Pneumonia I Pathophysiology and Clin Presentation
Pneumonia I Pathophysiology and Clin Presentation
Pneumonia I Pathophysiology and Clin Presentation
Group :- 403 A
Name sunil Gurjar
Lower respiratory and pleural disease
Pneumonia -- infection of alveoli
(viral or bacterial)
vs. Pneumonitis -- immune-mediated
inflammation of alveoli
Empyema: purulent
exudate in the pleural
Bronchitis -- inflammation of
bronchi, may be immune-
mediated, e.g. asthma,
COPD, or infectious (usually
viral but can be bacterial)
Abscess: circumscribed
collection of pus within
the lung parenchyma
Bronchiolitis: inflammation
of bronchioles (often viral
but can be bacterial)
Microbes constantly enter airways but
many factors prevent colonization:
• mucous entrapment
• ciliary clearance
• immune surveillance
• intact epithelial barrier
• secreted factors such as:
‒ secretory IgA
‒ surfactant proteins (SP-a, SP-d)
‒ defensins
Disrupting or overwhelming these defense mechanisms can allow microbes to colonize the
lungs, resulting in PNEUMONIA 3
Eff ects and patt erns of microbial colonizati on:
w h e re a n d h ow infl a m m ati o n a p p e a rs ca n b e info r m ati ve
Alveolar Interstitial
• In alveolar lumen • Mostly in alveolar wall
• Purulent exudate of • Mononuclear WBCs
RBCs and PMNs • Fibrinous exudate
Lobar pneumonia
• lobar distribution
• “typical” CAP
• S. pneumo, H. flu.
Complicati ons of pneumonia
Pleural effusion
• inflammation leads to exudation of
fluid into pleural space
• can compromise lung function
• purulent exudate in pleural space
• necrosis/breakdown of visceral
pleura and/or spread of infection into
Pleural adhesions, lung fibrosis
Complicati ons of pneumonia