Urinary Bladder, Rectum and Anal Canal
Urinary Bladder, Rectum and Anal Canal
Urinary Bladder, Rectum and Anal Canal
anal canal
Urinary bladder The empty bladder is a
flattened three-sided
pyramid, with the sharp
apex pointing forwards to
Upper Surface
the top of the pubic
symphysis and a
Inferolateral surface Inferolateral surface
triangular base facing
backwards in front of the
rectum or vagina.
• Most of the base, or posterior surface, lies below the level of the
rectovesical pouch and only the uppermost portion is covered by
peritoneum between the vas deferens on each side.
• In the female the base has a firm connective tissue union with the
anterior vaginal wall and upper part of the uterine cervix with no
peritoneum intervening.
• In female:
• It has no peritoneal covering
• It is related to vagina
• Is covered by peritoneum in
• Are related to retropubic fat
both sexes
separating them from:
• In male: it is related to
sigmoid colon & loops of Body of pubis
Levator ani
• In female: it is related to the
uterus separating it from Obturator internus
sigmoid colon & loops of
oIs the lowest & most fixed part
oLies behind symphysis pubis
oIs continuous with urethra
oIn male:
oIt rests on upper surface of prostate
oAnteriorly: it is attached to puboprostatic ligament
oPosteriorly: it is related to beginning of ejaculatory ducts
oIn female:
oAnteriorly: it is attached to pubovesical ligament
oPosteriorly: it is related to anterior wall of vagina
1. Median umbilical ligament
2. Puboprostatic (pubovesical) ligament:
• Forms the floor of retropubic space
• The middle rectal artery arises from the internal iliac artery
• The middle rectal vein drains into the internal iliac vein.
• The inferior rectal vein drains into the internal pudendal vein, and subsequently
into the internal iliac vein.
• Males:
• -Upper 2/3 – RV pouch – coils
• of intestine and sigmoid colon
• -Lower 1/3 – Base bladder,
•Upper 2/3 – Recto
• seminal vesicles, Ductus
uterine pouch
• deferens, prostate •Lower 1/3 – lower part
Posteriorly INTERIOR
• Empty: Temporary longitudinal folds
• Commonly three folds permanent
• •Lower 3 pieces sacrum, coccyx semilunar or transverse folds
• Anococcygral ligament • Superior fold – beginning of rectum-
• Piriformis, Levator ani, Coccyges Occasionally encircles
• Median Sacral, superior
• Middle fold – largest, most constant
• rectal and lower lateral sacral immediately above rectal ampulla
• Sympathetic chain, ganglion impar • Inferior fold – 2.5 cm below middle fold
• Lymphatic, fat
• Fourth fold – sometimes, 2.5 cm above
middle fold
• Involuntary sphincter Thickening of • Voluntary sphincter Surrounds entire
circular muscle of lower part of rectum length of anal canal
• Surrounds upper 3/4th of anal canal • Consists of 3 parts – Subcuatneous
• Lower end corresponds with Hilton’s Superficial & Deep Subcutaneous:
line • Flat band around anus separated from
• Middle corresponds with pectinate line perianal skin by external venous plexus
• Internally the sphin.is separated from • Superficial part: Ellipical in shape
mucous membrane by internal venous Arises from tip of coccyx &
plexus anococcygeal raphe, inseted into
• Externally separated from ext. sphin. perineal body
Muscle by Conjoint sheath derived from • Deep: annular in shape surrounds ano-
levator ani and longitudinal muscles of rectal junction No bony attachment –
rectum inserted into perineal body
• Nerve supply: Sup.Hypogastric & pelvic • Nerve supply: Inf. Rectal br. Of
splanchnic pudendal n. Perineal br. of 4th sacral n.
Vascular supply
Blood Supply. Veinous drainage
• The rectum and anal canal are supplied • The submucosal venous plexus above the
by the superior rectal artery (the pectinate line drains into the superior
continuation of the inferior mesenteric rectal veins (portal system), which may
artery), with assistance from the become varicose, resulting in internal
middle and inferior rectal arteries, and hemorrhoids or "piles." The submucosal
by the median sacral artery. plexus below the pectinate line drains
into the inferior rectal veins, which may
become varicose, resulting in external
• Upper 2/3 – superior rectal artery hemorrhoids or piles. The unions of the
• Middle 1/3 – Additionally middle rectal superior with the middle and inferior
rectal veins are important portal-systemic
• Distal 1/3 – inferior rectal artery anastomoses.
Rectal Prolapse