Earth Science Report
Earth Science Report
Earth Science Report
Hyacinth Mae V. Curativo
Cyradz M. Alim
• “Bio” means life, by this it means that the
biosphere involves every life forms present
on the planet Earth.
•It contains all the Earth’s living things (plants and
1. Aquatic Biomes-
includes fresh
water (ponds,
lakes, rivers, etc.)
and marine
(oceans, estuaries,
etc.). The aquatic
regions house
numerous species
of plants and
Some examples of organism living in the aquatic biomes
are the following:
Reptiles such as sea turtles:
Sea Lettuce:
Mollusk: Fishes:
2. Forest Biomes-
includes tropical,
temperature, and
boreal forest as well
as a taiga. Each
type of forest has
distinctive features
dominated by
grasses rather than
large shrubs or
Living organisms in the forest biomes include:
1.Electrical discharges
arising from electrical
storms in the
atmosphere resulting in
the formation of small
amount of nitrogen
oxides from molecular
2. Biological processes limited to
a small percentage of living
systems. The two group of micro-
organisms responsible for
nitrogen fixation in the soil are
Acetobacteria found in alkaline
soil and the Clostridium
Pastenium residing in acid soils.
•Nitrate (NO3)
•And, Sulfates (SO4)
The process of oxygen cycle :
Molecular oxygen (O2) passes from a free state to combine
form, the water molecules, through respiration. It is returned in
the form of oxygen (O2) through the photosynthesis. Water
molecules take part in ionization and in hydrolytic reactions.
Oxygen, as part of organic molecules in living system, may
leave the system as a combustion product carbon dioxide
(CO2). Subsequent photosynthesis convert CO2 and H2O once
again into organic molecules.
A minor source of O2 in the atmosphere is the stratosphere or
dissociation of water by ultraviolet light in the outer
Another minor source of molecular oxygen is the dissociation
of ozone.