English Form 5 Lesson 1
English Form 5 Lesson 1
English Form 5 Lesson 1
family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and
other relatives.
Chapter 1:It’s personal
A single parent is a person who lives with a child or children and who does not
have a spouse or live-in partner.
Chapter 1:It’s personal
A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman, and one
or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the
man and woman are husband and wife. Another term used to refer to a traditional
family is a nuclear family.
Chapter 1:It’s personal
Family types.
1. 1. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage
or adoption.
A Family
B Relatives
C Mom and dad
D Siblings and parents
Chapter 1:It’s personal
Family types.
2. All the people who are born and live in about the same time span.
A Age groups
B Generation
C Close friends
D Family members
Chapter 1:It’s personal
London is the city. John was born there.
London is the city WHERE John was born