1 6 Runoff 2
1 6 Runoff 2
1 6 Runoff 2
Time of Concentration
SCS has recommended two methods for time of concentration, the lag method
and the upland, or velocity method.
The lag method relates the time lag (TL), defined as the time in hours from the
center of mass of the rainfall excess to the peak discharge, to the slope (Y) in
percent, the hydraulic length (L) in feet, and the potential maximum retention
(S), expressed as
L0.8 ( S 1) 0.7
1900 Y 0.5
5 L0.8 ( S 1) 0.7
3 1140 Y 0.5
Where L = longest flow length (feet)
Time of Concentration
The velocity (upland) method is based upon defining the time of
concentration as the ratio of the hydraulic flow length (L) to the velocity (V)
Tc = L / (3600 V)
where Tc is in hours, L is in feet and V in ft/s.
1 k Li
3600 i 1 Vi
Peak Flow Rate by SCS
q = 0.0021 Q A / Tp
Q = runoff volume in mm (area under the hydrograph)
q = runoff rate in m3/s
A = watershed area in ha
Tp = time to peak in hours
Tp = 0.5 D + 0.6 Tc
D = duration of excess rainfall
Tp = 0.5 D + 0.6 Tc
= 0.5 x 0.6 + 0.6 x 0.5 = 0.6 h
q = 0.0021 Q A / Tp