Hate Crime Topic #1
Hate Crime Topic #1
Hate Crime Topic #1
A hate crime is defined as “any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim
or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice” based on one of
five categories : religion, faith or belief; race, ethnicity or nationality; sexual
orientation; disability; or gender identity.
(Home Office, Oct.21,2020)
“Hate Crime” generally refers to criminal acts which are seen to have been
motivated by bias against one or more of the social group listed above , or by bias
against their derivatives . Incidents may involve physical assault , homicide ,
damage to property , bullying , harassment , verbal abuse or insults , mate crime,
or offensive graffiti or letters (hate mail).
( Streissguth, Tom (2003). Hate Crimes (Library in
a Book), p. 3. ISBN 0-8160-4879-7.)
Who is Protected?
People who have been victim of a crime and were targeted because
of their actual or perceived membership in one of the following
protected cases:
Race Religion
Color National Religion
Creed Disability (mental
Ancestry or physical)
Sexual Gender Identity
(CCHR , May. 30,2020)
Types of Hate Crime
Incitement to
Physical Assault Verbal Abuse Hatred
Physical assault of any Verbal abuse is a type of The offence of
kind is an offence, psychological/mental incitement to hatred
which should be abuse that involves the occurs when someone
reported. Depending use of oral, gestured, and
acts in a way that is
on the level of written language directed
to a victim. Verbal abuse threatening and
violence used, a can include the act of intended to stir up
perpetrator may be harassing, labeling, hatred. That could be in
charged with common insulting, scolding, words, pictures, videos
assault, actual bodily rebuking, or excessive or music and includes
harm or grievous yelling towards an information posted on
harm. individual. (Shoshan , websites.
Nitzan (2008), The
(MacDonald, cit,p.155;Smart (TheFreeDictionary.com.Retri
v. HM Advocate 1975 JC 30) eved 8 August 2021) University of Chicago, p. 183, ISNB
Example of Hate Crime