Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
across networks.
If this information should fall into the hands of a
Information Security
Protecting information and information systems
from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction.
Throughout history, confidentiality of information
has always played a key role in military conflict.
In Past No or little security.
The Need for Security(Current Scenario)
Now a days Importance of data was truly realized.
Financial & Personal data
Therefore various areas in security began to gain
Typical Examples of Basic Security Mechanism:
Authenticate a User->id, pw
Encode->DB->Not Visible to user who do not have the
right permission.
Organization employed their own mechanism.
The Need for Security In Modern Life
Internet took the world by storm.
Technology Improved
Communication Infrastructure became extremely
Newer & newer applications begins to developed for
various user demands & need.
Soon peoples realized that basic security measures
were not quite enough.
Information traveling from a client to a
server over the internet.
Some real time attacks
Russian Attacker Maxim actually manage to intruder
into a merchant Internet site & obtained 300,000
credit card numbers from its DB.
He then attempted extortion by demanding
protection money($100,000) from the merchant.
The merchant refused to oblige.
Following this, the attacker published about
25,000 of the credit card numbers on the internet!
Some banks reissued all the credit cards at a cost
of $20 per card & others forewarned their
customers about unusual entries in their
Consequences of Attack
Great Losses-both in terms of finance & goodwill.
Cost of attack $20*300000=$6M
Another Example:-
1999 Swedish hacker broke into Microsoft’s Hotmail
Website & created a mirror site.
This allowed anyone to enter any Hotmail user’s email
id & read their emails.
2005 survey about the losses that occur due to
successful attacks on security. $455,848,000
Next year this figure reduced to $201,757340!
Modern Nature Of Attack
1. Automating Attacks:-
Traditional Attack: Produce Coins using machinery &
Bring them into circulation.
Modern Attack: Steal half a dollar from million
accounts in a few minutes time digitally.
2. Privacy Concern:-Every Company are collecting &
processing lots of information about us. Without we
realizing when & how it is going to be used.
3. Distance does not matter:- Attack Can be launched
from the distance.
E.g:- In 1995, a Russian hacker broke into Citibank’s
computer remotely, stealing $12M.
Although the attacker was traced, it was very
Principle/Goals Of Security
This will Help us understand the attacks better & also
help us in thinking about the possible solution to
tackle it.
These r the 4 chief principles of security.
1. Confidentiality:- Is msg seen by someone else?
2. Authentication:- Do u trust the sender of msg?
3. Integrity:- Is the meg changed during transmit?
4. Non-repudiation:- Can sender refute the msg?
Above principles r related to a particular message.
There r 2 more linked to overall system as a whole.
5. Access Control:- Who can Access what? [ACL]
6. Availability:- Information should be available timely.
Confidentiality is the process of preventing
disclosure of information to unauthorized
individuals or systems.