Data Mining

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1. What You can observe from this figure?

2. Differentiate between Classification and regression

3. What are data mining tasks?
List some of Data Mining Tasks
• Characterization
• Discrimination
• Prediction
• Classification
• Association analysis
• Outlier Analysis
• Cluster Analysis
• Evolution and Deviation Analysis
2. Differentiate between Regression Classification &
• The response variable is continuous.
• For example, the response variable could be:
• Weight
• Height
• Price
• Time
• Total units
• In each case, a regression model seeks to predict a
continuous quantity.
• The response variable is categorical.
• For example, the response variable could take
on the following values:
• Male or female
• Pass or fail
• Low, medium, or high
• In each case, a classification model seeks to
predict some class label.
Differences Between Regression and

• Regression and classification algorithms are

different in the following ways:
• Regression algorithms seek to predict a
continuous quantity and classification
algorithms seek to predict a class label.
• The way we measure the accuracy of
regression and classification models differs.
Similarities Between Regression and
• Regression and classification algorithms are
similar in the following ways:
• Both are supervised learning algorithms, i.e.
they both involve a response variable.
• Both use one or more explanatory variables to
build models to predict some response.
• Both can be used to understand how changes
in the values of explanatory variables affect the
values of a response variable.
Data Mining…
• It can be defined in many different ways.
• Even the term data mining does not really present
all the major components in the picture.
• To refer to the mining of gold from rocks or sand,
we say gold mining instead of rock or sand mining.
• Analogously, data mining should have been more
appropriately named “knowledge mining from
data,” which is unfortunately somewhat long.
Data Mining…
• However, the shorter term, knowledge mining may
not reflect the emphasis on mining from large
amounts of data.
• Nevertheless, mining is a bright term characterizing
the process that finds a small set of precious
nuggets/pieces from a great deal of raw material
• In addition, many other terms have a similar meaning
to data mining—for example, knowledge mining from
data, knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis,
data archaeology, and data dredging
Synonyms for Data Mining…
• knowledge mining from data,
• knowledge extraction,
• data/pattern analysis,
• data archaeology,
• data dredging.
Data Mining…
• Many people treat data mining as a synonym
for another popularly used term, knowledge
discovery from data, or KDD, while others
view data mining as merely an essential step
in the process of knowledge discovery.
• The knowledge discovery process is shown in
the ff figure as an iterative sequence of the
following steps:
KDD Steps
• 1. Data cleaning (to remove noise and inconsistent data)
• 2. Data integration (where multiple data sources may be
• Data selection (where data relevant to the analysis task
are retrieved from the database)
• 4. Data transformation (where data are transformed and
consolidated into forms appropriate for mining by
performing summary or aggregation operations)
• 5. Data mining (an essential process where intelligent
methods are applied to extract data patterns)
KDD Steps
• Pattern evaluation: - to identify the truly
interesting patterns representing knowledge
based on interestingness measures
• 7. Knowledge presentation (where
visualization and knowledge representation
techniques are used to present mined
knowledge to users
Data Mining…
• Data mining is the process of discovering
interesting patterns and knowledge from
large amounts of data.
• The data sources can include databases, data
warehouses(data repository), the Web, other
information repositories, or data that are
streamed into the system dynamically.
Data Mining
• Therefore Data mining can be defined as the
process of extracting hidden, useful, non-
truvial, interesting and previously
unknown patterns(information) from vast
amount of data.
What is a Data Warehouse?
• Defined in many different ways, but not strictly.
– A decision support database that is maintained separately from the
organization’s operational database
– Support information processing by providing a solid platform of
consolidated, historical data for analysis.
• “A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and
nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-
making process.”—W. H. Inmon
• Data warehousing:
– The process of constructing and using data warehouses

Data Warehouse- Subject-Oriented
• Organized around major subjects, such as customer, product,
• Focusing on the modeling and analysis of data for decision
makers, not on daily operations or transaction processing
• Provide a simple and concise view around particular subject
issues by excluding data that are not useful in the decision
support process

Data Warehouse - Integrated
• Constructed by integrating multiple, heterogeneous data
– relational databases, flat files, on-line transaction records
• Data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied.
– Ensure consistency in naming conventions, encoding
structures, attribute measures, etc. among different data
• E.g., Hotel price: currency, tax, breakfast covered, etc.
– When data is moved to the warehouse, it is converted.


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