources in the world; one country could increase
its resources only at the expense of another.
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Major tenets ………
domestic consumer.
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Major tents ………
Strong government
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Whom Did the Mercantilist School Benefit
or Seek to Benefit?
opportunity costs.
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Whom Did the Mercantilist School Benefit
or Seek to Benefit
According to this line of reasoning, the government
officials in power were willing to make these laws and
regulations—to dispense economic rent—as a way to
secure benefits for themselves and for the royalty at
whose pleasure they served.
[email protected]
How Was the Mercantilist School Valid, Useful, or
Correct in Its Time?
Great Britain’s trade with the Baltic region and East Indies
required international liquidity by way of precious metal.
Not only the volume of output expanded at the time but also
the self sufficient household was being drawn into the market
[email protected]
How Was the Mercantilist School Valid,
Useful, or Correct in Its Time?
more money was needed therefor to buy the same volume of
some mercantilists were also aware that increase in the
amount of gold and silver in circulation reduced interest rate
and promoted business.
[email protected]
Which tenet of the school become lasting
Direct contribution
They made a lasting contribution by emphasizing on the
Beyond these (excluding Petty and Mun) they made little direct
contribution for economic theory as we know it to day.
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Which tenet of the school become lasting
Indirect contributions.
1.They permanently influenced attitudes towards the merchant.
enriched not only themselves but also the king and the kingdom .
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Which tenet of the school become lasting
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Thomas Mun
Life (1571–1641)
The son of a British dealer in textiles, acquired his wealth and
reputation while he was a merchant in the Italian and Near
Eastern trade.
After he was elected a director of the East India Company, Mun
became involved in a controversy over that company’s policy of
exporting gold and specifically the company was criticized on:
1. England imported more from India than it exported,
2. England sent precious metals to India to pay for imports.
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Thomas Mun……
Mun asserted in the title of his book that England’s treasure was gained
by foreign trade.
His thinking was typically mercantilistic in that he confused the wealth
of a nation with its stock of precious metals and therefore argued for a
favorable balance of trade and an inflow of gold and silver to settle the
trade balance.
He believed that government should regulate foreign trade to achieve a
favorable balance, encourage importation of cheap raw materials,
encourage exportation of manufactured goods, enact protective tari ffs
on imported manufactured goods, and take other measures to increase
population and keep wages low and competitive
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Thomas Mun……
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3.4 The
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The Historical Background of the
Physiocratic School
Tolls and regulations above impeded the grain trade, so that
some area surplus might glut the warehouses while a few
miles a way people starved.
Merchants and craft guilds, which arose during the
medieval period persisted longer in France. They:
impended the free entry of labor in certain occupation
restricted and regulated output
Fixe price, opposed competition from other towns and abroad…….
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Major tenets of the PS ?
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Major tenets of the PS ?
Emphasis on Agriculture
used in production.
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Major tenets of the PS ?
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Whom Did the PS Benefit or Seek to
B. Business entities
Would gain from the prescription to remove all restrictions
on production and movement of goods.
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How was the PS Valid, Useful, or
correct in its Time
Before the industrial revolution, industries were characterized by
extremely low productivity and production of luxuries goods for
the nobility.
Whilst agriculture often provided the surpluses that could be saved
and reinvested to initiate a rising state of economic growth and
industrial development not only in France but also in USA,
Germany, Japan…
Thus, assuming all other sectors (except for agriculture) sterile was
In promoting laissez-faire, they were opposing obstacles to
capitalistic economic development.
[email protected]
How was the PS Valid, Useful, or
correct in its Time
By emphasizing the productivity of agriculture, they were
getting away from the older concept that only commerce
produces and augment wealth.
The physiocrats emphasized production rather than exchange as a
source of wealth.
Their support for direct taxes was a valid reaction to the
indirect taxes that pervaded and corroded French society of
their time.
They argued for capital accumulation through reduced
consumption by the wealth.
[email protected]
which tenets of the PS become lasting
Most of their ideas were wrong:
Considering industry and trade as sterile
Only the landlords should be taxed because only land
generated surplus
They extolled capitalist farmer as the key figure in France
development but they were wrong in two accounts:
1. Industrialists and laborers became the most important figures
in France
2. Small peasant farmers rather than the large farm entrepreneur
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become typical in France.
Which Tenets of the PS Become Lasting
Nevertheless the Physiocrates made several contribution in
economics :
By examining the society as a whole and analyzing the laws that governed
They originated the analysis of tax shifting and incidence that today is an
He argued that:
precise manner.
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A.R.J Turgot….
is as large as possible.
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A.R.J Turgot….
End of chapter