ACA - Assurance - Lecture
ACA - Assurance - Lecture
ACA - Assurance - Lecture
An example of the e-assessment can be found on the ICAEW website under the student section;
Each assessment will contain 50 questions worth 2 marks each, the total assessment being 100
marks. Each question will therefore have a time allocation of approximately 1.8 minutes. You
will probably find some questions will take in excess of 1.8 minutes to complete whilst others
will take less, however you are advised to monitor the overall time taken on questions
throughout your assessment
The examiner will specify how many options to select if more than one option is
• appreciate the benefits of assurance reports and why users require them
Chapter 1 Outcome
1. Elements of assurance
Limited Audit
Reasonable Other
Chapter 1 Overview
The 3 party relationship
Practitioner Responsible
Auditor Depends on
Usually the
Assurance the
firm assignment
Levels of assurance
There are two key levels of assurance you need to be aware of.
It is important to determine the level of assurance required as this will
determine the amount of evidence required to support the conclusion in the
o Fraud investigations
o Due diligence
o Environmental audits.
Legal requirements
Companies Act 2006 exempts small private limited companies from a
mandatory audit if they satisfy two out of the following three criteria:
An auditor must
Be a member of
Recognised Not be ineligible
Supervisory Body (RSB)
Process of assurance:
obtaining an engagement
By the end of this session you should be able to:
Chapter 2 Outcome
Procedures after
accepting the
prior to acceptance
Appointment Money
Sources of decision laundering
information process check
Chapter 2 Overview
1. Methods of obtaining an engagement
Client identification documents must be kept for a minimum of 5 years and until
5 years have elapsed since the relationship with the client has ceased.
Process of assurance:
planning the assignment
By the end of this session you should be able to:
• explain the need to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment
• define and apply the audit risk model and its components
Chapter 3 Outcome
Overview Planning
Understand Analytical
Materiality Risk
the entity procedures
Chapter 3 Overview
1. The planning process
level of detail
Audit strategy
The key components of the audit strategy are:
o Understanding the entity and its environment
o Materiality
o Risk assessment
o Nature, extent and timing of audit procedures
o Direction, supervision and review of work
o Other matters
ISA 315 requires the auditor to use the following:
o Enquiries of management and other client staff
o Analytical procedures
o Observation of processes
o Inspection of documents or assets
o Prior knowledge of the client
o Discussions among the audit team.
Materiality is defined as an expression of the relative significance of
a particular matter in the context of the financial statements as a whole.
A matter is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic
decision of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.
Chapter 3 Materiality
3. Materiality
Performance materiality
The amount set by the auditor at less than materiality for the financial statements as a whole to
reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and
undetected misstatements exceeds materiality for the financial statements as a whole.
Using materiality
At the planning stage, materiality drives the level of work to be carried out
e.g. whether to test a balance at all, sample sizes.
During the audit, materiality influences the evaluation of audit evidence e.g. if the
auditor discovers a material misstatement then an adjustment to the financial
statements should be requested.
Chapter 3 Materiality
3. Materiality
Identifying materiality
Deciding on whether a matter is material or not depends on the auditor’s
An item, error or misstatement may be:
o Material because of its size (see thresholds below)
o Material because of its nature e.g. transactions between the company and
its directors must be disclosed in the accounts, and because of the nature
of these transactions they are considered material regardless of their size.
Chapter 3 Materiality
3. Materiality
Chapter 3 Materiality
4. Risk assessment
Inherent risk
The susceptibility of a transaction, account balance or disclosure to
material misstatement, irrespective of the internal controls in place.
Inherent risk can be considered at three different levels
Control risk
The risk that a material misstatement would not be prevented,
detected or corrected by the accounting and internal control systems.
Details of controls are covered in Chapters 5 – 8.
Detection risk
The risk that the auditor’s procedures will not detect a misstatement
that exists in an account balance or class of transactions that could
be material, either individually or when aggregated with
misstatements in other balances or classes.
Characteristics of fraud
ISA 240 identifies two categories of fraud that are of concern to auditors:
o Misappropriation of assets means theft e.g. the creation of ghost employees
to divert company funds into a personal bank account or theft of inventory.
o Fraudulent financial reporting involves intentionally manipulating the financial
statements to deceive financial statement users.
Compare Unexpected
Understand Develop an
actual to variations =
the business expectation
expectation risk
Sources of information
Analytical procedures require sound knowledge; therefore information about the client is
The process of performing analytical procedures involves calculations of
amounts that can then be compared with prior year, budget, industry
averages or other plausible benchmarks.
Calculations range from simple trends (e.g. % increase in revenue over the
last year) to more complex ratio analysis.
You may need to use the following accounting ratios as part of your
analytical procedures:
Assess relationship of
Cost of sales percentage
costs to revenue.
Assess relationship of
Operating cost percentage
costs to revenue.
Process of assurance:
evidence and reporting
By the end of this session you should be able to:
• identify the differences between auditors’ reports and other assurance reports
Chapter 4 Outcome
Test of Substantive
controls procedures
Chapter 4 Overview
1. Obtaining evidence
Basic rules
Evidence must be
Source Format
Proves one or more of
Auditor generated Original/written
the financial
Third party Copy
statement assertions
Client Oral
Assertions about
classes of Accuracy Amounts have been recorded appropriately.
transactions and
events, and related Transactions have been recorded in the correct accounting
disclosures, for the period.
period under audit
Classification Transactions have been recorded in the proper accounts.
Rights and The entity owns the assets, and liabilities are the obligations of
obligations the entity.
Assertions about All assets, liabilities and equity interests that should have been
account balances, Completeness
recorded have been recorded.
and related
disclosures, at the Accuracy, valuation Assets, liabilities and equity interests are included in the
period end and allocation financial statements at appropriate amounts.
Assets, liabilities and equity interests have been recorded in
the proper accounts.
Tests of Substantive
control testing
If the auditor concludes that the financial statements show a true and fair
view the auditors’ report will be unmodified. This means the standard
wording of the ISA 700 auditors’ report can be used and does not need to be
If the auditor concludes that there are material misstatements in the financial
statements, or that they have not obtained sufficient appropriate evidence,
the auditors’ report will need to be modified. The report will need to contain
information for the user to explain the issues in the financial statements. You
will learn about modified auditors’ reports in the Professional Level Audit
and Assurance paper.
Introduction to internal
By the end of this session you should be able to:
Chapter 5 Outcome
Purpose CONTROL Limitation
Control Information
environment system
Chapter 5 Overview
1. Introduction to internal controls
Control Information
environment system
Decide on
Identify Estimate the Assess the
actions to
relevant significance likelihood of
address the
business risks of the risks occurrence
The Audit Committee reports to the company’s shareholders in the Annual Report.
Physical controls
Physical controls involve the restriction of access to assets or data.
They also include counting assets and comparing with the recorded amount (e.g.
inventory or petty cash).
Segregation of duties
This means different members of staff are responsible for authorizing transactions,
recording transactions and maintaining custody of assets.
This reduces the risk of fraud or undetected errors
Computer controls
Computer controls fall into two categories: general controls and application controls.
Chapter 5 Control activities
5. Control activities
General controls
These are policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective
function of application controls by helping to ensure the continued proper operation of
information systems.
Examples of general controls include:
o Staff training
o Password protection
o Virus checks
Application controls
These are manual or automated procedures that apply to individual areas within the system
to ensure the completeness, accuracy and validity of the recording and processing of
It is important for external auditors to discuss controls with the internal auditors
at the planning phase.
After documenting the system of internal controls, the auditor performs walkthrough tests
to confirm their understanding of the system
Revenue system
By the end of this session you should be able to:
Chapter 6 Outcome
Chapter 6 Overview
1. Risks, control objectives and procedures
Order taken
Key risks Key control objectives Key controls activities
Only valid sales are recorded, at the Match cash receipts to invoices.
Invoices and credit notes may not correct amount and in the correct
be properly recorded leading to period. Send regular statements to customers.
misstatements in the
financial statements. Sales are recorded in the correct Review and follow-up overdue
customer accounts. accounts.
Debts may be recorded when they
are not recoverable. Identify potential bad debts on a Authorisation of bad debt
timely basis. write-offs/allowance.
Purchases system
By the end of this session you should be able to:
Chapter 7 Outcome
Chapter 7 Overview
1. Risks, control objectives and procedures
Order placed
Key risks Key control objectives Key controls activities
If the auditor believes internal controls are likely to be effective, the auditor
may choose to perform tests of controls to obtain evidence that the controls
were operating effectively throughout the period.
To test whether internal controls are operating effectively, the auditor must
first identify the controls that address a given risk.
Procedures should then be performed to check the control is working, such
as making enquiries, observation of processes or inspection of assets or
Employee costs
By the end of this session you should be able to:
Chapter 8 Outcome
Chapter 8 Overview
1. Introduction to the employee costs system
Calculating wages and salaries is a function of standing data and variable data.
o Standing data is the information in the employee costs system that doesn’t
vary regularly e.g. hourly rates, salary, overtime rate
o Variable data includes hours worked or overtime, as recorded on
e.g. timesheets or clock cards.
So for trainees in an accounting firm, the calculation of wages and salaries might
Monthly salary + (overtime hours worked × hourly rate)
In addition to calculating the amounts to be paid to staff, a key component of the
employee costs system is the calculation of payroll taxes to be paid to HMRC.
Deductions may be incorrect Pay the correct amounts to Compare payroll totals recorded to
resulting in HMRC penalties or HMRC on a timely basis. budget.
liabilities in respect of pension
deductions. Agree gross earnings and total tax
deducted to tax returns.
If the auditor believes internal controls are likely to be effective, the auditor
may choose to perform tests of controls to obtain evidence that the controls
were operating effectively throughout the period.
To test whether internal controls are operating effectively, the auditor must
first identify the controls that address a given risk.
Procedures should then be performed to check the control is working, such
as making enquiries, observation of processes or inspection of assets or
Internal audit
By the end of this session you should be able to:
• explain the differences between the role of the internal auditor and external auditor
Chapter 9 Outcome
Organisational Auditor
Introduction independence
What is
internal audit?
Function of Comparison of
internal audit external and
internal audit
Chapter 9 Overview
1. What is internal audit?
Introduction to internal audit
Internal Audit is an independent appraisal activity established within an organisation. It is generally a feature of
large companies.
The UK Corporate Governance code applies to listed companies and stresses the need for good internal control.
Listed companies without an internal audit department should reconsider the need for one on an annual basis.
Organisational structure
In large organisations the internal audit function will be a separate department.
In a small company it might be the responsibility of individuals to perform specific tasks even though there will
not be a full-time position.
Some companies outsource their internal audit function, often to an accountancy firm.
Monitoring internal
control systems
Reports on Whether the financial statements are Adequacy of internal controls etc.
By the end of this session you should be able to:
• explain why the safe custody and retention of documentation is important, and how it
is achieved
Chapter 10 Outcome
Form and
Safe Ownership
content of
custody and and rights
retention of access
Chapter 10 Overview
1. Purpose of documentation
Documentation, in the form of working papers, should be maintained for all assurance
Working papers are prepared and retained by assurance providers in connection with the
performance of the assurance engagement.
Professional judgement
Assurance providers should use their professional judgement when deciding what to
Automated working paper packages have been developed which can make the task of
documenting assurance work much easier.
To An experienced To
Audit Evidence obtained
allow auditor with no understand
documentation must previous connection
be sufficient with audit
Significant matters arising
Conclusions reached
Conclusion: After making the adjustment noted above, receivables ledger balances are fairly stated as at 30 June
Reviewed and updated at the commencement of subsequent audits for the same client.
Electronic documents should be protected using suitable security measures. The duration of
Registered Auditors should keep all audit working papers required by auditing standards for at
least six years from the end of the accounting period to which they relate.
Should not be shown to a third party without their client’s permission. Any reports created as
output to an assignment:
Evidence and
By the end of this session you should be able to:
• recognise when sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained such that a
conclusion can be drawn
• identify when tests of controls and substantive procedures will be used and
Chapter 11 Outcome
Substantive Analytical Directional Accounting
procedures CAATs estimates
procedures testing
for obtaining
Evaluation of
Sampling misstatements
Chapter 11 Overview
1. General procedures for obtaining evidence
Audit approach
We saw in Chapter 4 that the auditor needs to decide upon an audit approach, choosing the
appropriate balance of tests of controls and substantive testing. The following three chapters cover
audit evidence in more detail:
Chapter 11: general approaches to obtaining audit evidence
Chapter 12: the use of management representations as a form of audit evidence
Chapter 13: the application of the general approaches to obtaining audit evidence to specific
account balances.
Evidence is generally persuasive rather than conclusive so it may be necessary to perform more than
one procedure to address a given risk.
Transaction analysis e.g. matching purchase orders, goods received notes and invoices
Judgemental areas e.g. using sensitivity analysis to test assumptions on the net realisable value of inventory
Analytical procedures e.g. analysing revenue trends by product or region.
The results of data analytics may be presented in formats such as bar or pie charts which allow the auditor to
visualise the data more easily.
At the planning stage it is enough to identify risk areas and use this to determine the audit approach.
At the evidence stage, the auditor must determine whether unexpected variations are acceptable (influenced by
materiality) and if not, seek further evidence:
Make enquiries of management
Corroborate management explanations with other evidence.
Physical assets
To test for overstatement:
Perform procedures such as inspection of the asset (to confirm existence) and the purchase invoice (to confirm valuation/rights and obligations)
and confirm that the balance is not overstated.
Start with the assets that you can see being used in the client’s business
Trace to the non-current asset register (to confirm completeness of accounting records) and confirm that the balance is not understated.
Estimates are high risk due to their subjective nature and the risk of management bias.
The most common audit procedures for an accounting estimate are:
Review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate.
Use an independent expert to make an estimate for comparison with the company's figure.
Review subsequent events for confirmation of the accuracy of the estimate.
Test the operating effectiveness of the controls over how management made the estimate.
Introduction to sampling
Assurance providers generally seek evidence from less than 100% of items in the balance or transaction being
ISA 530 states that the objective of the auditor when using sampling is to provide a reasonable basis for the
auditor to draw conclusions about the population from which the sample is selected.
Some testing procedures do not involve sampling, for example:
Testing all items in a population (may be appropriate where the population is made up of a small number of
high-value items, or for unusual items)
Testing all items with a certain characteristic such as high-value items (selection is not representative).
The sampling process can be summarised as follows:
Chapter 11 Sampling
The sampling units are the individual items constituting a population e.g. sales invoices or
individual receivables balances.
ISA 530 requires that the auditor selects items in such a way that each sampling unit in the population
has a chance of selection.
Chapter 11 Sampling
Selecting a sample
Sampling methods can be statistical or non-statistical. Statistical sampling uses random selection of the sample
items and the use of probability theory to evaluate results.
Statistical sampling methods
Method Description
Random selection All items in the population have an equal chance of selection by using random
number tables/computerised generator.
Systematic selection Items are selected using a random start, then a constant interval between
Money Unit Sampling Every £1 in the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Chapter 11 Sampling
Illustration – MUS
Materiality has been set at £50,000 and the sample requires that balances containing each 50,000th £1
are selected from the receivables ledger as follows:
Chapter 11 Sampling
Non-statistical sampling methods
Method Description
Haphazard selection The auditor selects a sample they think will be representative, without the
use of probability theory.
Sequence or block Select a block of items e.g. 50 consecutive cheques, March invoices.
Tends to be used for tests of control.
After deciding on the sample method, the auditor needs to consider the size of the sample.
Chapter 11 Sampling
Audit firms will have their own methodology but it should apply the requirements of ISA 530 which gives examples
of factors which influence sample sizes:
Increase in the desired level of assurance (may need less assurance if other, Increase
corroborating procedures are being carried out)
*Stratification is the process of dividing units of the population into homogeneous subgroups before sampling.
Chapter 11 Sampling
Identifying errors and drawing conclusions
Once the auditor has tested the sample of items from the population, they must draw conclusions taking the following into account:
The nature of errors identified
– Whether errors are true misstatements
– e.g. misposting between receivables accounts does not actually reflect an error in the receivables balance.
The cause of errors identified
– Where common features are discovered
– e.g. all errors arise in the same location, further testing may be required.
The impact on other parts of the audit
– The identification of errors may influence the auditor’s assessment of the accounting and internal control systems.
The probable misstatement in the population
– Results should be extrapolated
– If the projected misstatement exceeds or is close to the tolerable misstatement (linked to materiality) then additional
testing may be required.
Chapter 11 Sampling
3.Evaluation of misstatements
ISA 450 states that the auditor must evaluate the effect of any uncorrected misstatements on
the financial statements.
The auditor must communicate all misstatements on a timely basis to management and
request they correct them.
Written representations must be obtained from management stating that they believe the
misstatements to be immaterial.
Communicate the uncorrected misstatements to those charged with governance and request they are corrected,
explaining that the audit report will be modified if material misstatements are not corrected.
Matters which are not material in size but which may be considered material by nature are misstatements
Affect compliance with laws and regulations
Affect compliance with debt covenants
Affect ratios used to evaluate financial position, results or cash flows
Increase management compensation.
. of this session you should be able to:
By the end
Chapter 12 Outcome
Nature and
Contents of
Chapter 12 Overview
1. Nature and purpose of management representations
Management representations
Management representations are explanations or answers given
to the assurance provider during the course of an engagement.
They are a form of evidence and can be oral or written.
The letter should be dated as near as possible before the date of the audit report.
General matters
ISA 580 requires the auditor to seek written representations on the following matters:
Confirmation that management has fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation of the
financial statements in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework
Confirmation that all relevant information has been provided to the auditor
Confirmation that all transactions have been recorded and reflected in the financial
In addition to representations on these general matters, the auditor will obtain specific written
representations where:
Other ISAs require representations to be obtained (e.g. ISA 450 requires that the written
representation letter must include a list of all uncorrected misstatements and that the auditor
obtains representations that the sum of unadjusted misstatements is immaterial to the financial
statements as a whole).
The auditor decides that written representations are required to support other audit evidence.
Written representations cannot be used instead of other evidence which the auditor expects to exist.
Whether the applicable reporting framework has been complied with in respect of items such
as intentions that may affect the carrying value of assets
Whether all deficiencies in internal control of which management is aware have been
communicated to auditors
Specific written representations required by other ISAs
Support for management’s judgement of intent in relation to a specific assertion.
There may be doubts over the reliability of management representations, for example
Chapter 12
• describe the nature of tests on balances carried out by assurance providers and explain the
objectives of those tests
• identify suitable tests in a given business scenario
• explain when a matter should be referred to a senior member of staff and answer
questions relating to these areas.
Chapter 13 Outcome
Chapter 13 Overview
1. Financial statement assertions
When designing substantive procedures the auditor should consider which financial statement assertions the test
needs to address. You learnt about these assertions in Chapter 4.
The table below contains a reminder of the assertions relating to transactions and account balances (excluding
Classification and Presentation
Assertions about classes of Occurrence Transactions that have been recorded have occurred and pertain to the
transactions and events for the entity.
period under audit Completeness All transactions that should have been recorded have been recorded.
Assertions about account Existence Assets, liabilities and equity interest exist.
balances at the period end
Rights and obligations The entity owns the assets, and liabilities are the obligations of the
Completeness All assets, liabilities and equity interests that should have been recorded
have been recorded.
Accuracy, valuation and Assets, liabilities and equity interests are included in the financial
allocation statements at appropriate amounts.
Audit procedures
The key financial statement assertions to address with suitable audit procedures are shown in the table:
In certain types of business, for example retail or manufacture, inventory will be a key audit area.
Possible reasons for the significance of inventory:
In some businesses inventory is highly material
Its valuation is subjective (lower of cost and NRV)
It affects both the Statement of Profit or Loss and the Statement of Financial Position.
When designing audit procedures it is helpful to remember what makes up the final inventory figures in the
financial statements:
Chapter 13 Inventory
3. Inventory
Attendance at the inventory count
Attendance at the inventory count is required by ISA 501.
Attendance at the inventory count provides evidence about QUANTITY as the auditor performs test counts to
check the client’s counting.
The auditor also gathers evidence over VALUATION by identifying items that are damaged, old or dusty as
these may need to be scrapped or sold at a discount.
Before the inventory count:
Review locations and count instructions
Consider whether expert help is required
Review systems of control and internal auditor arrangements
Arrange to verify any inventory held at third party premises.
Chapter 13 Inventory
3. Inventory
During the inventory count:
Observe counts for compliance with instructions
Check cut-off arrangements
Identify procedures for keeping any third party inventory separate from the client’s inventory
Perform two way test counts (see Existence and Completeness below)
Identify any slow-moving or old inventory that may require impairment.
After the inventory count:
Follow up the sample selected for test counting to check the correct quantity has been included in the final
inventory listing
Chapter 13 Inventory
3. Inventory
Audit procedures
The key financial statement assertions to address with suitable audit procedures are shown in the table:
Existence Take a sample of items already counted by the client from the count
sheets, and agree to the number of items in the warehouse.
Rights and obligations Seek confirmation from third parties about inventory held on their behalf
at the client, or held at their premises for the client.
Completeness Take a sample of items in the warehouse and count them, then agree to
the client’s count sheets.
Chapter 13 Inventory
3. Inventory
Valuation To obtain evidence over cost:
Agree costs to purchase invoice
Evaluate the reasonableness of assumptions underlying overhead calculations, and reperform the
To obtain evidence over net realisable value:
Inspect post year-end sales invoices for evidence of actual selling prices
For items not sold by the time of the audit, inspect order books/price lists
At the inventory count, look for old or damaged items which may indicate obsolescence
Review the aged inventory listing to identify old or slow- moving items, and discuss the need for
impairment with client management.
Chapter 13 Inventory
4. Receivables
The audit of receivables usually focuses on whether the customer agrees with the recorded balance, and whether the debt is likely
to be paid.
Audit procedures
The key financial statement assertions to address with suitable audit procedures are shown in the table:
Existence Obtain direct confirmation of receivables balances from customers (see next page).
Rights and obligations
Valuation For a sample of receivables selected from the receivables ledger, inspect the post
year-end bank statements to identify cash received from customers.
Chapter 13 Receivables
4. Receivables
Customer confirmations
ISA 505 provides guidance to auditors where they wish to use external confirmations as a form of audit evidence.
Auditor prepares
Chapter 13 Receivables
4. Receivables
Different types of customer confirmation
Our auditors request that you confirm to them Our auditors request that you confirm to them
directly your indebtedness to us at 30 June 2017, directly your indebtedness to us at 30 June 2017,
which according to our records amounted to which according to our records amounted to
£4,766. £4,766.
Please confirm your agreement, or notify our If you disagree with this amount, please notify
auditors of the amount shown by your records, our auditors of the amount shown by your
setting out the details of the difference. records.
Chapter 13 Receivables
4. Receivables
Positive confirmations encourage definite replies from those contacted.
Negative confirmations only request a reply if the balance is disputed, but a lack of response might
just mean the customer did not receive the request or chose to ignore it.
Chapter 13 Receivables
5. Bank and cash
Accounting knowledge
You can apply your understanding of accounting for cash to the audit.
Bank reconciliation £ £
Balance per bank statement 10,500
Less: unpresented cheques
14501 500
14502 1,500
14503 2,600
Add: uncleared lodgements 5,500
Balance per financial statements 11,400
All items in this reconciliation can be agreed to supporting information from the bank.
Valuation Agree the reconciling items in the bank reconciliation to the post year-end
bank statements to confirm they are reasonable.
Rights and obligations Confirm bank balances directly with the bank.
*The bank will require written authority to disclose from the client.
The form and content of the bank confirmation letter may vary: in addition to obtaining confirmation
of the year-end bank balances, the auditor may also seek confirmation of:
Securities belonging to the client that are held in safe custody by the bank.
The key risk is that payables are understated i.e. completeness. This means it is important to
consider the concept of directional testing:
Selecting a sample of payables balances in the payables ledger will not allow you to identify
missing balances
Chapter 13 Payables
6. Payables
Audit procedures
The key financial statement assertions to address with suitable audit procedures are shown in the table:
Chapter 13 Payables
7. Long-term liabilities
Long-term liabilities include debentures, loan stock and other loans repayable at a date
more than one year after the year-end.
It is important that the financial statements disclose the correct split between current and
long-term liabilities.
Presentation and disclosure Recalculate the split of the loan between current and long-term.
Accuracy and cut-off Verify interest charged for the period and the adequacy of accrued interest.
When auditing items in the Statement of Profit or Loss, the auditor is faced with a large volume of transactions
like sales or purchases, so the most efficient audit approach generally includes a combination of:
Tests of control
Analytical procedures e.g.
– Comparison of figures to prior year and budget
– Review on a month by month or branch by branch basis
– Using the relationship between SPL items and balances e.g. revenue and receivables, purchases and
– Proof-in-total for items such as payroll, depreciation or interest expense
Some tests of detail.
Codes of professional
By the end
. of this session you should be able to:
• identify the key ethical codes to which ICAEW members are subject and the sources
that influence them
Chapter 14 Outcome
Introduction to
ethics for
IFAC Code ICAEW Code Ethical
Chapter 14 Overview
1. Introduction to ethics for accountants
Accountants hold positions of trust with investors, managers, employees, banks and other
stakeholders relying on their work.
Ensure that qualified and trainee accountants observe proper standards of professional
Help the accountancy profession act in the public interest by providing appropriate
regulation of members.
Failure to observe the applicable ethical standards may result in disciplinary action being taken
against the accountant.
Requires compliance with the spirit of the guidance Needs frequent updating to ensure the guidance
applies to new situations
Flexible, so can be applied to new, unusual or
rapidly changing situations May encourage accounts to interpret requirements
narrowly in order to get round the spirit of the
Can still incorporate rules where necessary requirements
A principles-based approach is taken by most professional bodies, including IFAC, the ICAEW and the FRC.
The IFAC Code is issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants (IESBA). IESBA is IFAC’s ethics board.
Threats to independence
The IFAC Code identifies five general sources of threat to independence.
These are repeated in the FRC Ethical Standard along with a sixth threat, the management
threat (see below).
The definitions given below are taken from the FRC Ethical Standard so refer to auditors,
but the principles apply to accountants in general.
The IFAC Code identifies two categories of general safeguards that may be used to eliminate or
reduce the threats to independence.
Safeguards created by the profession, legislation or regulation:
Education and training
Continuing Professional Development requirements
Corporate governance regulations
Professional standards
Monitoring of professional work including disciplinary proceedings
External reviews.
Review procedures
The ICAEW website contains guidance for ICAEW members who wish to volunteer in roles such as:
Trustee of a charity
Honorary treasurer.
This guidance states that members must still comply with the ICAEW Code of Ethics and the five fundamental
principles outlined above.
UK auditors must comply with the FRC Ethical Standard* for auditors when
conducting audit engagements.
(* NOTE: The government has announced the abolition of the FRC. It will be replaced
with a new regulator, the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA). At the
time this integrated workbook went to print, the exact details of this change were not
known. For your exams, it should be assumed that the FRC remains in place as the
regulator of the accountancy profession.)
In Chapter 15 you will learn about some of the detailed requirements of the FRC Ethical
The Assurance assessment will include some questions that provide brief descriptions of practical
scenarios and ask you to apply the relevant provisions of the Ethical Standard.
• suggest how conflicts of interest between employee duty and professional duty may be
and answer questions relating to these areas.
Chapter 15 Outcome
Concepts of integrity,
objectivity and independence
Conflicts of
Threats Resolving
interest and
and ethical
safeguards conflicts
Chapter 15 Overview
1. Concepts of integrity, objectivity and independence
Key concepts
Confidence in financial reporting requires the statutory auditor to provide an opinion on the
financial statements that can be trusted.
In order to achieve this, the auditor must:
Key concepts
Freedom from
A state of mind
Implies not situations and
which excludes
merely honesty, relationships that
bias and has
but fair dealing may lead a
regard to all
and truthfulness reasonable and
informed third party
relevant to the
to conclude that
task in hand
objectivity is
Ethics exercise
In the exam you may be asked to identify the threats to independence, or appropriate safeguards, for a
given ethical problem.
Although you will need a good understanding of the contents of the FRC Ethical Standard, you
should also be able to apply common sense to the scenarios which may be useful if you forget some
of the details.
The FRC Ethical Standard covers many different threats to independence and objectivity,
suggesting safeguards where possible. In some situations there may not be any suitable
safeguards, in which case the engagement should be declined or discontinued.
The following sections summarise the key contents of the Ethical Standard for each of the
threats to independence and objectivity.
Fee dependence (non-listed When regular fee income exceeds 10% of the firm’s fee income:
Disclose to Ethics Partner
Disclose to those charged with governance at the client
Implement independent quality control review of the audit.
When regular fee income exceeds 15% of the firm’s fee income:
Cannot act as auditor.
Fee dependence (listed client) When regular fee income exceeds 5% of the firm’s fee income:
Disclose to Ethics Partner
Disclose to those charged with governance at the client
Implement independent quality control review of the audit
Seek to reduce fees.
When regular fee income exceeds 10% of the firm’s fee income:
Cannot act as auditor.
Lowballing Firm may charge any audit fee but the engagement partner should document
that adequate resources have been allocated in order to comply with Auditing
and Ethical Standards.
Fee cap for listed clients Total fees from non-audit services must be no more than 70% of the average
audit fee of the last 3 years.
The audit firm may decide to ‘rest’ the engagement partner from the engagement for a period of
time to ensure that independence is not affected.
Listed: engagement partner Rotate off after five years (can extend to seven with Audit Committee approval).
No return for five years.
Listed: quality control review partner Rotate off after seven years.
No return for five years.
Non-listed client becomes listed: engagement Take previous service into account.
If already served more than four years can only continue for two more.
No return for five years.
Listed: other senior staff Review independence after seven years.
You have now seen how the FRC Ethical Standard deals with common ethical issues.
Remember that the ethical guidance for accountants is principles based, so when an ethical
problem is identified the accountant should consider the principles as well as the detailed
The ICAEW Code of Ethics sets out a framework for members to follow when faced with
an ethical conflict.
The individual accountant should then consider the most appropriate course of action. If this is
not clear, the accountant may need to refer the matter:
1. In-house e.g. to the Ethics Partner
2. Externally e.g. ICAEW ethics helpline.
Employers outside of accountancy firms may not understand the nature and importance of
an accountant’s professional duty.
For example, an accountant may come under pressure from the board of directors to prepare
budgets which are overly optimistic in order to increase the company’s chance of securing a bank
The ICAEW Code of Ethics gives advice to accountants in such conflicting situations.
1. Try to resolve the matter internally
2. Obtain advice from the ICAEW
3. Seek legal advice
4. Consider resignation as a last resort.
Chapter 15 Conflicts of interest and the accountant
. of this session you should be able to:
By the end
• identify steps to comply with GDPR and prevent accidental disclosure of information
Chapter 16 Outcome
Risks Safeguards Disclosure
Conflicts of interest
Chapter 16 Overview
1. Confidentiality
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
Data protection
The GDPR is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy that aims to give individuals control over
their personal information. The Data Protection Act 2018 extends domestic data protection laws to areas which
are not covered by the GDPR.
Under both the GDPR and the Data Protection Act:
anyone who processes personal information must ensure that it is protected
individuals have the right to access both their personal data and information about how it is being
processed; and
personal data can only be held if there is a specific lawful reason to do so, or if the individual has
explicitly opted-in to allow storage of data.
Auditors need to be aware of their potential obligations in this area in relation to any individual whose data
they hold.
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
Risks to confidentiality
A professional accountant should be aware of the risks to confidentiality at all times.
Accidental disclosure is a key risk.
It is important to keep client information confidential:
In social environments
Within the firm
After the end of a business relationship
When changing employment or acquiring a new client.
Accountants should also avoid making improper use of client information (e.g. insider dealing).
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
Physical and electronic security measures should be put in place to avoid disclosure.
Firms should ensure that all who work on their behalf are trained in, and understand:
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
Money laundering
The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 makes it a criminal offence not to report a suspicion of money
laundering to the appropriate authority.
The firm must not advise the client they have made the report as this will constitute an offence of tipping off.
Each firm must have a Money Laundering Compliance Principal who will be responsible for making the
Examples of money laundering include:
Keeping customer overpayments
Non-compliance with a regulation to save costs
Criminal offences under the Companies Act e.g. an illegal loan to a director.
Chapter 16 Confidentiality
2. Conflicts of interest
There is nothing improper in an accountant having two clients whose interests are in
Indeed, many accountancy firms use their expertise in a particular industry sector as a
selling point, which increases the chances of them having clients who are in competition
with each other. It is important that the firm can demonstrate that their work on one client
will not adversely affect another client.
The ICAEW Code of Ethics gives advice to accountants in situations where there is a
conflict of interest between their clients:
Notify the relevant clients of the situation
Seek their consent to continue to act for both parties.
If the firm continues to act for two clients whose interests are in conflict then safeguards
should be implemented to preserve confidentiality:
Separate teams
Information barriers
– Ensure no overlap between different teams
– Physical separation of teams
– Procedures for maintaining security of paper and electronic records
Confidentiality agreements signed by employees and partners
Review of the application of safeguards by an independent partner.
If adequate safeguards cannot be implemented, the firm may have to cease to act for one or both
of the clients.