2.1 Learning Theories Materials Development
2.1 Learning Theories Materials Development
2.1 Learning Theories Materials Development
• Materials development in line with the cognitive learning theory should prioritize the cognitive processes of
learners, provide structured and meaningful content, support problem-solving and critical thinking, and allow
for individualization and metacognitive reflection. Regular assessment and refinement of materials are
crucial to ensure they remain effective for learners.
Based upon the work of Dewey (1938), Bruner (1966), and Piaget (1972)
Revolves around the concept that learners construct their knowledge
through individual personal experiences.
Posits that individuals actively construct their own understanding of the
world by building upon their prior knowledge and experiences.
Suggests that learning is a social and collaborative process, and learners
create meaning through interaction with their environment.
Constructivism is divided into two major schools of thought: cognitive
constructivism and social constructivism.
Key considerations for materials development in
relation to constructivism: