Most make the grade (but leave the skin high
and dry)
This boiled version of sodium salts of fatty acids is certainly one of the most essential
toiletries that ensure healthy hygiene. Not only does it remove dirt from the grimy
body, and claims to keep bacteria at bay, its fragrant properties helps one feel fresher,
cleaner and better as well. (Any Jack-of-a-few-trades person, or a jugari as we would say
in Hindi slang, would also know about its ability to fix and fasten loose zippers, tighten
screws, kill pests or slip in tight bangles… ) Come, let’s read more on what lies
inside your lthough
soap. the first recorded evidence with combined annual revenue of over Rs 1,700 crore.
of the manufacturing of soap-like A online
Various researches Consumer
indicate that theVoice
materials dates back to around 2800 Report
market in India increased at a compound annual
BC in ancient Babylon, commercial growth rate of 9 per cent to 12 per cent between 2004
soap production began in and 2009. The bar soap segment led the soap market in
around the end of the 12th century. There, because India in 2009, with a share of nearly 99 per cent.
of the heavy taxes, soap remained an expensive item
England Against this background, we decided to test
until 1853, when the tax was repealed. In the 19th popular brands of ‘toilet soap’ (not bathing bar, see
century, soap gained popularity throughout Europe box to know the difference) and see if they all comply
and across British-occupied regions. with the set standard, what all they are made of, and
Today, in India, more than 700 registered companies if they really have what they claim to be their unique
manufacture bar/cake and liquid soaps of various kinds selling propositions.
14 s
Toilet Soaps
Grades that many of you did not know coloured, perfumed, and shall possess good
As per the national standards requirement, toilet cleaning and lathering properties.
soaps are classified into the following three Mandatory TFM requirement: 70 per cent
categories. minimum
Grade 1
This a high grade, thoroughly saponified, milled
soap or homogenized soap or both, white or
coloured, perfumed and compressed in the form of
firm smooth cakes, and shall possess good cleaning
and lathering properties.
Mandatory TFM requirement: Grade 3
76 per cent minimum This is a saponified soap of firm and smooth
texture. It shall be white or coloured, usually red if
cresylic acid is added and shall possess good
cleaning and lathering properties.
Mandatory TFM requirement: 60 per cent
Grade 2
This is a thoroughly saponified, plodded soap
of firm and smooth texture. It shall be white or
Grade 2 Grade 3
Total Score
Rank out of 100 Brand Manufactured/Marketed by MRP in Rs
(Rounded off)
Grade 1 1 87 Mysore Sandal Karnataka Soaps 30
2 83 Cinthol Godrej Consumer Products 32 (121 for pack of 4)
3 82 Superia Silk ITC 16 (64 of 4 pack size)
4 78 Godrej Godrej Consumer Products 27(63 for pack of 3))
Fair Glow
5 77 Park Avenue Forever Body Care Industries 40
5 77 Godrej No.1 Godrej Consumer Products 20 (60 for pack of 4)
Grade 2 1 84 Vivel ITC 22 (70 for pack of 4)
2 82 Margo Jyothy Consumer Products 22 (40 for pack of 4)
2 82 Lux Hindustan Unilever 18.75 (75 for pack of 4)
Grade 3 1 82 Hamam Hindustan Unilever 22
2 80 Lifebuoy Hindustan Unilever 20.5 (82 for pack of 4)
3 76 Medimix Cholayil Private limited 27 (81 for pack of 3)
Score Rating: >90: very good*****, 71–90: good****, 51–70: fair***, 31–50: average**, up to 30:
◆ Total Fatty Matter (% by Mass)
The most important factor to be considered in soap quality is its total fatty
matter (TFM). Higher the TFM quantity in the soap, better is its quality. As
per BIS, Grade 1 soaps should have 76 per cent minimum TFM, while Grade 2
and Grade 3 must have 70 per cent and 60 per cent minimum TFM,
respectively. Total Fatty Matter (% by mass)
Brand TFM Declared (%) TFM Found in Test Results (%)
Grade 1 Mysore Sandal 80 80.67
Cinthol 79 80.15
Superia Silk 76 76.21
Park Avenue 76 76.17
Godrej No.1 76 76.15
Godrej Fair Glow 76 76.07
Grade 2 Vivel 73 74.10
Margo 71 71.14
Lux 70 70.10
Grade 3 Hamam 68 68.05
Medimix 60 60.41
Lifebuoy 60 60.14
16 s
Toilet Soaps
• All the brands comply with the minimum ◆ Free Carbonated Alkali, % by Mass
requirement of total fatty matter as per Standard requirement is1.50 per cent maximum.
their grades. Interestingly, all of them had more The free alkali in soap is usually made of
TFM than what they had declared. hydroxide and carbonate of sodium or potassium or
◆ of both. Alkalinity may also be due to the presence of
Lather; in Millilitre
sodium silicate or other alkaline compounds that are
Standard requirement: Grade 1: 280 ml | Grade
sometimes added in the soap. It is a usual practice to
2: 240 ml | Grade 3: 200 ml
include such alkalinity as ‘carbonated alkali’.
Lather is the foam or the froth created by soap • All brands had less than 1 per cent of free
when stirred in water or while bathing or washing
carbonated alkali.
hands. It is an important parameter for acceptability
of soaps. To test the soap’s ability to create lather, ◆ Chloride (As Nacl), % by Mass
five grams of scrubbed and grated piece of each soap Standard requirement is 1.50 per
brand was thoroughly mixed in water and the lather cent maximum.
generated was measured with the measuring
• No brand crossed the maximum permissible
• All the brands passed in the lather test.
• Higher scores were given on the basis of ◆ Free Caustic Alkali (As Naoh), % by Mass
the higher lather generated. IS requirement is just 0.05 per cent maximum.
• All the brands contained lower than the
◆ Moisture Content, % by Mass
maximum limit and hence got equal scores.
There is no specific requirement of moisture ◆ Rosin Acid (% by Mass of Total Fatty Acid)
content as per the national standard. It should not be Standard requirement is just three per cent
too high or too low. maximum.
• Superia Silk contained the lowest moisture • All the brands contained rosin acid between 0.54
followed by Margo and Hamam. They were per cent and 1.98 per cent – well within the
rated higher. maximum permissible limit.
• Medimix contained the maximum moisture and
◆ Mushiness
scored (Loss In Mass Due To Mushiness);
Gram/50 Cm2
Mushiness is the property of soap to absorb the
water and get dissolved in it. This test was done for
all the brands and the loss in mass in soap due to its
mushiness property was measured.
• Superia Silk followed by Mysore Sandal were
least in mushiness, indicating minimal loss of the
soap in wet conditions.
• Park Avenue followed by Vivel had maximum
mushiness among the tested lot and hence scored
Grade 1
Brand → Weightage Mysor Cinthol Superi Godrej Park Godre
Parameter↓ % e a Fair Avenu j
Sandal Silk Glow e No.1
TFM 16 14.93 14.52 11.36 11.25 11.33 11.32
Moisture 7 6.33 5.13 7.0 5.96 5.46 4.48
Lather 10 10.0 8.42 8.42 8.68 9.21 7.89
Mushiness 6 5.61 3.83 6 4.30 3.17 4.76
Rosin acid 3 2.01 2.39 2.56 2.36 2.01 2.33
Matter insoluble 5 4.74 4.75 4.71 4.75 4.77 4.74
Free carbonated alkali 5 4.52 3.97 4.5 4.07 4.47 4.65
Free caustic alkali 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Chloride 5 4.93 4.69 4.13 4.61 4.63 3.94
We included this test parameter as most soaps left
the skin dry. The corneometer is a modern scientific
instrument that measures hydration of skin. We used
it to measure the skin hydration/dryness prior to the
use of test sample (soap) and also after 1 hour and 2
hours of using sample soap on Day 1.
Soap was applied on subject’s ventral left arm
and then corneometer measurements were taken in
triplicate. Thereon, the average of the three readings
was taken for statistical analysis. The mean of all the
readings and its difference from baseline reading was
considered for evaluation of all the brands.
• Most tested brands left the skin dry after use.
Only Superia Silk hydrated the skin with slight
difference from baseline reading, followed by
Cinthol and Lux.
Overall, it can be concluded that most of soaps
leave the skin dry.
Grade 1
Brand→ Weightage Superi Cinthol Mysor Godre Godrej Park
Parameter↓ % a e j Fair Avenu
Silk Sandal No.1 Glow e
Skin hydration/dryness 8 8 7.21 5.9 4.93 4.11 3.82
Grade 1
Brand→ Weightage Cinthol Mysor Superi Park Godre Godrej
Parameter↓ % e a Avenu j Fair
Sandal Silk e No.1 Glow
Sensory Tests 18 12.26 12.09 11.96 11.91 11.84 11.50
18 s
Toilet Soaps
Grade 2 Grade 3
Vivel Margo Lux Hamam Life Boy Medimix
Grade 2 Grade 3
Lux Vivel Margo Lifebuoy Hamam Medimix
Grade 2 Grade 3
Margo Lux Vivel Hamam Medimix Lifebuoy
◆ Packaging | Marking | Net Weight
The toilet soap should have packing that protects
it from moisture and deterioration due to atmospheric
influences. For ECO mark requirements, the
product should be packed with recyclable/reusable/
biodegradable material.
• Park Avenue, Medimix, Mysore Sandal and
Vivel are wrapped in a poly pack and packed in
paper box as their outer covering, which protects
the soap from acquiring atmospheric moisture or
losing soap moisture.
• All the other brands are packed in laminated
paper cover.
Soap packets should be marked with the following
a) Name of manufacturer i) If with ECO Mark, quantity of TFM and water-
b) Brand name of the material and recognized insoluble matter
trademark if any j) MRP
c) Grade of material k) Standard mark if any
d) Net mass when packed • All the brands were found to comply with the
e) Month and year of manufacture requirements except Medimix and Mysore
Sandal, which did not mention their grade of
f) Batch no./lot no. in code
Soaps were weighed and compared with their
g) Total fatty matter
declared (mentioned on the pack) values. The
h) Any other ingredients maximum permissible error as per Legal Metrology
Packaged Commodity Rules, 2011, is 4.5 grams for up
to 100 grams and 4.5 per cent of declared values for
soaps between 100 grams and 200 grams.
• Hamam weighed 9.46 grams lesser and Superia
Silk weighed 8.02 grams lesser than their declared
values. The difference was more than the
permissible error. So they scored lowest in this
test. Only Cinthol was found to be above the
declared value.
• Rest all brands were within the permissible error
20 s